New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 10.1 the following new classes properties, methods and events have been added:


Class Description
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle The FormattingStyle class is the base class for the InlineStyle and ParagraphStyle classes.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyleCollection The FormattingStyleCollection class is the base class of the ParagraphStyleCollection and InlineStyleCollection classes.
TXTextControl.InlineStyle The InlineStyle class defines a formatting style that can be used to format single words in a line of text.
TXTextControl.InlineStyleCollection An instance of the InlineStyleCollection class contains all inline formatting styles in the current document represented through objects of the type InlineStyle.
TXTextControl.InputPosition An instance of the InputPosition class represents the current text input position of a TXTextControl document.
TXTextControl.Line An instance of the Line class represents a single line in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.LineCollection An instance of the LineCollection class contains all text lines in a Text Control document or part of the document represented through objects of the type Line.
TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle The ParagraphStyle class defines a formatting style for paragraphs.
TXTextControl.ParagraphStyleCollection An instance of the ParagraphStyleCollection class contains all paragraph formatting styles in the current document represented through objects of the type ParagraphStyle.
TXTextControl.TextChar An instance of the TextChar class represents a single character in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TextCharCollection An instance of the TextCharCollection class contains all characters in a Text Control document or part of the document represented through objects of the type TextChar.


Property Description
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Baseline Gets or sets a user-defined baseline alignment, in twips, of the style.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Bold Gets or sets the bold attribute of the style.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.FontName Gets or sets the font of the style.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.FontSize Gets or sets the font's size of the style.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.ForeColor Gets or sets the style's color used to display the text.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Italic Gets or sets the italic attribute of the style.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Name Gets or sets the name of the style.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Strikeout Gets or sets the strikeout attribute of the style.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.TextBackColor Gets or sets the style's text background color.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Underline Gets or sets underlining styles for the style.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyleCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyleCollection.IsSynchronized Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyleCollection.SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.Lines Gets a collection of all text lines the header or footer contains.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.Tables Gets a collection of all tables in the header or footer.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.TextChars Gets a collection of all characters the header or footer contains.
TXTextControl.InputPosition.Column Gets the column number of the current text input position.
TXTextControl.InputPosition.Line Gets the line number of the current text input position.
TXTextControl.InputPosition.Location Gets the geometric location of the current text input position.
TXTextControl.InputPosition.Page Gets the page number of the current text input position.
TXTextControl.InputPosition.TextPosition Gets the text position of the current text input position.
TXTextControl.Line.Baseline Gets the line's baseline position.
TXTextControl.Line.Length Gets the number of characters in the line including the break character.
TXTextControl.Line.Number Gets the line's number.
TXTextControl.Line.Start Gets the number (one-based) of the first character in the line.
TXTextControl.Line.Text Gets the line's text.
TXTextControl.Line.TextBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the text belonging to the line.
TXTextControl.LineCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.LineCollection.Item Gets the line from the collection.
TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle.FollowingStyle Gets or sets the name of the style that TextControl automatically selects for the following paragraph after the user has pressed the ENTER key.
TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle.ListFormat Gets or sets the style's bulleted or numbered list and/or its formatting attributes.
TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle.ParagraphFormat Gets or sets the style's paragraph attributes.
TXTextControl.Selection.FormattingStyle Gets or sets the formatting style of the selected text.
TXTextControl.TextChar.Bounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the character.
TXTextControl.TextChar.Char Gets the value of the character.
TXTextControl.TextChar.Number Gets the character's number.
TXTextControl.TextCharCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.TextCharCollection.Item Gets the character from the collection.
TXTextControl.TextControl.InlineStyles Gets a collection of all inline styles the current document contains.
TXTextControl.TextControl.InputPosition Gets or sets the current text input position.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Lines Gets a collection of all lines contained in the text part with the input focus.
TXTextControl.TextControl.ParagraphStyles Gets a collection of all paragraph styles the current document contains.
TXTextControl.TextControl.TextChars Gets a collection of all characters contained in the text part with the input focus.


Method Description
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Apply Applies all set attributes of the style to the current document.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyleCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyleCollection.Remove Removes a formatting style from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.InlineStyle.IsInheritedFromParagraph Informs about whether one or more of the style's attributes are inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
TXTextControl.InlineStyle.ResetToParagraph Resets one or more of the style's attributes to its default value which is the same value as defined for the surrounding paragraph.
TXTextControl.InlineStyleCollection.Add Adds to new formatting style to the current document.
TXTextControl.InlineStyleCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.InlineStyleCollection.GetItem Gets a particular style from the collection.
TXTextControl.Line.Save Saves the line's text with the specified format.
TXTextControl.LineCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.LineCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.LineCollection.GetItem Gets a particular line from the collection.
TXTextControl.ParagraphStyleCollection.Add Adds to new formatting style to the current document.
TXTextControl.ParagraphStyleCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.ParagraphStyleCollection.GetItem Gets a particular style from the collection.
TXTextControl.Table.Select Selects the table or a part of the table.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Select Selects the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableRow.Select Selects the table row.
TXTextControl.TextCharCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.TextCharCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.TextCharCollection.GetItem Gets a particular character from the collection specified through a certain geometrical position.