New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 30.0 for ASP.NET the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
Javascript: CheckFormFieldEventArgs.formField The check form field.
Javascript: CheckFormFieldInfo.checked The checked state of the check box.
Javascript: CommentCallbackData.addResult Indicates whether the comment was added successfully.
Javascript: CommentCallbackData.comment The added comment.
Javascript: Comment activation state.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.comment The comment text.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.creationTime Creation time as a Unix time stamp in milliseconds.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.highlightColor Highlight color as a CSS color string.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.highlightMode The comment's highlight mode.
Javascript: The comment's identifier.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.length The comment's length in characters.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.number The number of the comment in the document's text flow.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.start The comment's 1-based start position in the document.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.userName The name of the user who made the comment.
Javascript: CommentEventArgs.commentedText Information about the comment.
Javascript: DateFormFieldEventArgs.formField The date form field.
Javascript: The date as a Unix time stamp in milliseconds.
Javascript: DateFormFieldInfo.dateFormat The date format.
Javascript: DateFormFieldInfo.emptyWidth The horizontal width of the empty field in twips.
Javascript: FormattedText.comments Gets a collection of all comments in this text part.
Javascript: FormattedText.formFields Gets a collection of all form fields in the text part.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.pageNumberFields A collection of page number fields in the header or footer.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.displayColors The displayed colors of the ruler bar.
Javascript: SelectionFormFieldEventArgs.formField The selection form field.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.displayColors The displayed colors of the status bar.
Javascript: TextFormFieldEventArgs.formField The text form field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.rulerBar The horizontal ruler bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.sideBarToggleButton The sidebar toggle button shown at the top right of the ribbon.
Javascript: TXTextControl.statusBar The status bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.verticalRulerBar The vertical ruler bar.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.IsSynchronized Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.Item Gets the comment with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Active Gets or sets a value specifying whether the comment is currently active or not.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Comment Gets or sets a string which is the comment.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.CreationTime Gets the date and time when the comment has been inserted.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.DefaultHighlightColor Gets the default highlight color for the commented text.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.HighlightColor Gets or sets the highlight color for the commented text.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.HighlightMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the commented text is highlighted.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.ID Gets or sets a user-defined identifier.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Length Gets the number of commented characters.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Number Gets the comment's number.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.RepliedComment Gets the comment for which this comment is a reply.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Replies Gets all replies of this comment or null if there are no replies.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Start Gets the index (one-based) of the first commented character.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Text Gets the commented text.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.UserName Gets the name of the user who has commented the document.
TXTextControl.CommentEventArgs.CommentedText Gets an object that represents the commented text.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.AddResult Returns whether the new block has successfully been inserted by DataSourceManager.InsertMergeBlock.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs.DataRow Gets the data row which is used to supply the current field with merge content.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs.FormField Gets the already merged FormField.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs.MergeBlockName If the form field is part of a merge block, this property returns the name of the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs.Merged Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the current field has been merged successfully or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs.NestingDepth If the form field is part of a merge block, this property returns the one-based nesting depth of the block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs.TableCell If the form field is inside of a table, this property returns the containing table cell as a TXTextControl.TableCell instance or null otherwise.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergeType Specifies in which manner form fields are treated during the merge process.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.AutoBaseline Gets or sets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Capitals Gets or sets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.CharacterScaling Gets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.CharacterSpacing Gets or sets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
TXTextControl.FormattingStyle.Culture Gets or sets the style's culture.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.Comments Gets a collection of all comments in the header or footer.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Comments Gets a collection of all comments in the text part.
TXTextControl.Selection.AutoBaseline Gets or sets values specifying wheather the selected text is automatically sub- or superscripted.
TXTextControl.Selection.Baseline Gets or sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.Bold Gets or sets the bold attribute of the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.Capitals Gets or sets values specifying wheather the lowercase letters of the selected text are displayed with capital letters.
TXTextControl.Selection.CharacterScaling Gets or sets a character scaling, in percent of the average character width, of the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.CharacterSpacing Gets or sets a character spacing value, in twips, of the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.FontName Gets or sets the font of the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.FontSize Gets or sets the font's size, in twips, of the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.ForeColor Returns or sets the color used to display the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.Italic Gets or sets the italic attribute of the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.Length Returns or sets the number of characters selected.
TXTextControl.Selection.ListFormat Gets or sets a bulleted or numbered list and/or its formatting attributes for the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.ParagraphFormat Gets or sets the formatting attributes of the selected paragraphs.
TXTextControl.Selection.Start Gets or sets the starting point of selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.Strikeout Gets or sets the strikeout attribute of the selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.Text Gets or sets a string containing the currently selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.TextBackColor Gets or sets the background color for selected text.
TXTextControl.Selection.Underline Gets or sets underlining styles for the selected text.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.Comments Gets a collection of all comments.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CommentHighlightMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the commented texts in the document are highlighted.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.EditableRegionHighlightMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the editable regions in the document are highlighted.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.BorderColor Gets or sets the color of a text frame's border line.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.BorderStyle Gets or sets the style of a text frame's border line.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.Comments Gets a collection of all comments in the text frame.


Method Description
Javascript: CommentCollection.add Creates a comment with the specified comment string.
Javascript: CommentCollection.addAtPosition Creates a comment with the specified comment string, start position and length.
Javascript: CommentCollection.addReply Creates a reply to an existing comment using the specified comment string.
Javascript: CommentCollection.getItem Gets the Comment containing the current text input position from the collection.
Javascript: CommentCollection.getNextItem Gets the next comment in the text flow.
Javascript: CommentCollection.getPreviousItem Gets the previous comment in the text flow.
Javascript: CommentCollection.remove Removes a comment from the collection.
Javascript: CommentedText.getActive Gets whether the comment is currently active or not.
Javascript: CommentedText.getComment Retrieves the comment text.
Javascript: CommentedText.getCreationTime Gets the date and time when the comment has been inserted as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
Javascript: CommentedText.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the comment as a CSS color string.
Javascript: CommentedText.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether the comment is highlighted.
Javascript: CommentedText.getID Gets an identifier for a comment.
Javascript: CommentedText.getLength Gets the number of characters which belong to the comment.
Javascript: CommentedText.getNumber Gets the comment's number.
Javascript: CommentedText.getRepliedComment Gets the comment for which this comment is a reply.
Javascript: CommentedText.getReplies Gets all replies of this comment or null if there are no replies.
Javascript: CommentedText.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the comment.
Javascript: CommentedText.getText Gets the comment's text.
Javascript: CommentedText.getUserName Gets the name of the user who has commented the document.
Javascript: CommentedText.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a comment and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: CommentedText.setActive Sets whether the comment is currently active or not.
Javascript: CommentedText.setComment Sets the comment text.
Javascript: CommentedText.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the comment.
Javascript: CommentedText.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether the comment is highlighted.
Javascript: CommentedText.setID Sets an identifier for the comment.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getAutoBaseline Gets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCapitals Gets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCharacterScaling Gets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCharacterSpacing Gets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCulture Gets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setAutoBaseline Sets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCapitals Sets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCharacterScaling Sets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCharacterSpacing Sets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCulture Sets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value.
Javascript: PageNumberField.getNumberFormat Gets the number format.
Javascript: PageNumberField.getShowNumberOfPages Gets a value indicating whether the field shows the page number or the total number of pages.
Javascript: PageNumberField.getStartNumber Gets the page number for the first page.
Javascript: PageNumberField.setNumberFormat Sets the number format.
Javascript: PageNumberField.setShowNumberOfPages Sets a value indicating whether the field shows the page number or the total number of pages.
Javascript: PageNumberField.setStartNumber Sets the page number for the first page.
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.add Inserts a new page number field at the current input position which displays Arabic numbers starting with 1.
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.getItem Gets the field at the current input position or null, if there is no such field at the current input position.
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.remove Removes a page number from a header or footer of a Text control document.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getBorderStyle Gets the border style of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getEnablePageMargins Gets whether page margins can be set via the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getFormulaMode Gets the formula mode of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getReadOnly Gets a value determining the ruler bar's read only mode.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getScaleUnit Gets the scale unit of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.resetDisplayColors Resets all display colors of a ruler bar to their system dependent default values.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setBorderStyle Sets the border style of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setEnablePageMargins Sets whether page margins can be set via the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setFormulaMode Sets the formula mode of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setReadOnly Sets a value determining the ruler bar's read only mode.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setScaleUnit Sets the scale unit of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColor Gets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getForeColor Gets the color used for the numbers of the ruler.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getGradientBackColor Gets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getRulerColor Gets the color of the ruler.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorDark Gets the color of dark separators.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorLight Gets the color of light separators.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColor Resets the ruler bar's backColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetForeColor Resets the ruler bar's foreColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetGradientBackColor Resets the ruler bar's gradientBackColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetRulerColor Resets the ruler bar's rulerColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorDark Resets the ruler bar's separatorColorDark to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorLight Resets the ruler bar's separatorColorLight to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColor Sets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setForeColor Sets the color used for the numbers of the ruler.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setGradientBackColor Sets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setRulerColor Sets the color of the ruler.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorDark Sets the color of dark separators.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorLight Sets the color of light separators.
Javascript: Selection.getAutoBaseline Gets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
Javascript: Selection.getCapitals Gets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: Selection.getCharacterScaling Gets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
Javascript: Selection.getCharacterSpacing Gets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
Javascript: Selection.setAutoBaseline Sets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
Javascript: Selection.setCapitals Sets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: Selection.setCharacterScaling Sets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
Javascript: Selection.setCharacterSpacing Sets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.getAllowedSideBars Returns the side bars which are currently shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.getCurrentSideBar Returns the side bar which is shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.setAllowedSideBars Sets the side bars which are shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.setCurrentSideBar Sets the side bar which is shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar.
Javascript: Signatures.cancelSigningProcess Cancels the signature-setup process.
Javascript: Signatures.clearSignaturePad Clears the softpad for signing in the signature dialog.
Javascript: Signatures.getCustomSigning Gets whether the custom signing process is enabled or disabled.
Javascript: Signatures.retrieveSignature Retrieve signature from local storage.
Javascript: Signatures.setBeforeSubmitCallback Sets a callback function which will be invoked on submitting the document.
Javascript: Signatures.setCustomSigning Enables or disables the custom signing process.
Javascript: Signatures.setSubmitCallback Sets a callback function which will be invoked when the document is submitted.
Javascript: Signatures.startSigningProcess Starts the signature process and opens the signature dialog.
Javascript: Signatures.storeSignature Stores the signature and calls first box.
Javascript: Signatures.submit Submits the signed document.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getBorderStyle Gets the border style of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getColumnText Gets the text in the 'Column' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getLineText Gets the text in the 'Line' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getPageCounterText Gets the text in the 'Page counter' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getPageText Gets the text in the 'Page' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getSectionCounterText Gets the text in the 'Section counter' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getSectionText Gets the text in the 'Section' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowColumn Specifies whether the status bar shows the column number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowKeyStates Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowLanguage Specifies whether the status bar shows the language of the text selection or the text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowLine Specifies whether the status bar shows the line number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowPage Specifies whether the status bar shows the page number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowPageCounter Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of pages the document consists of.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowSection Specifies whether the status bar shows the section number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowSectionCounter Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of sections the document consists of.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowZoom Specifies whether the status bar shows the current zoom factor.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowZoomTrackBar Specifies whether the status bar displays a track bar instead of a simple number to show and to set the zooming factor.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.resetDisplayColors Resets all display colors of a status bar to their system dependent default values.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setBorderStyle Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setColumnText Sets the text in the 'Column' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setLineText Sets the text in the 'Line' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setPageCounterText Sets the text in the 'Page counter' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setPageText Sets the text in the 'Page' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setSectionCounterText Sets the text in the 'Section counter' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setSectionText Sets the text in the 'Section' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowColumn Specifies whether the status bar shows the column number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowKeyStates Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowLanguage Specifies whether the status bar shows the language of the text selection or the text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowLine Specifies whether the status bar shows the line number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowPage Specifies whether the status bar shows the page number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowPageCounter Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of pages the document consists of.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowSection Specifies whether the status bar shows the section number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowSectionCounter Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of sections the document consists of.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowZoom Specifies whether the status bar shows the current zoom factor.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowZoomTrackBar Specifies whether the status bar displays a track bar instead of a simple number to show and to set the zooming factor.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColor Gets the background color at the left edge of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorBottom Gets the background color at the bottom of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorMiddle Gets the background color in the middle of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorTop Gets the background color at the top of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getForeColor Gets the color used for text and numbers.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getFrameColor Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getGradientBackColor Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorDark Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorLight Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.reset Resets all colors to their system dependent default values.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColor Resets the ruler bar's backColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorBottom Resets the status bar's backColorBottom to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorMiddle Resets the status bar's backColorMiddle to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorTop Resets the status bar's backColorTop to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetForeColor Resets the status bar's foreColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetFrameColor Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetGradientBackColor Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColor Resets the separator color to its default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorDark Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorLight Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColor Sets the background color at the left edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorBottom Sets the background color at the bottom of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorMiddle Sets the background color in the middle of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorTop Sets the background color at the top of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setForeColor Sets the color used for text and numbers.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setFrameColor Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setGradientBackColor Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorDark Obsolete.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorLight Obsolete.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.addWithText Adds a new TextField with the given text to the collection.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderColor Gets the border color of the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderStyle Gets the style of a text frame's border line.
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderColor Sets the border color for the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderStyle Sets the style of a text frame's border line.
Javascript: TXTextControl.beginUndoAction Begins a user-defined undo operation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.endUndoAction Ends a user-defined undo operation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCommentHighlightMode Gets the global comment highlight mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getEditableRegionHighlightMode Gets the global editable region highlight mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setCommentHighlightMode Sets the global comment highlight mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setEditableRegionHighlightMode Sets the global editable region highlight mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByLocation Sets a new input position from a geometric location.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByPage Sets a new input position from a page, line and column number.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByTextPosition Sets a new input position from a text position.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.Add Adds a new comment to the document.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.GetItem Gets a particular item from the collection.
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.Remove Removes a CommentedText from the collection.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.EditComment Opens a comment input control to edit the comment's text.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.ReplyToComment Opens a comment input control to reply to this comment.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Save Saves the commented text with the specified format.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.ScrollTo Sets the current input position to the first position of the commented text and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Select Selects the commented part of the document.
TXTextControl.Selection.ChangeCapitalization Changes the capitalization of all selected characters depending on the settings parameter.
TXTextControl.Selection.IsCommonValueSelected Informs about whether a certain attribute has the same value for the complete selection.
TXTextControl.Selection.Load Exchanges the currently selected text with text in a certain format.
TXTextControl.Selection.Save Saves the selected text of a document with the specified format.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnCommentCreated Raises the CommentCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnCommentDeleted Raises the CommentDeleted event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCommentChanged Raises the CommentChanged event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCommentedTextEntered Raises the CommentedTextEntered event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCommentedTextLeft Raises the CommentedTextLeft event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCommentStateChanged Raises the CommentStateChanged event.


Class Description
TXTextControl.CommentCollection Contains all comments in the main text or another part of a document.
TXTextControl.CommentedText A CommentedText object represents a commented piece of text.
TXTextControl.CommentEventArgs The CommentEventArgs class provides data for the CommentCreated, CommentDeleted, CommentedTextEntered, CommentedTextLeft, CommentChanged and CommentStateChanged events.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs The FormFieldMergedEventArgs class provides data for the FormFieldMerged event.
TXTextControl.Selection The Selection class describes and handles the attributes of a text selection.


Event Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMerged Occurs when a form field has been merged.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.CommentCreated Occurs when a piece of text has been commented.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.CommentDeleted Occurs when a comment has been removed from the document.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CommentChanged Occurs when the text of a comment has been altered.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CommentedTextEntered Occurs when the current input position has been moved to a position that belongs to a commented piece of text.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CommentedTextLeft Occurs when the current input position has left a commented piece of text.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CommentStateChanged Occurs when the state of a comment alters from active to inactive or vice versa.