Javascript: CommentCollection.add |
Creates a comment with the specified comment string. |
Javascript: CommentCollection.addAtPosition |
Creates a comment with the specified comment string, start position and length. |
Javascript: CommentCollection.addReply |
Creates a reply to an existing comment using the specified comment string. |
Javascript: CommentCollection.getItem |
Gets the Comment containing the current text input position from the collection. |
Javascript: CommentCollection.getNextItem |
Gets the next comment in the text flow. |
Javascript: CommentCollection.getPreviousItem |
Gets the previous comment in the text flow. |
Javascript: CommentCollection.remove |
Removes a comment from the collection. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getActive |
Gets whether the comment is currently active or not. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getComment |
Retrieves the comment text. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getCreationTime |
Gets the date and time when the comment has been inserted as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getHighlightColor |
Gets the highlight color for the comment as a CSS color string. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getHighlightMode |
Gets a value indicating whether the comment is highlighted. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getID |
Gets an identifier for a comment. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getLength |
Gets the number of characters which belong to the comment. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getNumber |
Gets the comment's number. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getRepliedComment |
Gets the comment for which this comment is a reply. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getReplies |
Gets all replies of this comment or null if there are no replies. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getStart |
Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the comment. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getText |
Gets the comment's text. |
Javascript: CommentedText.getUserName |
Gets the name of the user who has commented the document. |
Javascript: CommentedText.scrollTo |
Sets the current input position to the beginning of a comment and scrolls it into the visible part of the document. |
Javascript: CommentedText.setActive |
Sets whether the comment is currently active or not. |
Javascript: CommentedText.setComment |
Sets the comment text. |
Javascript: CommentedText.setHighlightColor |
Sets the highlight color for the comment. |
Javascript: CommentedText.setHighlightMode |
Sets a value indicating whether the comment is highlighted. |
Javascript: CommentedText.setID |
Sets an identifier for the comment. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getAutoBaseline |
Gets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCapitals |
Gets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCharacterScaling |
Gets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCharacterSpacing |
Gets the style's character spacing value, in twips. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCulture |
Gets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setAutoBaseline |
Sets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCapitals |
Sets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCharacterScaling |
Sets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCharacterSpacing |
Sets the style's character spacing value, in twips. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCulture |
Sets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value. |
Javascript: PageNumberField.getNumberFormat |
Gets the number format. |
Javascript: PageNumberField.getShowNumberOfPages |
Gets a value indicating whether the field shows the page number or the total number of pages. |
Javascript: PageNumberField.getStartNumber |
Gets the page number for the first page. |
Javascript: PageNumberField.setNumberFormat |
Sets the number format. |
Javascript: PageNumberField.setShowNumberOfPages |
Sets a value indicating whether the field shows the page number or the total number of pages. |
Javascript: PageNumberField.setStartNumber |
Sets the page number for the first page. |
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.add |
Inserts a new page number field at the current input position which displays Arabic numbers starting with 1. |
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.getItem |
Gets the field at the current input position or null, if there is no such field at the current input position. |
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.remove |
Removes a page number from a header or footer of a Text control document. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getBorderStyle |
Gets the border style of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getEnablePageMargins |
Gets whether page margins can be set via the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getFormulaMode |
Gets the formula mode of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getReadOnly |
Gets a value determining the ruler bar's read only mode. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getScaleUnit |
Gets the scale unit of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.resetDisplayColors |
Resets all display colors of a ruler bar to their system dependent default values. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setBorderStyle |
Sets the border style of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setEnablePageMargins |
Sets whether page margins can be set via the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setFormulaMode |
Sets the formula mode of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setReadOnly |
Sets a value determining the ruler bar's read only mode. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setScaleUnit |
Sets the scale unit of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColor |
Gets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getForeColor |
Gets the color used for the numbers of the ruler. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getGradientBackColor |
Gets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getRulerColor |
Gets the color of the ruler. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorDark |
Gets the color of dark separators. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorLight |
Gets the color of light separators. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColor |
Resets the ruler bar's backColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetForeColor |
Resets the ruler bar's foreColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetGradientBackColor |
Resets the ruler bar's gradientBackColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetRulerColor |
Resets the ruler bar's rulerColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorDark |
Resets the ruler bar's separatorColorDark to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorLight |
Resets the ruler bar's separatorColorLight to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColor |
Sets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setForeColor |
Sets the color used for the numbers of the ruler. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setGradientBackColor |
Sets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setRulerColor |
Sets the color of the ruler. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorDark |
Sets the color of dark separators. |
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorLight |
Sets the color of light separators. |
Javascript: Selection.getAutoBaseline |
Gets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text. |
Javascript: Selection.getCapitals |
Gets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters. |
Javascript: Selection.getCharacterScaling |
Gets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width. |
Javascript: Selection.getCharacterSpacing |
Gets the style's character spacing value, in twips. |
Javascript: Selection.setAutoBaseline |
Sets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text. |
Javascript: Selection.setCapitals |
Sets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters. |
Javascript: Selection.setCharacterScaling |
Sets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width. |
Javascript: Selection.setCharacterSpacing |
Sets the style's character spacing value, in twips. |
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.getAllowedSideBars |
Returns the side bars which are currently shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar. |
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.getCurrentSideBar |
Returns the side bar which is shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar. |
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.setAllowedSideBars |
Sets the side bars which are shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar. |
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.setCurrentSideBar |
Sets the side bar which is shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar. |
Javascript: Signatures.cancelSigningProcess |
Cancels the signature-setup process. |
Javascript: Signatures.clearSignaturePad |
Clears the softpad for signing in the signature dialog. |
Javascript: Signatures.getCustomSigning |
Gets whether the custom signing process is enabled or disabled. |
Javascript: Signatures.retrieveSignature |
Retrieve signature from local storage. |
Javascript: Signatures.setBeforeSubmitCallback |
Sets a callback function which will be invoked on submitting the document. |
Javascript: Signatures.setCustomSigning |
Enables or disables the custom signing process. |
Javascript: Signatures.setSubmitCallback |
Sets a callback function which will be invoked when the document is submitted. |
Javascript: Signatures.startSigningProcess |
Starts the signature process and opens the signature dialog. |
Javascript: Signatures.storeSignature |
Stores the signature and calls first box. |
Javascript: Signatures.submit |
Submits the signed document. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getBorderStyle |
Gets the border style of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getColumnText |
Gets the text in the 'Column' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getLineText |
Gets the text in the 'Line' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getPageCounterText |
Gets the text in the 'Page counter' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getPageText |
Gets the text in the 'Page' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getSectionCounterText |
Gets the text in the 'Section counter' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getSectionText |
Gets the text in the 'Section' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowColumn |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the column number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowKeyStates |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowLanguage |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the language of the text selection or the text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowLine |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the line number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowPage |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the page number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowPageCounter |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of pages the document consists of. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowSection |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the section number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowSectionCounter |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of sections the document consists of. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowZoom |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the current zoom factor. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowZoomTrackBar |
Specifies whether the status bar displays a track bar instead of a simple number to show and to set the zooming factor. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.resetDisplayColors |
Resets all display colors of a status bar to their system dependent default values. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setBorderStyle |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setColumnText |
Sets the text in the 'Column' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setLineText |
Sets the text in the 'Line' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setPageCounterText |
Sets the text in the 'Page counter' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setPageText |
Sets the text in the 'Page' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setSectionCounterText |
Sets the text in the 'Section counter' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setSectionText |
Sets the text in the 'Section' area of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowColumn |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the column number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowKeyStates |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowLanguage |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the language of the text selection or the text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowLine |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the line number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowPage |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the page number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowPageCounter |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of pages the document consists of. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowSection |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the section number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowSectionCounter |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of sections the document consists of. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowZoom |
Specifies whether the status bar shows the current zoom factor. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowZoomTrackBar |
Specifies whether the status bar displays a track bar instead of a simple number to show and to set the zooming factor. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColor |
Gets the background color at the left edge of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorBottom |
Gets the background color at the bottom of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorMiddle |
Gets the background color in the middle of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorTop |
Gets the background color at the top of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getForeColor |
Gets the color used for text and numbers. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getFrameColor |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getGradientBackColor |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorDark |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorLight |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.reset |
Resets all colors to their system dependent default values. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColor |
Resets the ruler bar's backColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorBottom |
Resets the status bar's backColorBottom to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorMiddle |
Resets the status bar's backColorMiddle to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorTop |
Resets the status bar's backColorTop to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetForeColor |
Resets the status bar's foreColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetFrameColor |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetGradientBackColor |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColor |
Resets the separator color to its default value. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorDark |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorLight |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColor |
Sets the background color at the left edge of the ruler bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorBottom |
Sets the background color at the bottom of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorMiddle |
Sets the background color in the middle of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorTop |
Sets the background color at the top of the status bar. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setForeColor |
Sets the color used for text and numbers. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setFrameColor |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setGradientBackColor |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorDark |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorLight |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.addWithText |
Adds a new TextField with the given text to the collection. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderColor |
Gets the border color of the text frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderStyle |
Gets the style of a text frame's border line. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderColor |
Sets the border color for the text frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderStyle |
Sets the style of a text frame's border line. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.beginUndoAction |
Begins a user-defined undo operation. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.endUndoAction |
Ends a user-defined undo operation. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCommentHighlightMode |
Gets the global comment highlight mode. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getEditableRegionHighlightMode |
Gets the global editable region highlight mode. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setCommentHighlightMode |
Sets the global comment highlight mode. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setEditableRegionHighlightMode |
Sets the global editable region highlight mode. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByLocation |
Sets a new input position from a geometric location. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByPage |
Sets a new input position from a page, line and column number. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByTextPosition |
Sets a new input position from a text position. |
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.Add |
Adds a new comment to the document. |
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.CopyTo |
Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index. |
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.GetEnumerator |
Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. |
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.GetItem |
Gets a particular item from the collection. |
TXTextControl.CommentCollection.Remove |
Removes a CommentedText from the collection. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.EditComment |
Opens a comment input control to edit the comment's text. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.ReplyToComment |
Opens a comment input control to reply to this comment. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Save |
Saves the commented text with the specified format. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.ScrollTo |
Sets the current input position to the first position of the commented text and scrolls it into the visible part of the document. |
TXTextControl.CommentedText.Select |
Selects the commented part of the document. |
TXTextControl.Selection.ChangeCapitalization |
Changes the capitalization of all selected characters depending on the settings parameter. |
TXTextControl.Selection.IsCommonValueSelected |
Informs about whether a certain attribute has the same value for the complete selection. |
TXTextControl.Selection.Load |
Exchanges the currently selected text with text in a certain format. |
TXTextControl.Selection.Save |
Saves the selected text of a document with the specified format. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnCommentCreated |
Raises the CommentCreated event. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnCommentDeleted |
Raises the CommentDeleted event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCommentChanged |
Raises the CommentChanged event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCommentedTextEntered |
Raises the CommentedTextEntered event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCommentedTextLeft |
Raises the CommentedTextLeft event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCommentStateChanged |
Raises the CommentStateChanged event. |