Windows Forms Ribbons

The TXTextControl class library offers classes to build Windows Forms applications with a ribbon instead of a menu and toolbars. The main window must inherit from the RibbonForm class which can draw a Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar and contextual tabs in its border. An instance of the Ribbon, docked at the top of the main window, hosts an Application Menu as its first tab and organizes the features of an application into a series of tabs, presented through RibbonTab controls. These controls then host a variety of button and menu controls, organized in groups, that enable access to application commands. Predefined tabs, such as the RibbonFormattingTab or the RibbonInsertTab support all generic features of a TextControl, so that an application with rich text editing features can quickly be developed. A Ribbon can also contain groups of contextual tabs which dynamically displays controls that are only relevant in a particular context. A group can be added to the ContextualTabGroupCollection available through the ribbon's ContextualTabGroups property.


Class Description
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroup An object of the ContextualTabGroup class represents a group of ribbon tabs which are only shown in a certain context.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroupCollection The ContextualTabGroupCollection class represents all groups of ribbon tabs which are only shown in a certain context.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.DialogBoxLauncher The DialogBoxLauncher class represents the dialog box launcher item of a RibbonGroup.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.HorizontalRibbonGroup The HorizontalRibbonGroup class represents a logical group of controls as they appear on a RibbonTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon The Ribbon class is a command bar that organizes the features of an application into a series of tabs at the top of the application window.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors The Ribbon.Colors class gets, sets or resets the display colors of a Windows Forms Ribbon control.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton The RibbonButton class is a button control which can be added to a RibbonGroup or to a RibbonMenuButton where it is stored as an item of the drop-down menu.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonChartLayoutTab The RibbonChartLayoutTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for editing objects of type ChartFrame.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonComboBox The RibbonComboBox class represents a combobox which is inherited from the System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonForm The RibbonForm class represents a Windows Forms form that can draw a Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar and contextual tabs in its border.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab The RibbonFormFieldsTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for inserting and editing form fields.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab The RibbonFormattingTab class represents a ribbon tab for setting font and paragraph attributes, formatting styles and for handling the clipboard.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormulaTab The RibbonFormulaTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for editing formulas in table cells.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFrameLayoutTab The RibbonFrameLayoutTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for editing objects of type Image, TextFrame, DrawingFrame, BarcodeFrame and ChartFrame.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup The RibbonGroup class represents a logical group of controls as they appear on a RibbonTab and is the base class of the HorizontalRibbonGroup class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroupCollection An instance of the RibbonGroupCollection class contains objects of type RibbonGroup and can be obtained with the RibbonTab.RibbonGroups property.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonInsertTab The RibbonInsertTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for inserting pages, images, charts, shapes, hyperlinks, bookmarks, headers and footers, textframes and symbols.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonItemCollection An instance of the RibbonItemCollection class contains controls of type RibbonButton, RibbonComboBox, RibbonLabel, RibbonListView, RibbonTextBox or RibbonSeperator and can be obtained with the RibbonGroup.RibbonItems, Ribbon.ApplicationMenuHelpPaneItems, Ribbon.ApplicationMenuItems, RibbonMenuButton.DropDownItems or RibbonListView.DropDownItems property.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonLabel The RibbonLabel class represents a label which is inherited from the System.Windows.Forms.Control class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView The RibbonListView class is a list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of three different views.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem The RibbonListViewItem class represents an item in a RibbonListView control.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemCollection An instance of the RibbonListViewItemCollection class contains controls of type RibbonListViewItem and can be obtained with the RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItems property.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown The RibbonListViewItemDropDown class provides properties to modify the settings of the drop-down menu, that is displayed for each RibbonListViewItem when the RibbonListView.ViewMode property includes the ListViewMode.DropDown enumeration.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonMenuButton The RibbonMenuButton class is a button control that displays a drop-down menu when clicked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPageLayoutTab The RibbonPageLayoutTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for editing the page setup and layout.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPermissionsTab The RibbonPermissionsTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for determining how the document can be edited, when it is enforced to be protected.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab The RibbonProofingTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for setting proofing options such as spelling, hyphenation or language settings.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReferencesTab The RibbonReferencesTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for creating and editing tables of contents.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReportingTab The RibbonReportingTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab to integrate mail merge and reporting functionality.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSeperator The RibbonSeperator class represents a control that provides a separator between elements in a HorizontalRibbonGroup, an ApplicationMenu or a drop-down menu of a RibbonMenuButton.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSplitButton The RibbonSplitButton class is a control that has a primary button that responds to a Click event and a secondary button that displays a drop-down menu when clicked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTab The RibbonTab class represents a tab in a Ribbon.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTableLayoutTab The RibbonTableLayoutTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for editing tables.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox The RibbonTextBox class is a control that can be used to display or edit unformatted text.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonToggleButton The RibbonToggleButton class is a checkable button control which can be added to a RibbonGroup or to a RibbonMenuButton where it is stored as an item of the drop-down menu.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonToolTip The RibbonToolTip class represents a small rectangular pop-up window that displays the title and/or a brief description of a ribbon item's purpose when the user rests the pointer on the control.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonViewTab The RibbonViewTab class represents a Windows Forms ribbon tab for customizing the view settings.


Constructor Description
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroup Initializes a new instance of the ContextualTabGroup class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.HorizontalRibbonGroup Initializes a new instance of the HorizontalRibbonGroup class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon Initializes a new instance of the Ribbon class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors Initializes a new instance of the Ribbon.Colors class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton Initializes a new instance of the RibbonButton class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonChartLayoutTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonChartLayoutTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonComboBox Initializes a new instance of the RibbonComboBox class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonForm Initializes a new instance of the RibbonForm class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonFormFieldsTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonFormattingTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormulaTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonFormulaTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFrameLayoutTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonFrameLayoutTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup Initializes a new instance of the RibbonGroup class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonInsertTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonInsertTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonLabel Initializes a new instance of the RibbonLabel class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView Initializes a new instance of the RibbonListView class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem Initializes a new instance of the RibbonListViewItem class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonMenuButton Initializes a new instance of the RibbonMenuButton class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPageLayoutTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonPageLayoutTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPermissionsTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonPermissionsTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonProofingTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReferencesTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonReferencesTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReportingTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonReportingTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSeperator Initializes a new instance of the RibbonSeperator class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSplitButton Initializes a new instance of the RibbonSplitButton class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTableLayoutTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonTableLayoutTab class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox Initializes a new instance of the RibbonTextBox class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonToggleButton Initializes a new instance of the RibbonToggleButton class.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonViewTab Initializes a new instance of the RibbonViewTab class.


Enumeration Description
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonChartLayoutTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonChartLayoutTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonChartLayoutTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonChartLayoutTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonFormFieldsTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonFormFieldsTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonFormattingTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonFormattingTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormulaTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonFormulaTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFrameLayoutTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonFrameLayoutTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFrameLayoutTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonFrameLayoutTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonInsertTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonInsertTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonInsertTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonInsertTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPageLayoutTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonPageLayoutTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPageLayoutTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonPageLayoutTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPermissionsTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonPermissionsTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPermissionsTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonPermissionsTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonProofingTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonProofingTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReferencesTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonReferencesTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReferencesTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonReferencesTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReportingTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonReportingTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReportingTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonReportingTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTableLayoutTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonTableLayoutTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTableLayoutTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonTableLayoutTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonViewTab.RibbonItem Each RibbonItem represents an item in the RibbonViewTab that is not a drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonViewTab.RibbonDropDownItem Each RibbonDropDownItem represents a drop-down item in the RibbonViewTab.


Event Description
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.DialogBoxLauncher.Click Occurs as the dialog box launcher is clicked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.DropDownClosed Occurs as the RibbonListView's drop-down menu is closed.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.DropDownOpening Occurs as the RibbonListView's drop-down menu is opening.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.EditItemTextBoxActivated Occurs when the edit item text box is displayed.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.EditItemTextBoxDeactivated Occurs when the edit item text box is closed.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ItemClick Occurs when an RibbonListViewItem is clicked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ItemDropDownClosed Occurs as a RibbonListViewItem's drop-down menu is closed.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ItemDropDownOpening Occurs as a RibbonListViewItem's drop-down menu is opening.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ItemMouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a RibbonListViewItem and the mouse button is pressed.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ItemMouseEnter Occurs when the mouse pointer enters a RibbonListViewItem.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ItemMouseLeave Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves a RibbonListViewItem.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ItemMouseUp Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a RibbonListViewItem and the mouse button is released.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonMenuButton.DropDownClosed Occurs as the RibbonMenuButton's drop-down menu is closed.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonMenuButton.DropDownOpening Occurs as the RibbonMenuButton's drop-down menu is opening.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSplitButton.ButtonClick Occurs as the primary button is clicked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSplitButton.CheckedChanged Occurs when the value of the Checked property changes.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.DownButtonClicked Occurs as the text box's down button is clicked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.TextValidated Occurs when text box's text is validated.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.UpButtonClicked Occurs as the text box's up button is clicked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonToggleButton.CheckedChanged Occurs when the value of the Checked property changes.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonToolTip.Opening Occurs as the the RibbonToolTip window is opening.


Method Description
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.HorizontalRibbonGroup.Add Adds a control of type RibbonButton, RibbonComboBox, RibbonLabel, RibbonListView, RibbonTextBox or RibbonSeperator to the end of a specific row inside the horizontal ribbon group.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.HorizontalRibbonGroup.AddRange Adds an array of controls to the end of a specific row.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.HorizontalRibbonGroup.Insert Inserts a control of type RibbonButton, RibbonComboBox, RibbonLabel, RibbonListView, RibbonTextBox or RibbonSeperator at the specified index.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.HorizontalRibbonGroup.InsertRange Inserts an array of controls at the specified index.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ResetApplicationMenuColor Resets the ribbon's ApplicationMenuColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ResetApplicationMenuTabHighlightColor Resets the ribbon's ApplicationMenuTabHighlightColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ResetApplicationMenuTabColor Resets the ribbon's ApplicationMenuTabColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ResetHighlightTabColor Resets the ribbon's HighlightTabColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ResetMenuColor Resets the ribbon's MenuColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ResetTabColor Resets the ribbon's TabColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonChartLayoutTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonChartLayoutTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonForm.SetQuickAccessToolbarStandardItems Specifies the standard items of the Quick Access Toolbar.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonFormFieldsTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonFormattingTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormulaTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonFormulaTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFrameLayoutTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonFrameLayoutTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroupCollection.Add Adds an object of the type RibbonGroup to the end of the collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroupCollection.Insert Inserts an object of the type RibbonGroup at the specified index of the collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroupCollection.Remove Removes an object of the type RibbonGroup from the collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonInsertTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonInsertTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonItemCollection.Add Adds a control of the type RibbonButton, RibbonComboBox, RibbonLabel, RibbonListView, RibbonTextBox or RibbonSeperator to the end of the collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonItemCollection.AddRange Adds an array of controls to the end of the collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonItemCollection.Contains Determines whether a control is in the collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonItemCollection.Insert Inserts a control of the type RibbonButton, RibbonComboBox, RibbonLabel, RibbonListView, RibbonTextBox or RibbonSeperator at the specified index.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonItemCollection.InsertRange Inserts an array of controls at the specified index.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonItemCollection.Remove Removes a control of the type RibbonButton, RibbonComboBox, RibbonLabel, RibbonListView, RibbonTextBox or RibbonSeperator from this collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ActivateEditItemTextBox Displays a text box to edit the specified RibbonListViewItem.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.DeactivateEditItemTextBox Closes the text box that is displayed to edit an item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ScrollTo Scrolls the contents of the RibbonListView to a specified RibbonListViewItem.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemCollection.Add Adds an item of the type RibbonListViewItem to the end of this collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPageLayoutTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonPageLayoutTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPermissionsTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonPermissionsTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonProofingTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReferencesTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonReferencesTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReportingTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonReportingTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTableLayoutTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonTableLayoutTab.RibbonItem identifier.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonViewTab.FindItem Finds a control that has the provided RibbonViewTab.RibbonItem identifier.


Property Description
TXTextControl.TextControl.Ribbon Specifies the ribbon control to be used with a TextControl.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroup.BackColor Gets or sets the background color of the group's label.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroup.ContextualTabs Gets a list of all RibbonTab objects contained in this group.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroup.Header Gets or sets the group's header.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroup.Name Gets or sets the group's name.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroup.Visible Gets or sets the group's visibility.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.DialogBoxLauncher.ContextMenuStrip Gets or sets the ContextMenuStrip associated with this dialog box launcher.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.DialogBoxLauncher.Enabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this dialog box launcher is enabled.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.DialogBoxLauncher.Visible Gets or sets a value indicating whether this dialog box launcher is visible.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.DialogBoxLauncher.ToolStripItemImage Gets or sets a 16x16 icon for this dialog box launcher's quick access toolbar tool strip item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.DialogBoxLauncher.ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over the item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.ApplicationMenuHelpPaneItems Gets a collection of all items which are displayed on the help pane of the Application Menu.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.ApplicationMenuItems Gets a collection of all items which are displayed on the Application Menu.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.ContextualTabGroups Gets a collection of all contextual tab groups of this ribbon.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.DisplayColors Gets or sets the colors of the ribbon.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.HasApplicationMenu Gets or sets a value defining whether the first tab of the ribbon is an application menu.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Minimized Gets or sets a value determining whether the ribbon is shown minimized.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.ReadOnly Gets or sets a value determining the ribbon's read only mode.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ApplicationMenuColor Gets or sets the background color of a ribbon's application menu.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ApplicationMenuTabColor Gets or sets the color of a ribbon's first tab, which opens the application menu.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.ApplicationMenuTabHighlightColor Gets or sets the highlight color of a ribbon's first tab which is used, when the mouse pointer is moved over it.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.HighlightTabColor Gets or sets the highlight color of a ribbon tab which is used when a tab is selected.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.MenuColor Gets or sets the menu color of a ribbon.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors.TabColor Gets or sets the background color of a ribbon tab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.Description Gets or sets the description text that appears on this button in a RibbonMenuButton's drop down menu when the DisplayMode property of the button is set to IconTextRelation.LargeIconLabeled.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.DisplayMode Sets the RibbonButton's superordinate display settings and gets its corresponding text icon relation rendering to the current group's width.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.IsAddToQuickAccessToolbarEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the RibbonButton can be added to the quick access toolbar.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.IsScalable Gets or sets value indicating whether the RibbonButton changes its display mode when the related ribbon group is scaled by resizing the application.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.KeyTip Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut of the RibbonButton.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.LargeIcon Gets or sets a 32x32 1/96 inch icon for this RibbonButton.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.ParentCollection Gets the RibbonItemCollection that contains this RibbonButton.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.SmallIcon Gets or sets a 16x16 1/96 inch icon for this RibbonButton.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.Text Overridden.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton.ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over the item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonComboBox.KeyTip Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut of the RibbonComboBox.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonComboBox.ParentCollection Gets the RibbonItemCollection that contains this RibbonComboBox.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonComboBox.ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over the item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonForm.HasQuickAccessToolbar Gets or sets a value defining whether a quick access toolbar is shown in the caption area of the RibbonForm.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonForm.QuickAccessToolbarPosition Gets or sets a value defining the position of the quick access toolbar, above or below the ribbon.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab.ConditionalInstructionsHorizontalSidebar Gets or sets the horizontal sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormFieldsTab's TXITEM_ManageConditionalInstructions button and its horizontal sidebar drop down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormFieldsTab.ConditionalInstructionsSidebar Gets or sets the vertical sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormFieldsTab's TXITEM_ManageConditionalInstructions button and its vertical sidebar drop down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.FindHorizontalSidebar Gets or sets the horizontal sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormattingTab's TXITEM_Find button and its horizontal sidebar drop down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.FindSidebar Gets or sets the vertical sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormattingTab's TXITEM_Find button and its vertical sidebar drop down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.GotoSidebar Gets or sets the vertical sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormattingTab's TXITEM_Goto button and its vertical sidebar drop down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.GotoHorizontalSidebar Gets or sets the horizontal sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormattingTab's TXITEM_Goto button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.ReplaceSidebar Gets or sets the vertical sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormattingTab's TXITEM_Replace button and its vertical sidebar drop down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.ReplaceHorizontalSidebar Gets or sets the horizontal sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormattingTab's TXITEM_Replace button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonFormattingTab.StylesSidebar Gets or sets the sidebar that is connected to the RibbonFormattingTab's TXITEM_StylesGroup's dialog box launcher.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.DialogBoxLauncher Gets an object of type DialogBoxLauncher which represents the RibbonGroup's dialog box launcher item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.HorizontalContentAlignment Gets or sets the ribbon group's horizontal content alignment.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.IsAddToQuickAccessToolbarEnabled Gets or sets a value whether the RibbonGroup can be added to the quick access toolbar.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.KeyTip Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut of the RibbonGroup.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.LargeIcon Gets or sets an icon for this RibbonGroup.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.RibbonItems Gets a collection of all items contained in this group.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.RowCount Gets or sets the number of rows in the RibbonGroup.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.SmallIcon Gets or sets a 16x16 1/96 inch icon for this RibbonGroup.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.ShowSeperator Gets or sets a value whether the RibbonGroup's separator is shown.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.Text Overridden.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroup.ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over this RibbonGroup.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonGroupCollection.Item Gets an object of type RibbonGroup from the collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonItemCollection.Item Gets a control of type RibbonButton, RibbonComboBox, RibbonLabel, RibbonListView, RibbonTextBox or RibbonSeperator from the collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonLabel.ParentCollection Gets the RibbonItemCollection that contains this RibbonLabel.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonLabel.SmallIcon Gets or sets a 16x16 1/96 inch icon for this RibbonLabel.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonLabel.Text Overridden.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonLabel.ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over the item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.CellPadding Gets or sets the amount of space between the cell's item and the cell's border.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ColumnCount Gets the number of columns in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ColumnWidth Gets the width, in 1/96 inch, for each column in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.Deselectable Gets or sets a value whether a selected RibbonListViewItem can be deselected by clicking into a cell that does not contain a RibbonListViewItem or clicking on it in combination with the pressed Ctrl key.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.DropDownItems Gets the collection of controls in the drop-down menu that is associated with this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.EditItemTextBoxEmptyWidth Gets or sets a value, in 1/96 inch, specifying the width of the edit item text box for an item where no text is set.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.HideItems Gets or sets a value indicating whether the RibbonListViewItems are displayed inside the RibbonListView or not.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.HideSelectedItems Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected RibbonListViewItems are highlighted inside the RibbonListView or not.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ItemsSource Gets or sets an array of RibbonListViewItems used to generate the content of this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.KeyTip Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut of the RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.MaxColumnCount Gets or sets a value specifying the maximum number of columns in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.MaxColumnWidth Gets or sets a value, in 1/96 inch, specifying the maximum column width in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.MaxVisibleRows Gets or sets a value specifying the maximum number of rows that are displayed by the RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.MinColumnCount Gets or sets the minimum number of columns in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.MinColumnWidth Gets or sets the minimum width, in 1/96 inch, of a column.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.MinimumWidth Gets or sets the minimum width, in 1/96 inch, of the RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.MinRowCount Gets or sets the minimum number of rows in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.MultiSelect Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple items can be selected.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ParentCollection Gets the RibbonItemCollection that contains this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItems Gets a collection containing all items in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RowCount Gets the number of rows in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RowHeight Gets the height, in 1/96 inch, for each row in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.SelectedIndices Gets or sets the indexes of the selected items in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.SelectedItems Gets or sets the items that are selected in this RibbonListView.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.SelectWithArrowKeys Gets or sets a value indicating whether an item is set to selected after choosing it by using arrow keys.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ShowBorder Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RibbonListView is surrounded by a border or not.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ShowItemsInDropDown Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RibbonListView's drop down menu displays additionally to the drop down items the control's RibbonListViewItems or not.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ScrollButtonsVisible Gets or sets a value whether the scroll bars buttons should be displayed or not.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over RibbonListView's scroll bar or drop-down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.ViewMode Gets or sets the mode in which this RibbonListView displays its items.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem.DropDown Gets an object of type RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown to access settings of the drop-down menu, that is displayed for each RibbonListViewItem when the RibbonListView.ViewMode property includes the ListViewMode.DropDown enumeration.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem.Icon Gets or sets the icon for this RibbonListViewItem.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem.IsEditable Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RibbonListViewItem is editable.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem.IsSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RibbonListViewItem is selected.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem.Tag Gets or sets the data associated with this RibbonListViewItem.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem.Text Gets or sets the RibbonListViewItem's text
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItem.ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over the item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemCollection.Item Gets an item of type RibbonListViewItem from this collection.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown.Items Gets or sets all items that are displayed when the drop-down menu is opened.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown.MinimumWidth Gets or sets the minimum width, in 1/96 inch, of the displayed drop-down.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown.SelectedIndex Gets or sets the index of the currently selected drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown.SelectedItem Gets or sets the current selected drop-down item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown.ShowCheckMargin Gets or sets a value indicating whether space for a check mark is shown on the left edge of the drop-down menu.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown.ShowText Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of the RibbonListViewItemDropDown.Text property is displayed to the left of the drop-down button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonListView.RibbonListViewItemDropDown.Text Gets or sets the text that is displayed to the left of the drop-down button, if the RibbonListViewItemDropDown.ShowText property is set to true.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonMenuButton.DropDownItems Gets the collection of controls in the drop-down menu that is associated with this RibbonMenuButton.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPermissionsTab.AllowAddingUserNames Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can add user names by the RibbonPermissionsTab's Add Users dialog that are not represented by the RegisteredUserNames property.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonPermissionsTab.RegisteredUserNames Gets or sets an array of strings that represents those registered user names that can be added by the RibbonPermissionsTab's Add Users dialog.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab.CommentsSidebar Gets or sets the vertical sidebar that is connected to the RibbonProofingTab's TXITEM_Comments button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab.CommentsHorizontalSidebar Gets or sets the horizontal sidebar that is connected to the RibbonProofingTab's TXITEM_Comments button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab.TrackedChangesSidebar Gets or sets the vertical sidebar that is connected to the RibbonProofingTab's TXITEM_TrackedChanges button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonProofingTab.TrackedChangesHorizontalSidebar Gets or sets the horizontal sidebar that is connected to the RibbonProofingTab's TXITEM_TrackedChanges button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReportingTab.DataSourceManager Provides the DataSourceManager that is connected with the RibbonReportingTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonReportingTab.FieldNavigatorSidebar Gets or sets the sidebar that is connected to the RibbonReportingTab's TXITEM_FieldNavigation button.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSeperator.Alignment Gets the alignment of this RibbonSeperator.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSeperator.ParentCollection Gets the RibbonItemCollection that contains this RibbonSeperator.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSplitButton.ButtonEnabled Gets or set a value indicating whether the primary button is enabled.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSplitButton.Checkable Gets or set a value indicating whether the primary button is checkable.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonSplitButton.Checked Gets or set a value indicating whether the primary button is checked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTab.KeyTip Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut of the RibbonTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTab.RibbonGroups Gets a collection of all RibbonGroups in a RibbonTab.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.DisplayMode Sets the RibbonTextBox's superordinate display settings and gets its corresponding text icon relation rendering to the current group's width.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.IsScalable Gets or sets a value indicating whether the RibbonTextBox changes its display mode when the related ribbon group is scaled by resizing the application.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.KeyTip Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut of the RibbonTextBox.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.Label Gets or sets the text that is displayed before the text box.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.LargeIcon Gets or sets a 32x32 1/96 inch icon for this RibbonTextBox.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.ParentCollection Gets the RibbonItemCollection that contains this RibbonTextBox.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.SelectedText Gets or sets the text of the current selection in the text box.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.SelectionLength Gets or sets the number of characters in the current selection in the text box.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.SelectionStart Gets or sets the starting position of the text selected in the text box
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.SmallIcon Gets or sets a 16x16 1/96 inch icon for this RibbonTextBox.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.ShowUpDownButtons Gets or sets a value whether the text box's up down buttons are shown or not.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.Text Overridden.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.TextAlign Gets or sets how text is aligned in the text box.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.TextBoxLabel Gets or sets the text that is displayed behind the text box.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.TextBoxWidth Gets or sets the width, in 1/96 inch, of the text box.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over the item.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonTextBox.ValidationMode Gets or sets the RibbonTextBox's input validation mode that is used to validate the inserted text in the text box.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonToggleButton.Checked Gets or set a value indicating whether this RibbonToggleButton is checked.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonToolTip.Description Gets or sets the description for the RibbonToolTip window.
TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonToolTip.Title Gets or sets the title for the RibbonToolTip window.