Web Editor

The Web.TextControl (HTML5 Web Editor) is an ASP.NET server control that allows the integration of a fully-featured WYSIWYG word processor in ASP.NET Web applications. This control works together with the TX Text Control Web Server running as a Windows Service hosted on a Web server. The TX Text Control Web Server engine is used to synchronize the document with the server in order to provide consistent WYSIWYG text rendering. The technical concept is explained in Modules of TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET Explained. All programming elements belonging to the HTML5 Web Editor can be found in the TXTextControl.Web namespace.


Class Description
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.AppendBody The AppendBody class implements the container structure to pass data to the Append method.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.AppendDocument The AppendDocument class implements the structure of a to be appended document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DigitalSignature The DigitalSignature class implements a X509 certificate container.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo The DocumentInfo class contains document information.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing The DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing class implements an SDK to access the document processing Web API of DS Server.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings The DocumentSettings class implements the container structure to hold document settings.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile Represents an embedded file from a PDF document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.FindAndReplaceBody The FindAndReplaceBody class implements the container structure to pass data to the FindAndReplace method.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBlock Contains information about a merge block in a document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBody The MergeBody class implements the container structure to pass data to the Merge method.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField Contains information about a merge field in a document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings The DocumentSettings class implements the container structure to hold document settings for the Merge method.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings The PDFSettings class implements the container structure to hold pdf document creation settings.


Constructor Description
Javascript: SelectionFormFieldInfo Initializes a new instance of the SelectionFormFieldInfo class.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ApplicationField Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationField class.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color Initializes a new instance of the Color class.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField Initializes a new instance of the TextField class.
Javascript: TextFormFieldInfo Initializes a new instance of the TextFormFieldInfo class.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.AppendBody Creates a new instance of AppendBody.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.AppendDocument Creates a new instance of AppendDocument.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DigitalSignature Creates a new instance of DigitalSignature.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo Creates a new instance of DocumentInfo.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing Creates a new instance of DocumentProcessing.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings Creates a new instance of DocumentSettings.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile Creates a new instance of EmbeddedFile.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.FindAndReplaceBody Creates a new instance of FindAndReplaceBody.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBlock Creates a new instance of MergeBlock.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBody Creates a new instance of MergeBody.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField Creates a new instance of MergeField.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings Creates a new instance of MergeSettings.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings Creates a new instance of PDFSettings.


Enumeration Description
Javascript: InlineStyle.Attributes Determines the style's attributes.
Javascript: InputPosition.ScrollPosition Determines a position to where the input position is scrolled.
Javascript: ListFormat.Attribute Determines a certain list format attribute.
Javascript: PageBorder.Attribute Determines a certain page border attribute.
Javascript: PageMargins.Attribute Determines a certain page margins attribute.
Javascript: PageSize.Attribute Determines a certain page size attribute.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.Attribute Determines a certain paragraph format attribute.
Javascript: SectionFormat.Attribute Determines a certain section format attribute.
Javascript: Selection.Attribute Determines a certain selection attribute.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.AddResult Specifies the result when a subtextpart has been added to the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ActivationState The current activation state.
Javascript: TXTextControl.AddResult Specifies the result when a subtextpart has been added to the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.AppendSettings Determines how text is appended to the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ApplicationFieldFormat The possible application field formats.
Javascript: TXTextControl.AutoBaseline Specifies how text is automatically sub- or superscripted.
Javascript: TXTextControl.AutoGenerationType Defines the type of document link auto-generation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.BarcodeAlignment Determines the alignment of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.BarcodeTextAlignment Determines the alignment of the barcode text and additional text that is displayed inside the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.BreakType Specifies where and how a text or section breaks.
Javascript: TXTextControl.CapitalizationSettings Specifies the settings for capitalization.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Capitals Specifies whether the lowercase letters of text are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ChangeKind Specifies the kind of a tracked change.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ClipboardMode Possible clipboard modes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ComponentRenderMode Component render mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ContextMenuLocation Determines the location in the document where a context menu will be shown.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ControlChars Determines values for the control characters used in a TextControl document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.DialogBoxKind Possible built-in dialog box types.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Direction Determines the writing direction of a paragraph.
Javascript: TXTextControl.DocumentAccessPermissions Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been opened.
Javascript: TXTextControl.EditMode Determines the possible document edit modes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.FieldType Determines the possible MS Word specific merge field types supported by the TX Text Control JavaScript API.
Javascript: TXTextControl.FileType Specifies the kind of file types.
Javascript: TXTextControl.FindOptions Determines search options for the find method.
Javascript: TXTextControl.FontUnderlineStyle Specifies the style of the underline below a text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.FormulaReferenceStyle Specifies the style of references to table cells in formulas.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Frame Determines which frame borders are visible of an image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing.
Javascript: TXTextControl.FrameInsertionMode Determines how the frame of an image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing can be inserted in the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.FrameStyle Determines the style of a frame of an image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing.
Javascript: TXTextControl.HeaderFooterType Determines the type of a header or footer.
Javascript: TXTextControl.HighlightMode Contains all possible highlight mode values.
Javascript: TXTextControl.HorizontalAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment of a text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.HtmlDialogBoxKind Possible built-in HTML based dialog box types.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ImageFormat Specifies the file format of an image.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ImageInsertionMode Determines how an image can be inserted in the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Justification Specifies the kind of justification.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ListFormatCharacter Specifies the list format character.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ListType Specifies the type of a list.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MeasuringUnit Specifies the measuring unit.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeFieldTextFormat Determines the possible text formats for merge fields containing text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MisspelledWordKind Specifies the kind of a misspelled word.
Javascript: TXTextControl.NumberFormat Specifies the format of a numbered list.
Javascript: TXTextControl.PageContent Defines the contents of a page's image returned from the Page.getImage method.
Javascript: TXTextControl.PermanentControlChar Defines a control character which is shown permanently on the screen.
Javascript: TXTextControl.RelationalOperator Determines the relational operator used by some types of merge fields.
Javascript: TXTextControl.RulerBarBorderStyle The border style of a ruler bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.RulerBarFormulaMode Specifies whether a ruler bar shows cell references when the current input position is in a table cell.
Javascript: TXTextControl.RulerBarScaleUnit Specifies whether a ruler bar shows cell references when the current input position is in a table cell.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SectionBreakKind Specifies the kind of a section break.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SideBarType Specifies the existing side bar types.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SpecialZoomFactor Determines the special zoom factor values for property TXTextControl.zoomFactor.
Javascript: TXTextControl.StatusBarBorderStyle The border style of a status bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.StreamType Determines a certain text format.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TableAddPosition Specifies the position where to split the table.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TabLeader Defines how a tab gap is filled.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TabType Determines the tabulator type.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextFieldPosition Specifies special text input positions at the beginning and the end of a text field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextFieldType Possible types of text fields.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextFrameInsertionMode Determines how a text frame can be inserted in the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextType Specifies how a text is represented and interpreted.
Javascript: TXTextControl.VerticalAlignment Specifies the vertical alignment of a text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ViewMode The mode how Text Control displays a document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ZOrder Specifies how the z-order of a frame (image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing) can be changed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.PDFImportSettings Specifies how reporting merge blocks are handled when a document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.CssSaveMode HTML only.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.OmittedContent Specifies data to be omitted when the document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.ReportingMergeBlockFormat Specifies how reporting merge blocks are handled when a document is saved.


Function Description
Javascript: AddCommentCallback Callback function for functions which add a comment.
Javascript: AddEditableRegionCallback Callback function for functions which add an editable region.
Javascript: AddFootnoteCallback Callback function for functions which add a footnote.
Javascript: AddSubTextPartCallback Callback function for functions which add a subtextpart.
Javascript: BarcodeCallback Callback function for a barcode related event.
Javascript: CannotTrackChangeCallback Callback function that provides data for the CannotTrackChange event.
Javascript: ChartCallback Callback function for a chart related event.
Javascript: CheckFormFieldCallback Callback function for check form field events.
Javascript: ClipboardDataTransferAbortedCallback Callback function for the clipboardDataTransferAborted event.
Javascript: ClipboardDataTransferCompleteCallback Callback function for the clipboardDataTransferComplete event.
Javascript: ClipboardDataTransferProgressCallback Callback function for the clipboardDataTransferProgress event.
Javascript: ClipboardDataTransferStartCallback Callback function for the clipboardDataTransferStart event.
Javascript: ClipboardModeChangedCallback Callback function for the clipboardModeChanged event.
Javascript: CommentEventCallback Callback function for a comment related event.
Javascript: ContextMenuEventCallback Callback function for context menu related events.
Javascript: ContextMenuItemClickHandler Context menu item click handler function.
Javascript: DateFormFieldCallback Callback function for date form field events.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCallback Callback function for document link related events.
Javascript: DocumentLoadedCallback Callback function for the documentLoaded event.
Javascript: DrawingCallback Callback function for events related to a drawing.
Javascript: EditableRegionCallback Callback function for events related to an editable region.
Javascript: EmptyRequestCallback Callback function for empty requests.
Javascript: ErrorCallback Callback function for handling errors.
Javascript: EventCallback Callback function for events which do not have event arguments.
Javascript: FileDroppedCallback Callback function for the fileDropped event.
Javascript: FootnoteCallback Callback function for events related to a footnote.
Javascript: ForEachCallback Callback function for the forEach function of a collection.
Javascript: FrameCallback Callback function for a frame related event.
Javascript: GetDictionaryListCallback Callback function for retrieving a list of dictionary file names via TXTextControl.Proofing.getDictionaryList.
Javascript: GetUserDictionaryInfoCallback Callback function for retrieving user dictionary information via TXTextControl.Proofing.getUserDictionaryInfo.
Javascript: HeaderFooterCallback Callback function for events related to a header or a footer.
Javascript: HyperlinkClickedCallback Callback function for the hyperlinkClicked event.
Javascript: HypertextLinkClickedCallback Callback function for events related to a hypertext link.
Javascript: HyphenateWordCallback Callback function for a word-hyphenation related event.
Javascript: ImageCallback Callback function for an image related event.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedCallback Callback function for the inputPositionChanged event.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallback Callback function which receives information about a loaded document.
Javascript: PropertyChangedCallback Callback function for events related to a property change.
Javascript: RequestActivationStateCallback Callback function for requests expecting an ActivationState value.
Javascript: RequestApplicationFieldCallback Callback function for requests expecting an ApplicationField value.
Javascript: RequestAutoBaselineCallback Callback function for requesting a AutoBaseline value.
Javascript: RequestBarcodeAlignmentCallback Callback function for requesting a barcode alignment value.
Javascript: RequestBarcodeFrameCallback Callback function for requests expecting a BarcodeFrame object.
Javascript: RequestBarcodeTextAlignmentCallback Callback function for requesting a barcode text alignment value.
Javascript: RequestBarcodeTypeCallback Callback function for requesting a barcode type value.
Javascript: RequestBooleanCallback Callback function for requesting a boolean value.
Javascript: RequestCapitalsCallback Callback function for requesting a value.
Javascript: RequestCellFormatCallback Callback function for requests expecting a TableCellFormat value.
Javascript: RequestChangeKindCallback Callback function for requests expecting a ChangeKind value.
Javascript: RequestCheckFormFieldCallback Callback function for requesting a CheckFormField.
Javascript: RequestCollectionElementCallback Callback function for getNext() requests executed on collections.
Javascript: RequestColorStringCallback Callback function for requests expecting a CSS color string.
Javascript: RequestCommentCallback Callback function for requests retrieving a CommentedText object from a comment collection.
Javascript: RequestCommentsCallback Callback function for requests retrieving an array of CommentedText objects.
Javascript: RequestDateFormFieldCallback Callback function for requesting a DateFormField.
Javascript: RequestDirectionCallback Callback function for requests expecting a writing direction value.
Javascript: RequestDistancesCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Distances object.
Javascript: RequestDocumentLinkCallback Callback function for requesting a document link.
Javascript: RequestDocumentTargetCallback Callback function for requesting a document target.
Javascript: RequestEditModeCallback Callback function for requests expecting an EditMode value.
Javascript: RequestEditableRegionsCallback Callback function for functions requesting editable regions.
Javascript: RequestFontUnderlineStyleCallback Callback function for requesting a font underline style.
Javascript: RequestFormFieldCallback Callback function for requesting a FormField.
Javascript: RequestFormattingStyleCallback Callback function for requesting a style.
Javascript: RequestFormulaReferenceStyleCallback Callback function for requests expecting a formula reference style value.
Javascript: RequestFrameBaseCallback Callback function for requests retrieving a FrameBase object from a frame collection.
Javascript: RequestFrameCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Frame value.
Javascript: RequestFrameInsertionModeCallback Callback function for requests expecting a FrameInsertionMode value.
Javascript: RequestFrameStyleCallback Callback function for requests expecting a FrameStyle value.
Javascript: RequestHeaderFooterCallback Callback function for requesting a header or footer.
Javascript: RequestHeaderFooterTypeCallback Callback function for requesting a type of header or footer.
Javascript: RequestHighlightModeCallback Callback function for requesting a highlighting mode.
Javascript: RequestHorizontalAlignmentCallback Callback function for requests expecting a horizontal alignment value.
Javascript: RequestHypertextLinkCallback Callback function for requesting a hypertext link.
Javascript: RequestImageCallback Callback function for requests creating and adding a new Image object to a image collection.
Javascript: RequestInlineStyleCallback Callback function for requesting a style.
Javascript: RequestJustificationCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Justification value.
Javascript: RequestLineCallback Callback function for requesting a line.
Javascript: RequestListFormatCharacterCallback Callback function for requesting a ListFormatCharacter value.
Javascript: RequestMeasuringUnitCallback Callback function for requests expecting an MeasuringUnit value.
Javascript: RequestMisspelledWordCallback Callback function for requesting a misspelled word.
Javascript: RequestNumberCallback Callback function for requesting a number.
Javascript: RequestNumberFormatCallback Callback function for requesting a NumberFormat value.
Javascript: RequestNumberFormatsCallback Callback function for requesting an array of NumberFormat values.
Javascript: RequestNumbersCallback Callback function for requesting an array of numerical values.
Javascript: RequestObjectCallback Callback function for requests expecting arbitrary objects.
Javascript: RequestPageCallback Callback function for requesting a page.
Javascript: RequestPageNumberFieldCallback Callback function for requests expecting a PageNumberField value.
Javascript: RequestPaperSizeCallback Callback function for requesting an array of paper sizes.
Javascript: RequestParagraphCallback Callback function for requesting a Paragraph object.
Javascript: RequestParagraphFormatCallback Callback function for requesting a paragraph's format.
Javascript: RequestParagraphStyleCallback Callback function for requesting a paragraph's style.
Javascript: RequestPermanentControlCharsCallback Callback function for requests expecting a PermanentControlChar value.
Javascript: RequestPointCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Point object.
Javascript: RequestRectangleCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Rectangle object.
Javascript: RequestRenderModeCallback Callback function for requests expecting a ComponentRenderMode value.
Javascript: RequestRulerBarBorderStyleCallback Callback function for requests expectiong a RulerBarBorderStyle value.
Javascript: RequestRulerBarFormulaModeCallback Callback function for requests expectiong a RulerBarFormulaMode value.
Javascript: RequestRulerBarScaleUnitCallback Callback function for requests expectiong a RulerBarScaleUnit value.
Javascript: RequestSectionBreakKindCallback Callback function for requests expecting a SectionBreakKind value.
Javascript: RequestSectionCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Section object.
Javascript: RequestSelectionBoundsCallback Callback function for methods requesting the start position and length of the current selection.
Javascript: RequestSelectionFormFieldCallback Callback function for requesting a SelectionFormField.
Javascript: RequestSignatureFieldCallback Callback function for requests receiving a SignatureField object.
Javascript: RequestSignatureImageCallback Callback function for requests receiving a SignatureImage object.
Javascript: RequestSignerDataCallback Callback function for requests receiving a SignerData object.
Javascript: RequestSizeCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Size object.
Javascript: RequestStatusBarBorderStyleCallback Callback function for requests expectiong a StatusBarBorderStyle value.
Javascript: RequestStringCallback Callback function for requesting a string.
Javascript: RequestStringsCallback Callback function for requesting a string array.
Javascript: RequestSubTextPartCallback Callback function for requesting a subtextpart.
Javascript: RequestSubTextPartsCallback Callback function for requests retrieving an array of SubTextPart objects.
Javascript: RequestTabTypesCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Section object.
Javascript: RequestTableCallback Callback function for requests expecting a Table object.
Javascript: RequestTableCellCallback Callback function for requests expecting a TableCell object.
Javascript: RequestTableColumnCallback Callback function for requests expecting a TableColumn object.
Javascript: RequestTableOfContentsCallback Callback function for requests expectiong a TableOfContents object.
Javascript: RequestTableRowCallback Callback function for requests expecting a TableRow object.
Javascript: RequestTextCharCallback Callback function for requests expecting a character object.
Javascript: RequestTextFieldCallback Callback function for requests expecting a TextField value.
Javascript: RequestTextFieldInfoArrayCallback Callback function for requests retrieving an array of TextFieldInfo objects.
Javascript: RequestTextFieldsCallback Callback function for requesting an array of text field objects.
Javascript: RequestTextFormFieldCallback Callback function for requesting a TextFormField.
Javascript: RequestTextFrameCallback Callback function for requests creating and adding a new TextFrame object to a text frame collection.
Javascript: RequestTextPartCallback Callback function for requests expecting a FormattedText object.
Javascript: RequestTextPartsCallback Callback function for requesting an array of text part objects.
Javascript: RequestTextTypeCallback Callback function for requests expecting a text type.
Javascript: RequestTrackedChangeCallback Callback function for requests expecting a TrackedChange value.
Javascript: RequestVerticalAlignmentCallback Callback function for requests expecting a vertical alignment value.
Javascript: RequestViewModeCallback Callback function for requests expecting a ViewMode object.
Javascript: RibbonTabIndexChangedCallback Callback function for the ribbonTabIndexChanged event.
Javascript: RibbonTabLoadedCallback Callback function for the ribbonTabLoaded event.
Javascript: RibbonTabsLoadedCallback Callback function for the ribbonTabsLoaded event.
Javascript: SaveDocumentCallback Callback function receiving the document data when saving a document or a selection.
Javascript: SaveDocumentResultCallback Callback function for functions saving document data.
Javascript: SaveUserDictionaryCallback Callback function for saving a user dictionary via TXTextControl.Proofing.saveUserDictionary.
Javascript: SelectionFormFieldCallback Callback function for selection form field events.
Javascript: SideBarTypeRequestCallback Callback function for requests expectiong a SideBarType value.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCallback Callback function for an event related to a signature field.
Javascript: SpellCheckTextCallback Callback function for a spell check related event.
Javascript: SubTextPartCallback Callback function for SubTextPart related events.
Javascript: TableCallback Callback function for table events.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCallback Callback function for table of contents related events.
Javascript: TextControlChangedCallback Callback function for the textControlChanged event.
Javascript: TextControlLoadedCallback Callback function for the textControlLoaded event.
Javascript: TextDroppedCallback Callback function for the textDropped event.
Javascript: TextFieldCallback Callback function for text field related events.
Javascript: TextFormFieldCallback Callback function for textform field events.
Javascript: TextFrameCallback Callback function for a text frame related event.
Javascript: TextPastedCallback Callback function for the textPasted event.
Javascript: TextViewLocationChangedCallback Callback function for the textViewLocationChanged event.
Javascript: TrackedChangeCallback Callback function for events related to a tracked change.
Javascript: WebSocketClosedCallback Callback function for the webSocketClosed event.
Javascript: ZoomFactorChangedCallback Callback function for the zoomFactorChanged event.


Method Description
Javascript: ApplicationField.getFormat Gets the field's format.
Javascript: ApplicationField.getParameters Gets the field' parameters.
Javascript: ApplicationField.getTypeName Gets the field's type name.
Javascript: ApplicationField.setFormat Sets the field's format.
Javascript: ApplicationField.setParameters Sets the field's parameters.
Javascript: ApplicationField.setTypeName Sets the field's type name.
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.add Inserts a new application field at the current input position.
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.getItem Gets the field at the current input position or null, if there is no such field at the current input position.
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.remove Removes a field of the type ApplicationField from a TX Text Control document.
Javascript: Barcode.getAdditionalText Gets an additional text that is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.getAlignment Gets the alignment of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: Barcode.getAngle Gets the angle of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: Barcode.getBackColor Gets the background color of the barcode control.
Javascript: Barcode.getBarcodeType Gets the type of barcode that is rendered.
Javascript: Barcode.getForeColor Gets the foreground color of the barcode control.
Javascript: Barcode.getShowText Gets a value indicating whether the encrypted barcode text value is displayed below or above the barcode image or not.
Javascript: Barcode.getText Gets the text encrypted by the barcode.
Javascript: Barcode.getTextAlignment Gets a value indicating whether the barcode text and additional text is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.getUpperTextLength Gets the maximum text length.
Javascript: Barcode.saveImage Saves the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.setAdditionalText Sets an additional text that is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.setAlignment Sets the alignment of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: Barcode.setAngle Sets the angle of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: Barcode.setBackColor Sets the background color for the barcode control.
Javascript: Barcode.setBarcodeType Sets the type of barcode that is rendered.
Javascript: Barcode.setForeColor Sets the foreground color for the barcode control.
Javascript: Barcode.setShowText Sets a value indicating whether the encrypted barcode text value is displayed below or above the barcode image or not.
Javascript: Barcode.setText Sets the text the barcode should encrypt.
Javascript: Barcode.setTextAlignment Sets a value indicating whether the barcode text and additional text is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.setUpperTextLength Sets the maximum text length.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAnchored Creates and inserts a new barcode which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation Inserts a new barcode which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument Creates and inserts a new barcode which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addInline Creates and inserts a new barcode inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addWithMouse Inserts a barcode with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.getItem Gets the barcode selected by the user or the barcode with the specified identifier.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.getItemByName Gets the barcode with the specified name.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.remove Removes a barcode.
Javascript: BarcodeFrame.refresh Refreshes the barcode.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.getHasCheckValue Gets a value indicating whether the currently used barcode type includes a check value.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.getShowCheckValue Gets a value indicating whether the check value of the currently used barcode type is shown with the encrypted barcode text value.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.setHasCheckValue Sets a value indicating whether the currently used barcode type includes a check value.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.setShowCheckValue Sets or sets a value indicating whether the check value of the currently used barcode type is shown with the encrypted barcode text value.
Javascript: CheckFormField.getChecked Gets a value indicating whether the checkbox is in the checked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.getCheckedCharacter Gets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the checked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.getUncheckedCharacter Gets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.setChecked Sets a value indicating whether the checkbox is in the checked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.setCheckedCharacter Sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the checked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.setUncheckedCharacter Sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state.
Javascript: Collection.elementAt Returns the element at a specified index in the collection.
Javascript: Collection.forEach Executes a callback function for each element.
Javascript: Collection.getCount Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
Javascript: CommentCollection.add Creates a comment with the specified comment string.
Javascript: CommentCollection.addAtPosition Creates a comment with the specified comment string, start position and length.
Javascript: CommentCollection.addReply Creates a reply to an existing comment using the specified comment string.
Javascript: CommentCollection.getItem Gets the Comment containing the current text input position from the collection.
Javascript: CommentCollection.getNextItem Gets the next comment in the text flow.
Javascript: CommentCollection.getPreviousItem Gets the previous comment in the text flow.
Javascript: CommentCollection.remove Removes a comment from the collection.
Javascript: CommentedText.getActive Gets whether the comment is currently active or not.
Javascript: CommentedText.getComment Retrieves the comment text.
Javascript: CommentedText.getCreationTime Gets the date and time when the comment has been inserted as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
Javascript: CommentedText.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the comment as a CSS color string.
Javascript: CommentedText.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether the comment is highlighted.
Javascript: CommentedText.getID Gets an identifier for a comment.
Javascript: CommentedText.getLength Gets the number of characters which belong to the comment.
Javascript: CommentedText.getNumber Gets the comment's number.
Javascript: CommentedText.getRepliedComment Gets the comment for which this comment is a reply.
Javascript: CommentedText.getReplies Gets all replies of this comment or null if there are no replies.
Javascript: CommentedText.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the comment.
Javascript: CommentedText.getText Gets the comment's text.
Javascript: CommentedText.getUserName Gets the name of the user who has commented the document.
Javascript: CommentedText.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a comment and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: CommentedText.setActive Sets whether the comment is currently active or not.
Javascript: CommentedText.setComment Sets the comment text.
Javascript: CommentedText.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the comment.
Javascript: CommentedText.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether the comment is highlighted.
Javascript: CommentedText.setID Sets an identifier for the comment.
Javascript: DateFormField.getDate Gets the DateFormField's date.
Javascript: DateFormField.getDateFormat Gets the date's format.
Javascript: DateFormField.getEmptyWidth Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the date formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: DateFormField.getSupportedDateFormats Gets an array of format picture strings which can be used to format the date.
Javascript: DateFormField.setDate Sets the DateFormField's date.
Javascript: DateFormField.setDateFormat Sets the date's format.
Javascript: DateFormField.setEmptyWidth Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the date formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: DocumentLink.getAutoGenerationType Gets the type of auto-generation.
Javascript: DocumentLink.getDocumentTarget Gets an object of the type DocumentTarget specifying to where the link points.
Javascript: DocumentLink.setDocumentTarget Sets an object of the type DocumentTarget specifying to where the link points.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.add Adds a new document link to the collection.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.clear Removes all document links from the collection.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.getItem Gets the document link at the current text input position or the document link with the specified id.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.remove Removes the link from the collection.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.getAuthor Gets the author of the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.getCreationDate Gets the document's creation date as a unix timestamp.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.getCreatorApplication Gets the application, which has created the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.getDocumentBasePath Gets a file path that is used to search for resources like images or hypertext links.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.getDocumentKeywords Gets the current document's keywords.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.getDocumentSubject Gets the subject string of the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.getDocumentTitle Gets the title string of the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.getUserDefinedDocumentProperties Gets an object with all user-defined document properties contained in the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.setAuthor Sets the author of the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.setCreationDate Sets the document's creation date as a unix timestamp.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.setCreatorApplication Sets the application, which has created the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.setDocumentBasePath Sets a file path that is used to search for resources like images or hypertext links.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.setDocumentKeywords Sets the current document's keywords.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.setDocumentSubject Sets the subject string of the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.setDocumentTitle Sets the title string of the current document.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.setUserDefinedDocumentProperties Sets an object with all user-defined document properties contained in the current document.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getAutoGenerationType Gets the type of auto-generation.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getDeleteable Gets whether a document target can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getID Gets an identifier for a document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getName Relates a user-defined name to a document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getNumber Gets the one-based number of the document target in the document.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getStart Gets the first character position (one-based) of a document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getTargetName Gets the name of the document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of the document target and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setDeleteable Sets whether a document target can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setID Sets an identifier for the document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setName Sets the name of a document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setTargetName Sets the name of the document target.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.add Adds a new document target to the collection.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.clear Removes all document targets from the collection.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new document target can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.getItem Gets the document target at the current text input position or the document target with the specified id.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.remove Removes the target from the collection.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether the editable region is highlighted.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getID Gets an identifier for a editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getLength Gets the number of characters which belong to the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getText Gets the editable region's text.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getUserName Gets the name of the user who can edit the region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.save Saves this editable region in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: EditableRegion.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of an editable region and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: EditableRegion.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether the editable region is highlighted.
Javascript: EditableRegion.setID Sets an identifier for the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.setUserName Sets the name of the user who can edit the region.
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.add Adds a new editable region to the document.
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.getItems Gets all editable regions at the current text input position.
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.remove Removes an editable region from the collection.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.getCreationDate Gets the file's creation date as a unix timestamp.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.getData Gets the file's data as a base64 string.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.getDescription Gets an optional file description.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.getFileName Gets the file's name.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.getLastModificationDate Gets the date the file was last modified as a unix timestamp.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.getMIMEType Gets an optional string specifying the file's type using types specified through the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) specification.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.getRelationship PDF/A only.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.setCreationDate Sets the file's creation date as a unix timestamp.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.setDescription Sets an optional file description.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.setLastModificationDate Sets the date the file was last modified as a unix timestamp.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.setMIMEType Sets an optional string specifying the file's type using types specified through the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) specification.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile.setRelationship PDF/A only.
Javascript: EmbeddedFileCollection.addBinaryFile Adds an embedded binary file to the collection.
Javascript: EmbeddedFileCollection.addTextFile Adds an embedded text file to the collection.
Javascript: EmbeddedFileCollection.removeElementAt Removes the embedded file at the given index.
Javascript: Footnote.edit Sets the current text input position in the footnote section at the end of the current footnote text, so that the text can be edited or formatted.
Javascript: Footnote.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the reference mark and the footnote mark.
Javascript: Footnote.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether the reference mark and the footnote mark is highlighted.
Javascript: Footnote.getID Gets a user-defined identifier.
Javascript: Footnote.getName Gets the footnote's name.
Javascript: Footnote.getNumber Gets the footnote's number in the text.
Javascript: Footnote.getReferenceMarkLength Gets the number of characters the reference mark consists of.
Javascript: Footnote.getReferenceMarkStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character of the footnote's reference mark.
Javascript: Footnote.scrollTo Scrolls the beginning of the footnote mark into the visible part of the document using a default position depending on the previous position.
Javascript: Footnote.scrollToPosition Scrolls the beginning of the footnote mark into the visible part of the document using the specified position.
Javascript: Footnote.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the reference mark and the footnote mark.
Javascript: Footnote.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether the reference mark and the footnote mark is highlighted.
Javascript: Footnote.setID Sets a user-defined identifier.
Javascript: Footnote.setName Sets a name for the footnote.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.add Adds a new footnote with the given text to the document at the current input position.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.getDefaultFootnoteHighlightColor Gets the default highlight color for the reference mark and the footnote mark.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether all the footnote numbers, reference marks as well as footnote marks, in the document are highlighted.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.getNumberFormat Gets the footnotes' number format.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.getStartNumber Gets the number for the first footnote.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.remove Removes a footnote from a Text Control document.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether all the footnote numbers, reference marks as well as footnote marks, in the document are highlighted.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.setNumberFormat Sets the footnotes' number format.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection.setStartNumber Sets the number for the first footnote.
Javascript: FormField.getEnabled Gets a value indicating whether the form field is enabled.
Javascript: FormField.setEnabled Sets a value indicating whether the form field is enabled.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addCheckFormField Adds a new CheckFormField.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addDateFormField Adds a new DateFormField.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addSelectionFormField Adds a new SelectionFormField.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addTextFormField Adds a new TextFormField.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.getItem Gets the form field at the current text input position or the form field with the specified id.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.remove Removes the form field from the Text Control document.
Javascript: FormattedText.find Finds a text string.
Javascript: FormattedText.getTextFieldsByType Returns an array of static text field information objects.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.apply Applies all set attributes of the style to the current document.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getAutoBaseline Gets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBaseline Gets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBaseStyle Gets the FormattingStyle which is the base style of this style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBold Gets the bold attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCapitals Gets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCharacterScaling Gets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCharacterSpacing Gets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getCulture Gets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getFontName Gets the font of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getFontSize Gets the font's size of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getForeColor Gets the style's color used to display the text.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getItalic Gets the italic attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getName Gets the name of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getStrikeout Gets the strikeout attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getTextBackColor Gets the style's text background color.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getUnderline Gets the underlining styles for the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setAutoBaseline Sets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setBaseline Sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setBold Sets the bold attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCapitals Sets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCharacterScaling Sets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCharacterSpacing Sets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setCulture Sets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setFontName Sets the font of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setFontSize Sets the font's size of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setForeColor Sets the style's color used to display the text.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setItalic Sets the italic attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setName Sets the name of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setStrikeout Sets the strikeout attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setTextBackColor Sets the style's text background color.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setUnderline Sets the underlining styles for the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyleCollection.remove Removes a formatting style from the collection.
Javascript: FrameBase.changeZOrder Changes the frame's z-order.
Javascript: FrameBase.getAlignment Gets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
Javascript: FrameBase.getBounds Gets the frame's bounding rectangle relative to the upper left corner of the document.
Javascript: FrameBase.getID Gets an identifier for the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.getInsertionMode Gets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.getLocation Gets, in twips, the frame's current location.
Javascript: FrameBase.getMoveable Gets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: FrameBase.getName Gets the name for the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.getSize Gets the frame's size in twips.
Javascript: FrameBase.getSizeable Gets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: FrameBase.getTextDistances Gets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
Javascript: FrameBase.getTextPosition Gets the frame's character position in the document's text (one-based).
Javascript: FrameBase.setAlignment Sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
Javascript: FrameBase.setID Sets an identifier for the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.setInsertionMode Sets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.setLocation Sets, in twips, the frame's current location.
Javascript: FrameBase.setMoveable Sets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: FrameBase.setName Sets a name for the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.setSize Sets the frame's size in twips.
Javascript: FrameBase.setSizeable Sets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: FrameBase.setTextDistances Sets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
Javascript: FrameBaseCollection.clear Removes all objects from the collection and from the document.
Javascript: FrameCollection.getItem Gets the frame selected by the user or the frame with the specified identifier.
Javascript: FrameCollection.getItemByName Gets the frame with the specified name.
Javascript: FrameCollection.remove Removes a frame from a Text Control document.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.activate Activates the this header or footer.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.deactivate Deactivates the this header or footer.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getConnectedToPrevious Gets a value specifying whether the header or footer is connected with the header or footer of the previous section.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of a header or footer to the top or bottom of the page.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getType Gets the type of the header or footer.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.setConnectedToPrevious Sets a value specifying whether the header or footer is connected with the header or footer of the previous section.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.setDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of a header or footer to the top or bottom of the page.
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.add Adds a new header or footer to a document or to a certain section of the document.
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.getItem Gets a particular header or footer from the collection.
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.remove Removes a header or footer from the document or from a certain section.
Javascript: HypertextLink.getTarget Gets a string that specifies the target to where the hypertext link points.
Javascript: HypertextLink.setTarget Sets a string that specifies the target to where the hypertext link points.
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.add Inserts a new hypertext link at the current input position.
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.getItem Gets the hypertext link with the specified id.
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.remove Removes a hypertext link from a Text Control document.
Javascript: Image.getHorizontalScaling Gets an images's horizontal scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: Image.getVerticalScaling Gets an images's vertical scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: Image.setHorizontalScaling Sets an images's horizontal scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: Image.setVerticalScaling Sets an images's vertical scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAnchored Creates and inserts a new image which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation Inserts a new image which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPosition Obsolete.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument Creates and inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addInline Creates and inserts a new image inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character.
Javascript: ImageCollection.getItem Gets the image selected by the user or the image with the specified identifier.
Javascript: ImageCollection.getItemByName Gets the image with the specified name.
Javascript: ImageCollection.remove Removes an image from a Text Control document.
Javascript: InlineStyle.isInheritedFromParagraph Informs about whether one or more of the style's attributes are inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
Javascript: InlineStyle.resetToParagraph Resets one or more of the style's attributes to its default value which is the same value as defined for the surrounding paragraph.
Javascript: InlineStyleCollection.add Adds a new style to the current document.
Javascript: InlineStyleCollection.getItem Gets a style from the collection by the style's name.
Javascript: InputFormat.addEventListener The addEventListener function registers event listener functions on the InputFormat object.
Javascript: InputFormat.getAllFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBold Gets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBottomAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBottomDistance Gets bottom's paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBoxFrame Gets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBulletCharacter Gets the bullet character at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBulletedList Gets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getCentered Gets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFontFamily Gets the font family at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFontSize Gets the font's size, in points, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameFillColor Gets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameLineColor Gets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameLineWidth Gets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getHangingIndent Gets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getInnerHorizontalFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getInnerVerticalFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getItalic Gets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getJustified Gets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftIndent Gets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftToRight Gets a value specifying whether the writung direction is left-to-right at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLinespacing Gets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberedList Gets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberedListFormat Gets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberFormats Gets an array of all supported number formats for numbered and structured lists.
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightIndent Gets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightToLeft Gets a value specifying whether the writing direction is right-to-left at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStrikeout Gets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStructuredList Gets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStructuredListFormat Gets the number format for a structured list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStructureLevel Gets the structure level of all selected paragraphs.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStyleName Gets the formatting style name at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStyleNames Returns an array of the names of all formatting styles, the document contains.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSubscript Gets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSuperscript Gets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedFontFamilies Returns an array of strings specifying all supported fonts.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedFontSizes Gets an array of strings specifying all possible font sizes for the font at the text input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedUnderlineStyles Gets an array of all supported underline styles.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTextBackColor Gets the color used to display the text's background color at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTextColor Gets the color used to display the text at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopDistance Gets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getUnderline Gets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getUnderlineStyle Gets a value specifying the style at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getVerticallyCentered Gets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.removeEventListener The removeListener function removes the specified event listener from the InputFormat object.
Javascript: InputFormat.setAllFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBold Sets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBottomAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBottomDistance Sets a bottom paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBoxFrame Sets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBulletCharacter Sets the bullet character at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBulletedList Sets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setCentered Sets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFontFamily Sets the font family at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFontSize Sets the font's size, in points, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameFillColor Sets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameLineColor Sets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameLineWidth Sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setHangingIndent Sets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setInnerHorizontalFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setInnerVerticalFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setItalic Sets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setJustified Sets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftIndent Sets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftToRight Sets a value specifying whether the writung direction is left-to-right at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLinespacing Sets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setNumberedList Sets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setNumberedListFormat Sets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightIndent Sets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightToLeft Sets a value specifying whether the writing direction is right-to-left at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStrikeout Sets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStructuredList Sets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStructuredListFormat Sets the number format for a structured list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStructureLevel Sets the structure level of all selected paragraphs.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStyleName Sets the formatting style name at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setSubscript Sets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setSuperscript Sets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTextBackColor Sets the color used to display the text background color at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTextColor Sets the color used to display the text at the current input position as a CSS color string.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopDistance Sets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setUnderline Sets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setUnderlineStyle Sets a value specifying the style at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setVerticallyCentered Sets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getCaretSize Gets the size of the caret, in pixels, at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getColumn Gets the column number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getInactiveMarker Gets whether the current text input position when the TextControl is inactive and the blinking caret is not visible.
Javascript: InputPosition.getLine Gets the line number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getLocation Gets the geometric location of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getPage Gets the page number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getPageInSection Gets the page number in the section containing the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getSection Gets the section number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getTextPosition Gets the text position of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.scrollTo Scrolls the contents of a Text Control so that the current input position becomes visible.
Javascript: InputPosition.setInactiveMarker Sets whether the current text input position when the TextControl is inactive and the blinking caret is not visible.
Javascript: Line.getBaseline Gets the line's baseline position.
Javascript: Line.getLength Gets the number of characters in the line including the break character.
Javascript: Line.getNumber Gets the line's number.
Javascript: Line.getPage Gets the number of the page to which the line belongs.
Javascript: Line.getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the first character in the line.
Javascript: Line.getText Gets the line's text.
Javascript: Line.getTextBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the text belonging to the line.
Javascript: Line.save Saves the line in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: LineCollection.getItem Gets a particular line from the collection.
Javascript: LineCollection.getItemAtLocation Gets the line at a certain geometrical position.
Javascript: ListFormat.getBulletCharacter Gets the symbol character for a bulleted list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getBulletSize Gets the size of the symbol character for a bulleted list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getFirstNumber Gets the starting number for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getFontName Gets the font used for the bullet character.
Javascript: ListFormat.getFormatCharacter Gets the formatting character for a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getHangingIndent Gets the hanging indent of a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getLeftIndent Gets the left indent for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getLevel Gets the level for a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getNumberFormat Gets the number format for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getRestartNumbering Gets a value determining whether a new numbered list begins.
Javascript: ListFormat.getTextAfterNumber Gets the text that is displayed behind the number in a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getTextBeforeNumber Gets the text that is displayed in front of the number in a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getType Gets the type of the list, bulleted, numbered or none.
Javascript: ListFormat.setBulletCharacter Sets the symbol character for a bulleted list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setBulletSize Sets the size of the symbol character for a bulleted list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setFirstNumber Sets the starting number for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setFontName Sets the font used for the bullet character.
Javascript: ListFormat.setFormatCharacter Sets the formatting character for a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setHangingIndent Sets the hanging indent of a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setLeftIndent Sets the left indent for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setLevel Sets the level for a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setNumberFormat Sets the number format for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setRestartNumbering Sets the value determining whether a new numbered list begins.
Javascript: ListFormat.setTextAfterNumber Sets the text that is displayed behind the number in a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setTextBeforeNumber Sets the text that is displayed in front of the number in a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setType Sets the type of the list, bulleted, numbered or none.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getIsDuplicate Gets a value which marks the misspelled word as duplicate.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getIsIgnored Gets a value which marks the misspelled word as ignored.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getLength Gets the length of a misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getNumber Gets the number of this misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getStart Gets the starting position of a misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getText Gets the text of the misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.select Selects the misspelled word in the text.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.setIsDuplicate Sets a value which marks the misspelled word as duplicate.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.setIsIgnored Sets a value which marks the misspelled word as ignored.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getCountOf Gets the number of misspelled words with a special meaning from the collection.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtInputPosition Gets the misspelled word of the specified kind at the current text input position.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtLocation Gets the misspelled word at a certain geometrical location.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtTextPosition Gets the misspelled word of the specified kind at the specified text input position.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.ignore Changes the text of the specified misspelled word and marks it as ignored.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.remove Removes the specified misspelled word from a Text Control document.
Javascript: Page.getBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the page, in twips, relative to the top of the document.
Javascript: Page.getFooter Gets the footer of the page.
Javascript: Page.getHeader Gets the header of the page.
Javascript: Page.getImage Gets an image of the page's contents as in the specified format in screen resolution.
Javascript: Page.getLength Gets the number of characters of the page, including the page break character at the end of the page.
Javascript: Page.getNumber Gets the page's number.
Javascript: Page.getNumberInSection Gets the page number relative to the beginning of the section the page belongs to.
Javascript: Page.getSection Gets the number, one-based, of the section the page belongs to.
Javascript: Page.getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the page's first character.
Javascript: Page.getTextBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the page's text, in twips, relative to the top of the document.
Javascript: Page.select Selects the text of the page.
Javascript: PageBorder.getBottomDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of the bottom border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.getBottomLineColor Gets the color of the bottom border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getBottomLineWidth Gets the width of the bottom border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getFirstPageOnly Gets whether the page border is drawn only on the first page of the section.
Javascript: PageBorder.getLeftDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of the left border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.getLeftLineColor Gets the color of the left border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getLeftLineWidth Gets the width of the left border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getMeasureFromText Gets whether the page border's distances are measured from the text.
Javascript: PageBorder.getOmitFirstPage Gets whether the page border is not drawn on the first page of the section.
Javascript: PageBorder.getRightDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of the right border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.getRightLineColor Gets the color of the right border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getRightLineWidth Gets the width of the right border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getSurroundFooter Gets whether the page border surrounds the section's footer.
Javascript: PageBorder.getSurroundHeader Gets whether the page border surrounds the section's header.
Javascript: PageBorder.getTopDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of the top border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the {@link MeasureFromText}.
Javascript: PageBorder.getTopLineColor Gets the color of the top border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getTopLineWidth Gets the width of the top border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setBottomDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of the bottom border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.setBottomLineColor Sets the color of the bottom border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setBottomLineWidth Sets the width of the bottom border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setFirstPageOnly Sets whether the page border is drawn only on the first page of the section.
Javascript: PageBorder.setLeftDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of the left border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.setLeftLineColor Sets the color of the left border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setLeftLineWidth Sets the width of the left border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setMeasureFromText Sets whether the page border's distances are measured from the text.
Javascript: PageBorder.setOmitFirstPage Sets whether the page border is not drawn on the first page of the section.
Javascript: PageBorder.setRightDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of the right border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.setRightLineColor Sets the color of the right border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setRightLineWidth Sets the width of the right border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setSurroundFooter Sets the whether the page border surrounds the section's footer.
Javascript: PageBorder.setSurroundHeader Sets the whether the page border surrounds the section's header.
Javascript: PageBorder.setTopDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of the top border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.setTopLineColor Sets the color of the top border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setTopLineWidth Sets the width of the top border line.
Javascript: PageCollection.getItem Gets the Page containing the current text input position from the collection.
Javascript: PageCollection.getItemAtTextPosition Gets the page at a certain text input position.
Javascript: PageMargins.getBottom Gets the bottom margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.getLeft Gets the left margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.getRight Gets the right margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.getTop Gets the top margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.setBottom Sets the bottom margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.setLeft Sets the left margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.setRight Sets the right margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.setTop Sets the top margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageNumberField.getNumberFormat Gets the number format.
Javascript: PageNumberField.getShowNumberOfPages Gets a value indicating whether the field shows the page number or the total number of pages.
Javascript: PageNumberField.getStartNumber Gets the page number for the first page.
Javascript: PageNumberField.setNumberFormat Sets the number format.
Javascript: PageNumberField.setShowNumberOfPages Sets a value indicating whether the field shows the page number or the total number of pages.
Javascript: PageNumberField.setStartNumber Sets the page number for the first page.
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.add Inserts a new page number field at the current input position which displays Arabic numbers starting with 1.
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.getItem Gets the field at the current input position or null, if there is no such field at the current input position.
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection.remove Removes a page number from a header or footer of a Text control document.
Javascript: PageSize.getHeight Gets the page height of a document or document section.
Javascript: PageSize.getWidth Gets the page width of a document or document section.
Javascript: PageSize.setHeight Sets the page height of a document or document section.
Javascript: PageSize.setWidth Sets the page width of a document or document section.
Javascript: Paragraph.getFormattingStyle Gets the paragraph's formatting style.
Javascript: Paragraph.getLength Gets the number of characters in the paragraph including the paragraph end character.
Javascript: Paragraph.getLines Gets the number of lines the paragraph consists of.
Javascript: Paragraph.getListNumber Gets the paragraph's list number.
Javascript: Paragraph.getListNumberText Gets the paragraph's list number text.
Javascript: Paragraph.getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the paragraph's first character.
Javascript: Paragraph.getStartLine Gets the number (one-based) of the paragraph's first line.
Javascript: Paragraph.getText Gets the paragraph's text.
Javascript: Paragraph.save Saves the paragraph in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: Paragraph.select Selects the paragraph.
Javascript: Paragraph.setFormattingStyle Sets the paragraph's formatting style.
Javascript: ParagraphCollection.getItem Gets a particular Paragraph from the collection.
Javascript: ParagraphCollection.getItemAtLocation Gets the Paragraph at a certain geometrical position.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getAbsoluteLineSpacing Gets the line spacing of a paragraph in twips.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getAlignment Gets the horizontal text alignment.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getBackColor Gets the background color of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getBottomDistance Gets the bottom distance, in twips, between this and the next paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getDirection Gets the writing direction.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrame Gets the framesetting of the paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrameDistance Gets the distance, in twips, between the text and the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrameLineColor Gets the color used for the frame lines of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrameLineWidth Gets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrameStyle Gets the style of the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getHangingIndent Gets the distance, in twips, for the hanging indent.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getJustification Gets the kind of justification in documents containing Arabic or Hebrew characters.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getKeepLinesTogether Gets a value indicating whether a page break is allowed within the paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getKeepWithNext Gets whether the paragraph is displayed on the same page as its following paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getLeftIndent Gets the distance, in twips, between the left edge of the Text Control and the left edge of the text.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getLineSpacing Gets the line spacing of a paragraph as a percentage of the font size.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getPageBreakBefore Gets whether the paragraph is always displayed on top of a page.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getRightIndent Gets the distance, in twips, between the right edge of a Text Control document and the right edge of the text.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getStructureLevel Gets the structure level of a paragraph in the document.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getTabLeaders Gets an array containing the tab leaders in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getTabPositions Gets the absolute tab stop positions, in twips, in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getTabTypes Gets the tab types in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getTopDistance Gets the distance, in twips, between this and the previous paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getWidowOrphanLines Gets the number of lines for widow/orphan control.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setAbsoluteLineSpacing Sets the line spacing of a paragraph in twips.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setAlignment Sets the horizontal text alignment.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setBackColor Sets the background color of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setBottomDistance Sets the bottom distance, in twips, between this and the next paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setDirection Sets the writing direction.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrame Sets the framesetting of the paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameDistance Sets the distance, in twips, between the text and the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameLineColor Sets the color used for the frame lines of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameLineWidth Sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameStyle Sets the style of the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setHangingIndent Sets the distance, in twips, for the hanging indent.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setJustification Sets the kind of justification in documents containing Arabic or Hebrew characters.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setKeepLinesTosether Sets a value indicating whether a page break is allowed within the paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setKeepWithNext Sets whether paragraph is displayed on the same page as its following paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setLeftIndent Sets the distance, in twips, between the left edge of the Text Control and the left edge of the text.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setLineSpacing Sets the line spacing of a paragraph as a percentage of the font size.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setPageBreakBefore Sets whether the paragraph is always displayed on top of a page.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setRightIndent Sets the distance, in twips, between the right edge of a Text Control document and the right edge of the text.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setStructureLevel Sets the structure level of a paragraph in the document.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setTabLeaders Sets an array containing the tab leaders in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setTabPositions Sets an array containing the absolute tab stop positions, in twips, in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setTabTypes Sets an array containing the tab types in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setTopDistance Sets distance, in twips, between this and the previous paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setWidowOrphanLines Sets the number of lines for widow/orphan control.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.getFollowingStyle Gets the name of the style that the document automatically uses for the following paragraph after the user has pressed the ENTER key.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.getParagraphFormat Gets the style's paragraph attributes.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.setFollowingStyle Sets the name of the style that the document automatically uses for the following paragraph after the user has pressed the ENTER key.
Javascript: ParagraphStyleCollection.add Adds a new style to the current document.
Javascript: ParagraphStyleCollection.getItem Gets a style from the collection by the style's name.
Javascript: Ribbon.expand Expands the ribbon bar if it is currently minimized.
Javascript: Ribbon.minimize Minimizes the ribbon bar so that only the tab names stay visible.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getBorderStyle Gets the border style of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getEnablePageMargins Gets whether page margins can be set via the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getFormulaMode Gets the formula mode of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getReadOnly Gets a value determining the ruler bar's read only mode.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.getScaleUnit Gets the scale unit of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.resetDisplayColors Resets all display colors of a ruler bar to their system dependent default values.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setBorderStyle Sets the border style of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setEnablePageMargins Sets whether page margins can be set via the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setFormulaMode Sets the formula mode of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setReadOnly Sets a value determining the ruler bar's read only mode.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.setScaleUnit Sets the scale unit of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColor Gets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getForeColor Gets the color used for the numbers of the ruler.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getGradientBackColor Gets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getRulerColor Gets the color of the ruler.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorDark Gets the color of dark separators.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorLight Gets the color of light separators.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColor Resets the ruler bar's backColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetForeColor Resets the ruler bar's foreColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetGradientBackColor Resets the ruler bar's gradientBackColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetRulerColor Resets the ruler bar's rulerColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorDark Resets the ruler bar's separatorColorDark to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorLight Resets the ruler bar's separatorColorLight to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColor Sets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setForeColor Sets the color used for the numbers of the ruler.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setGradientBackColor Sets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setRulerColor Sets the color of the ruler.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorDark Sets the color of dark separators.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorLight Sets the color of light separators.
Javascript: Section.getLength Gets the number of characters in the section.
Javascript: Section.getNumber Gets the section's number.
Javascript: Section.getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the first character in the section.
Javascript: Section.select Selects the section.
Javascript: SectionCollection.add Adds a new section at the current text input position.
Javascript: SectionCollection.addAtTextPosition Adds a new section at the specified text input position.
Javascript: SectionCollection.getItem Gets the section at the current input position or or the section in the collection with the given number.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getBreakKind Gets the kind of the section break the section starts with.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumnDistances Gets the distances, in twips, between the columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumnLineColor Gets the color of a dividing line between two columns.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumnLineWidth Gets the width of a dividing line between two columns.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumns Gets the number of columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumnWidths Gets the widths, in twips, of the columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getEqualColumnWidth Gets a value indicating whether the columns on a page have all the same width and the same distance between them.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getLandscape Gets a value indicating whether the section's page size is in landscape orientation.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getRestartPageNumbering Gets a value indicating whether page numbering is restarted at the section's beginning.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setBreakKind Sets the kind of the section break the section starts with.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setColumnLineColor Sets the color of a dividing line between two columns.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setColumnLineWidth Sets the width of a dividing line between two columns.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setColumns Sets the number of columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setColumnWidths Sets the widths, in twips, of the columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setEqualColumnWidth Sets a value indicating whether the columns on a page have all the same width and the same distance between them.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setLandscape Sets a value indicating whether the section's page size is in landscape orientation.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setRestartPageNumbering Sets a value indicating whether page numbering is restarted at the section's beginning.
Javascript: Selection.changeCapitalization Changes the capitalization of all selected characters depending on the 'capitalizationParameter' parameter.
Javascript: Selection.changeDirection Changes the writing direction of all selected paragraphs.
Javascript: Selection.decreaseIndent Decreases the left indent of all paragraphs contained in the current text selection.
Javascript: Selection.getAutoBaseline Gets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
Javascript: Selection.getBaseline Gets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getBold Gets the bold attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getCapitals Gets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: Selection.getCharacterScaling Gets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
Javascript: Selection.getCharacterSpacing Gets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
Javascript: Selection.getCulture Gets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value.
Javascript: Selection.getFontName Gets the font name of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getFontSize Gets the font's size, in points, of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getForeColor Gets the color used to display the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getFormattingStyle Gets the formatting style of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getItalic Gets the italic attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getLength Gets the number of selected characters.
Javascript: Selection.getStart Gets the starting point of selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getStrikeout Gets the strikeout attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getText Gets the currently selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getTextBackColor Gets the background color of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getUnderline Gets the underlining styles of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.growFont Increases the font size of each font contained in the current text selection.If no text is selected, this method increases the font size at the text input position.
Javascript: Selection.increaseIndent Increases the left indent of all paragraphs contained in the current text selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonListFormatValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the ListFormat.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonPageBorderValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the PageBorder.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonPageMarginsValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the PageMargins.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonPageSizeValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the PageSize.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonPargraphFormatValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the ParagraphFormat.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonSectionFormatValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the SectionFormat.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.isCommonSelectionValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the Selection.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete selection.
Javascript: Selection.load Loads text in a certain format into the current selection.
Javascript: Selection.removeFormatting Resets all character based formatting attributes of the selected text to its default values.
Javascript: Selection.removeInlineStyles Removes all character based styles of the selected text so that all attributes are reset to the attributes of the paragraph style.
Javascript: Selection.save Saves the current selection in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: Selection.setAutoBaseline Sets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
Javascript: Selection.setBaseline Sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setBold Sets the bold attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setBounds Obsolete.
Javascript: Selection.setCapitals Sets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
Javascript: Selection.setCharacterScaling Sets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
Javascript: Selection.setCharacterSpacing Sets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
Javascript: Selection.setCulture Sets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value.
Javascript: Selection.setFontName Sets the font's name of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setFontSize Sets the font's size, in points, of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setForeColor Sets the selection's foreground color.
Javascript: Selection.setFormattingStyle Sets the formatting style of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setItalic Sets the italic attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setLength Sets the number of selected characters.
Javascript: Selection.setStart Sets the starting point of selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setStrikeout Sets the strikeout attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setText Sets the currently selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setTextBackColor Sets the selection's background color.
Javascript: Selection.setUnderline Sets the underlining styles for the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.shrinkFont Decreases the font size of each font contained in the current text selection.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getEmptyWidth Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the selection formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getIsDropDownArrowVisible Gets a value indicating whether a dropdown arrow is shown so that the user can select an item.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getItems Gets a list of items for the SelectionFormField.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getSelectedIndex Gets the index of the selected item of the SelectionFormField.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setEmptyWidth Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the selection formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setIsDropDownArrowVisible Sets a value indicating whether a dropdown arrow is shown so that the user can select an item.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setItems Sets a list of items for the SelectionFormField.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setSelectedIndex Sets the index of the selected item of the SelectionFormField.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.getAllowedSideBars Returns the side bars which are currently shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.getCurrentSideBar Returns the side bar which is shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.setAllowedSideBars Sets the side bars which are shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton.setCurrentSideBar Sets the side bar which is shown in the side bar toggle / drop down button at the top right of the ribbon bar.
Javascript: SignatureField.getSignerData Gets the signer data of the signature field.
Javascript: SignatureField.setImage Sets the signature field's image.
Javascript: SignatureField.setSignerData Sets the signer data of the signature field.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.addAnchored Creates and inserts a new signature field which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation Inserts a new signature field which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument Creates and inserts a new signature field which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.addInline Inserts a signature field inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.addWithMouse Inserts a signature field with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.getItem Gets the signature field selected by the user or the signature field with the specified identifier.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.getItemByName Gets the signature field with the specified name.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection.remove Removes a signature field from a Text Control document.
Javascript: SignatureImage.getExportCompressionQuality Gets the images's export compression quality as a value between 1 and 100.
Javascript: SignatureImage.getExportMaxResolution Gets an images's vertical scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: SignatureImage.setExportCompressionQuality Sets the images's export compression quality as a value between 1 and 100.
Javascript: SignatureImage.setExportMaxResolution Sets an images's vertical scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getBorderStyle Gets the border style of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getColumnText Gets the text in the 'Column' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getLineText Gets the text in the 'Line' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getPageCounterText Gets the text in the 'Page counter' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getPageText Gets the text in the 'Page' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getSectionCounterText Gets the text in the 'Section counter' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getSectionText Gets the text in the 'Section' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowColumn Specifies whether the status bar shows the column number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowKeyStates Specifies whether the status bar shows the key state of the CAPSLOCK and the NUMLOCK key and the current insertion mode, insert or overwrite.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowLanguage Specifies whether the status bar shows the language of the text selection or the text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowLine Specifies whether the status bar shows the line number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowPage Specifies whether the status bar shows the page number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowPageCounter Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of pages the document consists of.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowSection Specifies whether the status bar shows the section number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowSectionCounter Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of sections the document consists of.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowZoom Specifies whether the status bar shows the current zoom factor.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.getShowZoomTrackBar Specifies whether the status bar displays a track bar instead of a simple number to show and to set the zooming factor.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.resetDisplayColors Resets all display colors of a status bar to their system dependent default values.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setBorderStyle Sets the border style of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setColumnText Sets the text in the 'Column' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setLineText Sets the text in the 'Line' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setPageCounterText Sets the text in the 'Page counter' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setPageText Sets the text in the 'Page' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setSectionCounterText Sets the text in the 'Section counter' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setSectionText Sets the text in the 'Section' area of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowColumn Specifies whether the status bar shows the column number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowKeyStates Specifies whether the status bar shows the key state of the CAPSLOCK and the NUMLOCK key and the current insertion mode, insert or overwrite.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowLanguage Specifies whether the status bar shows the language of the text selection or the text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowLine Specifies whether the status bar shows the line number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowPage Specifies whether the status bar shows the page number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowPageCounter Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of pages the document consists of.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowSection Specifies whether the status bar shows the section number of the current text input position.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowSectionCounter Specifies whether the status bar shows the number of sections the document consists of.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowZoom Specifies whether the status bar shows the current zoom factor.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.setShowZoomTrackBar Specifies whether the status bar displays a track bar instead of a simple number to show and to set the zooming factor.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColor Gets the background color at the left edge of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorBottom Gets the background color at the bottom of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorMiddle Gets the background color in the middle of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getBackColorTop Gets the background color at the top of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getForeColor Gets the color used for text and numbers.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getFrameColor Gets the color of the status bar's frames.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getGradientBackColor Gets the background color at the right edge of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorDark Gets the color of the dark part of a separator.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.getSeparatorColorLight Gets the color of the light part of a separator.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColor Resets the ruler bar's backColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorBottom Resets the status bar's backColorBottom to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorMiddle Resets the status bar's backColorMiddle to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetBackColorTop Resets the status bar's backColorTop to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetForeColor Resets the status bar's foreColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetFrameColor Resets the status bar's frameColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetGradientBackColor Resets the status bar's gradientBackColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorDark Resets the status bar's separatorColorDark to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.resetSeparatorColorLight Resets the status bar's separatorColorLight to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColor Sets the background color at the left edge of the ruler bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorBottom Sets the background color at the bottom of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorMiddle Sets the background color in the middle of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setBackColorTop Sets the background color at the top of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setForeColor Sets the color used for text and numbers.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setFrameColor Sets the color of the status bar's frames.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setGradientBackColor Sets the background color at the right edge of the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorDark Sets the color of the dark part of a separator.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors.setSeparatorColorLight Sets the color of the light part of a separator.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getChildren Returns an array of the children of this SubTextPart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getData Gets additional data of the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating when the subtextpart is highlighted.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getID Gets an identifier for a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getLength Gets the number of characters in a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getName Relates a user-defined name to a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getNestedLevel Gets the subtextpart's nested level.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getNumber Gets the subtextpart's number.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getOuterMostSubTextPart Gets a subtextpart's outermost subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getOuterSubTextPart Gets a subtextpart's outer subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getStart Gets the first character position (one-based) of a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getText Gets the subtextpart's text.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getTextFields Returns an array of static text field information objects.
Javascript: SubTextPart.save Saves the subtextpart in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: SubTextPart.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a subtextpart and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setData Sets additional data of the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating when the subtextpart is highlighted.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setID Sets an identifier for the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setName Sets the name of a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.add Adds a new SubTextPart to the collection.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.clear Removes all subtextparts from a Text Control document.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.getItem Gets the subtextpart at the current text input position.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.remove Removes a subtextpart from the collection including all its nested subtextparts.
Javascript: TXTextControl.addEventListener The addEventListener function registers event listener functions on the TXTextControl object.
Javascript: TXTextControl.addMergeField Inserts a merge field at the current input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.addTextField Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.append Appends text to the document in a certain format.
Javascript: TXTextControl.appendDocument Appends text in a certain format to the current document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.atobUTF8 Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding.
Javascript: TXTextControl.beginUndoAction Begins a user-defined undo operation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.btoaUTF8 Creates a base-64 encoded ASCII string from a unicode string.
Javascript: TXTextControl.clear Clears the selected text or the character right from the current input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.clearUndo Clears the undo buffer.
Javascript: TXTextControl.endUndoAction Ends a user-defined undo operation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.focus Sets the text input focus to the web editor.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getActivationState Gets a value indicating the current activation state.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getAllowUndo Gets a value indicating whether the undo buffer is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getBackColor Gets the Text Control's background color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getBaseline Gets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the Text Control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanCharacterFormat Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with character formatting attributes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanCopy Informs whether a part of a Text Control document has been selected and can be copied to the clipboard.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanDocumentFormat Informs whether the document can be formatted with page and section formatting attributes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanPaste Informs whether the document's text and/or formatting attributes can be changed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanPrint Informs whether the document can be printed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanRedo Informs whether an operation can be re-done using the Redo method.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanStyleFormat Informs whether the document can be formatted with formatting styles.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanTableFormat Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with table formatting attributes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanUndo Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous operation in a Text Control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCommentHighlightMode Gets the global comment highlight mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getControlChars Gets whether the control characters are visible or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCultures Returns the culture and the UI culture of the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getDocumentTargetMarkers Gets a value indicating that markers for hypertext targets are shown or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getDrawingMarkerLines Gets whether a marker frame is shown around a drawing to indicate its position and size.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getEditableRegionHighlightMode Gets the global editable region highlight mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getEditMode Gets a value indicating whether the document's text is protected, or can be freely edited and formatted.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFileDirectory Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFontUnderlineStyle Gets underlining style for the text displayed by the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getForeColor Gets the foreground color of the control which is the color of the document's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFormattingPrinter Returns the name of the currently selected formatting printer by calling a provided callback function.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFormulaReferenceStyle Gets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getInstalledPrinters Gets the names of the printers installed on the server which are usable by Text Control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsFormFieldValidationEnabled Gets a value indicating whether form field validation is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsFormulaCalculationEnabled Gets a value indicating whether formulas in tables are automatically calculated when the text of an input cell is changed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsHyphenationEnabled Gets a value indicating whether hyphenation is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsLanguageDetectionEnabled Gets a value indicating whether language detection is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsSpellCheckingEnabled Gets a value indicating whether spell checking is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsTrackChangesEnabled Gets a value indicating whether track changes is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getLandscape Gets a value indicating whether the page orientation is landscape.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPageCount Gets the number of pages contained in the current document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPageUnit Gets the measure used for page sizes and page margins.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPermanentControlChars Gets a value indicating which control characters are shown permanently on the screen.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getRedoActionName Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the redo method is made.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getRenderMode Gets the component render mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSelectObjects Gets a value controlling the selection of objects which are inserted behind the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getStatusBarColor Returns the background color of the status bar by calling a provided callback function.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSubTextParts Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSupportedFonts Gets an array of strings specifying the names of all currently supported fonts.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSupportedPaperSizes Gets an array of PaperSize structures specifying the names and the size of all currently supported paper sizes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getText Gets the control's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextBackColor Gets the background color for the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextFields Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextFrameMarkerLines Gets whether text frames that have no border line are shown with marker lines.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextParts Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getUndoActionName Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the undo method is made.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getUserNames Gets a list of names specifying users who have access to editable regions.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getViewMode Gets the mode how Text Control displays a document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.init Initializes the document editor.
Javascript: TXTextControl.load Loads text in a certain format.
Javascript: TXTextControl.loadDocument Loads text in a certain format.
Javascript: TXTextControl.loadJsonData Loads JSON data which is used to create table and field name menu items in the mailings ribbon tab.
Javascript: TXTextControl.loadSelection Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.loadXMLDatabase Loads an XML database which is used to create table and field name menu items in the mailings ribbon tab.
Javascript: TXTextControl.printDocument Attempts to print the current document in the browser.
Javascript: TXTextControl.redo Redoes the last Text Control operation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.refreshLayout Forces a layout refresh of the document editor.
Javascript: TXTextControl.removeEventListener The removeListener function removes the specified event listener from the TXTextControl object.
Javascript: TXTextControl.removeFromDom Closes the WebSocket connection gracefully and removes the whole editor from the DOM.
Javascript: TXTextControl.removeTextField Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.resetContents Deletes the entire contents of the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.save Saves the current document in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: TXTextControl.saveDocument Saves the current document in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: TXTextControl.saveSelection Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.select Selects text within the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.selectAll Selects all text in the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.selectWord Selects the word at the current text input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setActivationState Sets a value indicating the current activation state.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setAllowUndo Sets a value indicating whether the undo buffer is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setBackColor Sets the Text Control's background color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setBaseline Sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the Text Control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setCommentHighlightMode Sets the global comment highlight mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setControlChars Sets whether the control characters are visible or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setDocumentTargetMarkers Sets a value indicating that markers for hypertext targets are shown or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setDrawingMarkerLines Sets whether a marker frame is shown around a drawing to indicate its position and size.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setEditableRegionHighlightMode Sets the global editable region highlight mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setEditMode Sets a value indicating whether the document's text is protected, or can be freely edited and formatted.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFileDirectory Sets the directory path where the files of a specific file type are stored on the web server.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFontUnderlineStyle Sets underlining style for the text displayed by the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setForeColor Sets the foreground color of the control which is the color of the document's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFormattingPrinter Sets the name of a printer the text dimensions and capabilities of which are used to format the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFormulaReferenceStyle Sets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByLocation Sets a new input position from a geometric location.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByPage Sets a new input position from a page, line and column number.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setInputPositionByTextPosition Sets a new input position from a text position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsFormFieldValidationEnabled Sets a value indicating whether form field validation is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsFormulaCalculationEnabled Sets a value indicating whether formulas in tables are automatically calculated when the text of an input cell is changed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsHyphenationEnabled Sets a value indicating whether hyphenation is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsLanguageDetectionEnabled Sets a value indicating whether language detection is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsSpellCheckingEnabled Sets a value indicating whether spell checking is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsTrackChangesEnabled Sets a value indicating whether track changes is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setLandscape Sets a value indicating whether the page orientation is landscape.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setPageUnit Sets the measure used for page sizes and page margins.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setPermanentControlChars Sets a value indicating which control characters are shown permanently on the screen.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setRenderMode Sets the component render mode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setSelectObjects Sets a value controlling the selection of objects which are inserted behind the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setStatusBarColor Sets the background color of the status bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setText Sets the control's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setTextBackColor Sets the background color for the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setTextFrameMarkerLines Sets whether text frames that have no border line are shown with marker lines.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setViewMode Sets the mode how Text Control displays a document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showDialog Shows a built-in dialog box.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showHorizontalRuler Shows or hides the web editor's horizontal ruler bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showHtmlDialog Shows one of the a built-in HTML dialog boxes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showMergeFieldDialog Opens a field dialog either for changing properties of an existing merge field or for creating a new merge field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showRibbonBar Shows or hides the ribbon bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showSideBar Shows or hides a specified side bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showStatusBar Shows or hides the web editor's status bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showVerticalRuler Shows or hides the web editor's vertical ruler bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.undo Undoes the last Text Control operation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.zoom Zooms the contents of the TextControl.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ApplicationField.showDialog Displays a merge field dialog for certain merge field types.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.addWordToUserDictionary Adds a word to an existing user dictionary.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.getDictionaryList Retrieves a list of the names of all dictionary files on the server.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.getUserDictionaryInfo Retrieves information about all currently existing user dictionaries via a callback function.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.loadDictionary Loads a dictionary.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.loadUserDictionary Loads a list of words given as a string array as a user dictionary.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.removeDictionary Removes a dictionary from the loaded dictionaries.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.removeUserDictionary Removes an existing user dictionary.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.removeWordFromUserDictionary Removes a word from an existing user dictionary.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing.saveUserDictionary Saves an existing user dictionary by supplying the contained words as a string array to a callback function.
Javascript: Table.getCanMergeCells Checks whether table cells can be merged.
Javascript: Table.getCanSplit Checks whether this table can be split.
Javascript: Table.getCanSplitCells Checks whether previously merged table cells in this table can be split.
Javascript: Table.getID Gets the table's identifier.
Javascript: Table.getNestedLevel Gets the nested level for the specified table.
Javascript: Table.getOuterMostTable Gets a table's outermost table.
Javascript: Table.getOuterTable Gets table's outer table.
Javascript: Table.mergeCells Merges all selected table cells in this table.
Javascript: Table.select Selects the complete table.
Javascript: Table.selectCells Selects the part of the table defined through two table cells.
Javascript: Table.setID Sets the table's id.
Javascript: Table.split Splits a table below or above the current input position.
Javascript: Table.splitCells Splits all selected table cells in this table.
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.getItem Gets the first table in the collection with the given id.
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.removeAtInputPosition Removes the table at the current input position.
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.removeById Removes the first table with the passed id.
Javascript: TableCell.getCellFormat Gets the formatting attributes of a table cell.
Javascript: TableCell.getColumn Gets the table cell's column number.
Javascript: TableCell.getFormula Gets the table cell's formula.
Javascript: TableCell.getLength Gets the number of characters in the table cell.
Javascript: TableCell.getName Gets the cell's name.
Javascript: TableCell.getPosition Gets, in twips, the horizontal position of the cell.
Javascript: TableCell.getRow Gets the table cell's row number.
Javascript: TableCell.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character in the table cell.
Javascript: TableCell.getText Gets the cell's text.
Javascript: TableCell.getWidth Gets, in twips, the width of the cell.
Javascript: TableCell.select Selects the table cell.
Javascript: TableCell.setFormula Sets the table cell's formula.
Javascript: TableCell.setName Sets the cell's name.
Javascript: TableCell.setPosition Sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the cell.
Javascript: TableCell.setText Sets the cell's text.
Javascript: TableCell.setWidth Sets, in twips, the width of the cell.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getColor Gets the cell's border color.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getTextDistance Gets the distance between the table cell's border and its text in twips.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getWidth Gets the cell's width in twips.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setColor Sets the cell's border color.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setTextDistance Sets the distance between the table cell's border and its text in twips.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setWidth Sets the cell's width in twips.
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getCanRemove Gets a value indicating whether table cells can be removed.
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getItem Gets the cell with the specified row and column number.
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getItemAtInputPosition Gets table's cell at the current input position.
Javascript: TableCellCollection.remove Removes the table cell at the current text input position or all selected table cells when a text selection exists.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getBackColor Gets the table cell's background color.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getNumberFormat Gets a number format for the table cell.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getTextType Gets the text type of the table cell which determines whether the cell's text is interpreted as a number or as text When the type is Text, the cell's text is interpreted as text and it is displayed as it is.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getVerticalAlignment Gets the vertical alignment of the text in the table cell.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setBackColor Sets the table cell's background color.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setNumberFormat Sets the table cell's number format.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setTextType Sets the table cell's text type.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setVerticalAlignment Sets the vertical alignment of the text in the table cell.
Javascript: TableCollection.add Adds a table at the current input position.
Javascript: TableCollection.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new table can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: TableCollection.getGridLines Gets a value indicating whether table's gridlines are shown or not.
Javascript: TableCollection.getItem Gets the table at the current input position or the first table in the collection with the given id.
Javascript: TableCollection.setGridLines Sets a value indicating wether table grid lines are shown or not.
Javascript: TableColumn.getCellFormat Gets the formatting attributes of a table column.
Javascript: TableColumn.getColumn Gets the number of the table column represented through this table column object.
Javascript: TableColumn.getPosition Gets, in twips, the horizontal position of the column.
Javascript: TableColumn.getWidth Gets, in twips, the width of the column.
Javascript: TableColumn.select Selects the table column.
Javascript: TableColumn.setPosition Sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the column.
Javascript: TableColumn.setWidth Sets, in twips, the width of the column.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.add Adds a new table column at the current text input position.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new column can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getCanRemove Gets a value indicating whether the selected columns can be removed.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getItem Gets the table column with the specified index or the column at the current input position.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.remove Removes the table column at the current text input position or all selected columns when a text selection exists.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getHasLinks Gets value specifying whether each entry in the table of contents is a DocumentLink with a corresponding DocumentTarget.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getHasPageNumbers Gets a value specifying whether the table of contents contains page numbers.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getHasRightAlignedPageNumbers Gets a value specifying whether the page numbers in the table of contents are right-aligned.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether the table of contents is highlighted.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getID Gets an identifier for a table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getLength Gets the number of characters which belong to the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getMaximumStructureLevel Gets the maximum structure level for this table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getMinimumStructureLevel Gets the minimum structure level for this table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getName Gets a name for the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getNumber Gets the number of the table of contents in the text.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getText Gets the text of the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.getTitle Gets a title for the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.save Saves the TableOfContents in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: TableOfContents.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a table of contents and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setHasLinks Sets a value specifying whether each entry in the table of contents is a DocumentLink with a corresponding DocumentTarget.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setHasPageNumbers Sets a value specifying whether the table of contents contains page numbers.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setHasRightAlignedPageNumbers Sets a value specifying whether the page numbers in the table of contents are right-aligned.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether the table of contents is highlighted.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setID Sets an identifier for the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setMaximumStructureLevel Sets the maximum structure level for this table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setMinimumStructureLevel Sets the minimum structure level for this table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setName Sets a name for the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.setTitle Sets a title for the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContents.update Updates the content and the page numbers of the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollection.add Adds a new table of contents to the document at the current text input position.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollection.getItem Gets the table of contents at the current input position or the table of contents with the specified identifier.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollection.getItemByName Gets the table of contents with the specified name.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollection.remove Removes a table of contents from the collection including all its text and including all DocumentTargets to where the table's links point.
Javascript: TableRow.getAllowPageBreak Gets a value specifying how the table row is formatted at page breaks.
Javascript: TableRow.getCellFormat Gets the formatting attributes of a table row.
Javascript: TableRow.getIsHeader Gets a value specifying whether the table row is part of the table's header.
Javascript: TableRow.getMinimumHeight Gets the minimum height, in twips, of the table row.
Javascript: TableRow.getRow Gets the number of the table row represented through this table row object.
Javascript: TableRow.select Selects the table row.
Javascript: TableRow.setAllowPageBreak Sets a value specifying how the table row is formatted at page breaks.
Javascript: TableRow.setIsHeader Sets a value specifying whether the table row is part of the table's header.
Javascript: TableRow.setMinimumHeight Sets the minimum height, in twips, of the table row.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.add Adds a count of rows before or after the first or last selected row.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new row can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getCanRemove Gets a value indicating whether the selected rows can be removed.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getItem Gets the table row at the current input position or the table row with the specified number.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.remove Removes the table row at the current text input position or all selected rows when a text selection exists.
Javascript: TextChar.getBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the character.
Javascript: TextChar.getChar Gets the value of the character.
Javascript: TextChar.getNumber Gets the character's number.
Javascript: TextCharCollection.add Inserts a character at the specified position using the specified font.
Javascript: TextCharCollection.addControlChar Inserts a control character at the specified text input position.
Javascript: TextCharCollection.getItem Gets a particular character from the collection specified through a certain geometrical position.
Javascript: TextCharCollection.remove Removes the character by number.
Javascript: TextField.getBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getContainsInputPosition Returns true, if the Textfield contains the current text input position.
Javascript: TextField.getDeleteable Gets whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextField.getDoubledInputPosition Sets whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
Javascript: TextField.getEditable Gets whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextField.getFormattingBounds Gets the formatting rectangle of a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the text field.
Javascript: TextField.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating when the text field is highlighted.
Javascript: TextField.getID Gets an identifier for a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getIsSpellCheckingEnabled Gets whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
Javascript: TextField.getLength Gets the number of characters in a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getName Relates a user-defined name to a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getStart Gets the first character position (one-based) of a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getText Gets the text which is contained within a text field.
Javascript: TextField.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a text field and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: TextField.setDeleteable Sets whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextField.setDoubledInputPosition Gets whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
Javascript: TextField.setEditable Sets whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextField.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the text field.
Javascript: TextField.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating when the text field is highlighted.
Javascript: TextField.setID Sets an identifier for the text field.
Javascript: TextField.setIsSpellCheckingEnabled Gets whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
Javascript: TextField.setName Sets the name of a text field.
Javascript: TextField.setText Sets the text which is contained within a text field.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.add Adds a new TextField to the collection.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.addWithText Adds a new TextField with the given text to the collection.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.clear Removes all text fields from a Text Control document.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.getItem Gets the text field at the current text input position or the text field with the specified id.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.remove Removes the text field from the Text Control document.
Javascript: TextFieldCollectionBase.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new text field can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: TextFormField.getEmptyWidth Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the text formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: TextFormField.setEmptyWidth Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the text formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: TextFrame.activate Activates the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.changeZOrder Changes the frame's z-order.
Javascript: TextFrame.getAlignment Gets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBackColor Gets the background color of the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderColor Gets the border color of the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderStyle Gets the style of a text frame's border line.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderWidth Gets the width, in twips, of a text frame's border line.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBounds Gets the frame's bounding rectangle relative to the upper left corner of the document.
Javascript: TextFrame.getID Gets an identifier for the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getInsertionMode Gets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getInternalMargins Sets the distances, in twips, between the text frame's border line and the text.
Javascript: TextFrame.getLocation Gets, in twips, the frame's current location.
Javascript: TextFrame.getMoveable Gets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrame.getName Gets the name for the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getSize Gets the frame's size in twips.
Javascript: TextFrame.getSizeable Gets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrame.getTextDistances Gets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
Javascript: TextFrame.getTextPosition Gets the frame's character position in the document's text (one-based).
Javascript: TextFrame.getTransparency Gets the text frame's transparency.
Javascript: TextFrame.setAlignment Sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
Javascript: TextFrame.setBackColor Sets the background color for the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderColor Sets the border color for the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderStyle Sets the style of a text frame's border line.
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderWidth Sets the width, in twips, of a text frame's border line.
Javascript: TextFrame.setID Sets an identifier for the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setInsertionMode Sets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setInternalMargins Sets the distances, in twips, between the text frame's border line and the text.
Javascript: TextFrame.setLocation Sets, in twips, the frame's current location.
Javascript: TextFrame.setMoveable Sets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrame.setName Sets a name for the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setSize Sets the frame's size in twips.
Javascript: TextFrame.setSizeable Sets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrame.setTextDistances Sets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
Javascript: TextFrame.setTransparency Sets the text frame's transparency.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAnchored Creates and inserts a new text frame which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation Inserts a new text frame which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument Creates and inserts a new text frame which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addInline Inserts a text frame inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addWithMouse Inserts a text frame with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.getItem Gets the text frame selected by the user or the text frame with the specified identifier.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.getItemByName Gets the text frame with the specified name.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.remove Removes a text frame from a Text Control document.
Javascript: TextPart.addSubTextPart Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.addTextField Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.getSubTextParts Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.getTextFields Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.removeSubTextPart Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPartCollection.activate Sets the input focus to the specified text part.
Javascript: TextPartCollection.getItem Gets the text part with the input focus.
Javascript: TextPartCollection.getMainText Gets the main text part of the document.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getActiveFormFieldColor Gets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getDarkShadowColor Gets the display color for the shadow at the right and the bottom edge of the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getDesktopColor Gets the display color for the area around the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getFormFieldColor Gets the default highlight color of form fields.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getHeaderFooterLabelColor Gets the display color for the label showing which header or footer is activated.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getHeaderFooterLineColor Gets the display color for the dividing line between headers and footers and the main text.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getLightShadowColor Gets the display color for the shadow at the left and the top edge of the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetDarkShadowColor Resets the text control's DarkShadowColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetDesktopColor Resets the text control's DesktopColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetHeaderFooterLabelColor Resets the text control's HeaderFooterLabelColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetHeaderFooterLineColor Resets the text control's HeaderFooterLineColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetLightShadowColor Resets the text control's LightShadowColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setActiveFormFieldColor Sets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setDarkShadowColor Sets the display color for the shadow at the right and the bottom edge of the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setDesktopColor Sets the display color for the area around the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setFormFieldColor Sets the default highlight color of a form field.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setHeaderFooterLabelColor Sets the display color for the label showing which header or footer is activated.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setHeaderFooterLineColor Sets the display color for the dividing line between headers and footers and the main text.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setLightShadowColor Sets the display color for the shadow at the left and the top edge of the pages.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getActive Gets a value specifying whether the TrackedChange is currently active or not.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getChangeKind Gets the kind of change.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getChangeTime Gets the date and time when the change has been made.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the tracked change.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether the tracked change is highlighted.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getLength Gets the number of changed characters.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getNumber Gets the change's number.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first changed character.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getText Gets the changed text.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getUserName Gets the name of the user who has done the change.
Javascript: TrackedChange.save Saves the tracked change in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: TrackedChange.setActive Sets a value specifying whether the TrackedChange is currently active or not.
Javascript: TrackedChange.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the tracked change.
Javascript: TrackedChange.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether the tracked change is highlighted.
Javascript: TrackedChangeCollection.getItem Gets the change at the current text input position or the next or the previous change in the textflow.
Javascript: TrackedChangeCollection.remove Removes a tracked change from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.CreateInstanceAsync Async method that behaves like a constructor.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.RefreshAccessToken Refreshes the OAuth access token using the refresh token.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.Info Returns information about a document including the hierarchical structure of merge fields and merge blocks.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.Merge Merges a given template document with merge data.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.Convert Converts a given document to another supported format.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.FindAndReplace Executes a find and replace on a template to create a document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.Append Combines documents by appending them divided by a new section, paragraph or nothing.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.Thumbnails Creates and returns thumbnail images of documents.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.PDF.Create Creates a PDF document from an input document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.PDF.GetEmbeddedFiles Extracts embedded files from a PDF document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.PDF.GetMetaData Extracts metadata from a PDF document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.PDF.AcroForms.GetFields Returns all form fields from a PDF document


Object Description
Javascript: ApplicationField The ApplicationField object supports text field formats of applications such as Microsoft Word.
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection Contains all created or imported Microsoft Word fields represented through objects of the type ApplicationField.
Javascript: Barcode The Barcode object provides methods to specify the type and format of barcodes.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection Contains all barcodes in a document represented through objects of the type BarcodeFrame.
Javascript: BarcodeEventArgs The event argument for barcode related events.
Javascript: BarcodeFrame A BarcodeFrame object represents a barcode and its layout in a Text Control document.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings The BarcodeTypeSettings object provides methods to apply barcode type specific settings.
Javascript: ChartEventArgs The event argument for chart related events.
Javascript: CheckFormField The CheckFormField object represents a checkbox in a document.
Javascript: CheckFormFieldEventArgs The event argument for check form field related events.
Javascript: CheckFormFieldInfo Information about a check form field.
Javascript: ClipboardModeChangedEventArgs The event argument object for the clipboardModeChanged event.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferAbortedEventArgs The event argument object for the ClipboardDataTransferAbortedCallback callback.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferCompleteEventArgs The event argument object for the ClipboardDataTransferCompleteCallback callback.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferProgressEventArgs The event argument object for the clipboardDataTransferProgress event.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferStartEventArgs The event argument object for the clipboardDataTransferStart event.
Javascript: Collection Provides methods for accessing collections.
Javascript: CommentCallbackData The type of the response parameter of the AddCommentCallback callback function.
Javascript: CommentCollection Contains all comments in the main text or another part of a document.
Javascript: CommentEventArgs Event argument for comment related events.
Javascript: CommentedText A CommentedText object represents a commented piece of text.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo Information about a comment.
Javascript: ComponentSettings Component settings.
Javascript: ContextMenuEventArgs The event argument for context menu related events.
Javascript: ContextMenuItem A context menu item.
Javascript: ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs Context menu item click event arguments.
Javascript: CultureSettings An object of this type is returned by the function getCultures.
Javascript: DateFormField A DateFormField object represents a date field on a form.
Javascript: DateFormFieldEventArgs The event argument for date form field related events.
Javascript: DateFormFieldInfo Information about a check form field.
Javascript: DictionaryInfo Contains the file name and the current "loaded" state of a dictionary.
Javascript: Distances Frame distances in twips.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings Document editor settings.
Javascript: DocumentLink The DocumentLink object represents a text position in a Text Control document that is a target of a document link.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection The DocumentLinkCollection contains a collection of document links .
Javascript: DocumentLinkEventArgs The event argument object for document nink related events.
Javascript: DocumentLoadedEventArgs The event argument object for the documentLoaded event.
Javascript: DocumentPermissions The type of the documentPermissions property.
Javascript: DocumentSettings The DocumentSettings class provides properties which inform about general document settings, such as author and title, contained in the document the user is currently working on (see TXTextControl.documentSettings).
Javascript: DocumentTarget The DocumentTarget object represents a text position in a Text Control document that is a target of a document link.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection The DocumentTargetCollection contains a collection of targets.
Javascript: DocumentTargetInfo Information about a document target.
Javascript: DrawingEventArgs The event argument for drawing related events.
Javascript: EditableRegion An EditableRegion object represents an editable region in a document.
Javascript: EditableRegionCallbackData The type of the response parameter of the AddEditableRegionCallback callback function.
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection Contains all editable regions in the main text or another part of a document.
Javascript: EditableRegionEventArgs The event argument for editable region related events.
Javascript: EmbeddedFile The EmbeddedFile class represents a file embedded in another document.
Javascript: EmbeddedFileCollection Represents a collection of embedded files.
Javascript: ErrorArgument Encapsulates information about an error.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs The event argument object for the fileDropped event.
Javascript: Footnote A Footnote object represents a footnote in a TextControl document.
Javascript: FootnoteCallbackData The type of the response parameter of the AddFootnoteCallback callback function.
Javascript: FootnoteCollection Contains all footnotes in a Text Control document.
Javascript: FootnoteEventArgs The event argument for footnote related events.
Javascript: FormField Represents a form field.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection The FormFieldCollection contains all form fields in a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: FormattedText Represents a part of the document.
Javascript: FormattingStyle The FormattingStyle object represents a styling for a text range.
Javascript: FormattingStyleCollection The FormattingStyleCollection contains a collection of formatting styles.
Javascript: FrameBase The FrameBase object is the base of the Image, TextFrame and BarcodeFrame object.
Javascript: FrameBaseCollection Base of all collections containing frame objects.
Javascript: FrameCollection Contains all frames of a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: FrameEventArgs The event argument for frame related events.
Javascript: FrameInfo Information about a frame.
Javascript: HeaderFooter Represents a header or footer in the document.
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection Contains all headers and footers in a document or part of the document.
Javascript: HeaderFooterEventArgs The event argument header and footer related events.
Javascript: HyperLinkInfo Information about a hyperlink.
Javascript: HyperlinkClickedEventArgs The event argument object for the hyperlinkClicked event.
Javascript: HypertextLink The HypertextLink object represents a hypertext link in a document that points to a target outside of the document.
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection The HypertextLinkCollection object contains all hypertext links in a Text Control document.
Javascript: HypertextLinkEventArgs The event argument object for hypertext link related events.
Javascript: HyphenateWordEventArgs The event argument for a word-hyphenation related event.
Javascript: Image The Image object represents an image in a Text Control document.
Javascript: ImageCollection Contains all images of a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: ImageEventArgs The event argument for image related events.
Javascript: InlineStyle The InlineStyle object defines a formatting style that can be used to format single words in a line of text.
Javascript: InlineStyleCollection Contains all formatting styles in a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: InputFormat The InputFormat object represents all formatting attributes at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition Represents the current text input position of a document.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs The event argument object for the inputPositionChanged event.
Javascript: Line The Line object represents a single line in a document.
Javascript: LineCollection The LineCollection object contains all text lines in a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: ListFormat The ListFormat object defines the formatting attributes of a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData The type of the result parameter of the LoadDocumentCallback callback function.
Javascript: MisspelledWord The MisspelledWord object represents a misspelled word in a document's text.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection The MisspelledWordCollection contains all misspelled words in the main part of a Text Control document.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo Information about a misspelled word.
Javascript: Page A Page object represents a formatted page of a document.
Javascript: PageBorder The PageBorder represents the attributes of a border, which is drawn in the margin area of a page.
Javascript: PageCollection Contains all pages in a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: PageMargins Represents the page margins of a document or document section.
Javascript: PageNumberField The PageNumberField object supports text field formats of applications such as Microsoft Word.
Javascript: PageNumberFieldCollection Contains the page number fields in a header or footer of a Text Control document.
Javascript: PageSize Represents the page's size of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: Paragraph A Paragraph object represents a single paragraph in a Text Control document.
Javascript: ParagraphCollection A ParagraphCollection contains all paragraphs in a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat Represents the formatting attributes of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle The ParagraphStyle class defines a formatting style for paragraphs.
Javascript: ParagraphStyleCollection Contains all paragraph formatting styles in the current document.
Javascript: Point Represents a pair of x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
Javascript: PropertyChangedEventArgs The event argument for events related to a property change.
Javascript: Rectangle Stores a Point and a Size object that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
Javascript: Ribbon The type of the ribbon property of the TXTextControl object.
Javascript: RibbonPermissionsTab The type of the ribbonPermissionsTab property.
Javascript: RibbonTabIndexChangedEventArgs The event argument object for the ribbonTabIndexChanged event.
Javascript: RibbonTabLoadedEventArgs The event argument object for the ribbonTabLoaded event.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator Provides functions and properties for requesting properties and executing server side methods for a ruler bar.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGeneratorColors The RulerBarViewGeneratorColors object provides methods for getting, setting or resetting the display colors of a ruler bar.
Javascript: SaveDocumentResult The callback function argument for the saveDocument and the saveSelection functions.
Javascript: Section Represents a section of a document.
Javascript: SectionCollection Contains all sections of a document.
Javascript: SectionFormat Represents the formatting attributes of a section.
Javascript: Selection Describes and handles the attributes of a text selection.
Javascript: SelectionBounds Contains the start position and the length of a selection.
Javascript: SelectionFormField The SelectionFormField objet represents a combobox or a drop-down list on a form.
Javascript: SelectionFormFieldEventArgs The event argument for selection form field related events.
Javascript: SelectionFormFieldInfo Information about a selection form field.
Javascript: SideBarToggleButton The sidebar toggle button shown at the top right of the ribbon.
Javascript: SignatureField The SignatureField object represents a rectangle that can be filled with text by an end-user and can be edited like the main text.
Javascript: SignatureFieldCollection Contains all signature fields of a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: SignatureFieldEventArgs The event argument for signature field related events.
Javascript: SignatureFieldInfo Information about a signature field.
Javascript: SignatureImage The SignatureImage object represents a signature image of a signature field in a Text Control document.
Javascript: SignatureImageInfo Information about a signature image.
Javascript: SignerData The data of a suggested signer connected with a SignatureField.
Javascript: Size Stores a pair of numbers which specify a height and width.
Javascript: SpellCheckTextEventArgs The event argument for a spell check related event.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator Provides functions and properties for requesting properties and executing server side methods for the status bar.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGeneratorColors The StatusBarViewGeneratorColors object provides methods for getting, setting or resetting the display colors of a status bar.
Javascript: SubTextPart A SubTextPart object represents a user-defined part of a document.
Javascript: SubTextPartCallbackData The type of the response parameter of the AddSubTextPartCallback callback function.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection The SubTextPartCollection object represents a collection of subtextparts.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs The event argument object for SubTextPart related events.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo Specifies the properties of a new SubTextPart added via the (deprecated) method TextPart.addSubTextPart.
Javascript: TXTextControl The TXTextControl JavaScript object provides a public API to manipulate the web editor via JavaScript functions in the browser.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ApplicationField Represents a ApplicationField.
Javascript: TXTextControl.BarcodeType Contains the existing barcode types.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.DateField Represents an MS Word specific DATE field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField Represents an MS Word specific IFFIELD field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField Represents an MS Word specific INCLUDETEXT field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings The LoadSettings object provides properties for advanced settings and information during load operations.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField Represents an MS Word specific MERGEFIELD field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextField Represents an MS Word specific NEXT field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField Represents an MS Word specific NEXTIF field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Proofing A JavaScript object which was introduced to act as a namespace for all proofing and spell checking methods and properties.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings The SaveSettings class provides properties for advanced settings and information during save operations.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField Represents a text field in a Text Control document.
Javascript: Table The Table object represents a table in a document.
Javascript: TableBaseCollection The base class for table collections.
Javascript: TableCell Represents a single cell of a table in a Text Control document.
Javascript: TableCellBorder A TableCellBorder object represents the border of a table cell.
Javascript: TableCellCollection Contains all cells of a table.
Javascript: TableCellFormat The TableCellFormat object represents the formatting attributes of a table cell.
Javascript: TableCollection Contains all tables of a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: TableColumn Represents a single column of a table in a Text Control document.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection Contains all columns of a table in a Text Control document
Javascript: TableEventArgs The event argument for table related events.
Javascript: TableInfo Information about a table.
Javascript: TableOfContents A TableOfContents object defines the position and the properties of a table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollection Contains all tables of contents in a certain part of the document.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollectionAddParams The method parameters for the TableOfContentsCollection.add() method.
Javascript: TableOfContentsEventArgs The event argument for table of contents related events.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo Information about a table of contents.
Javascript: TableRow Represents a single row of a table in a Text Control document.
Javascript: TableRowCollection Contains all rows of a table in a Text Control document.
Javascript: TextChar The TextChar object represents a single character in a document.
Javascript: TextCharCollection Contains all characters in a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: TextDroppedEventArgs The event argument object for the textDropped event.
Javascript: TextField Represents a text field in a document.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection Contains all standard text fields in a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: TextFieldCollectionBase Contains all standard text fields in a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: TextFieldEventArgs The event argument object for text field related events.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo The type of the text field object in TextFieldEventArgs or in other properties / methods returning static field information (or arrays thereof).
Javascript: TextFormField The TextFormField object represents a text input field on a form.
Javascript: TextFormFieldEventArgs The event argument for text form field related events.
Javascript: TextFormFieldInfo Information about a text form field.
Javascript: TextFrame The TextFrame object represents a rectangle that can be filled with text by an end-user and can be edited like the main text.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection Contains all text frames of a Text Control document or part of the document.
Javascript: TextFrameEventArgs The event argument for text frame related events.
Javascript: TextPart Represents a part of the document, which can be the main text, a header or footer or a text frame.
Javascript: TextPartCollection Contains all text parts in a TX Text Control document.
Javascript: TextPastedEventArgs The event argument object for the textPasted event.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors The TextViewGeneratorColors object provides methods for getting, setting or resetting the display colors of the TextControl.
Javascript: TextViewLocationChangedEventArgs The event argument object for the textViewLocationChanged event.
Javascript: TrackedChange A TrackedChange object represents a change made to the document after anyone has revised the document.
Javascript: TrackedChangeCollection Contains all tracked changes in the main text or another part of a document.
Javascript: TrackedChangeEventArgs The event argument for a tracked change related event.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo Information about a tracked change.
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo This class contains read only information about a user dictionary.
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs The event argument object for the webSocketClosed event.
Javascript: ZoomFactorChangedEventArgs The event argument object for the zoomFactorChanged event.


Property Description
Javascript: BarcodeEventArgs.barcodeFrame Information about the barcode's frame.
Javascript: BarcodeFrame.barcode The barcode control associated with the barcode frame.
Javascript: ChartEventArgs.chartFrame Information about the chart's frame.
Javascript: CheckFormFieldEventArgs.formField The check form field.
Javascript: CheckFormFieldInfo.checked The checked state of the check box.
Javascript: ClipboardModeChangedEventArgs.clipboardMode The clipboard mode.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferAbortedEventArgs.id Unique ID string of the aborted transfer.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferCompleteEventArgs.id Unique ID string of the completed transfer.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferProgressEventArgs.id The unique transfer ID string.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferProgressEventArgs.progress The progress of the clipboard data transfer in percent.
Javascript: ClipboardTransferStartEventArgs.id The unique transfer ID string.
Javascript: CommentCallbackData.addResult Indicates whether the comment was added successfully.
Javascript: CommentCallbackData.comment The added comment.
Javascript: CommentEventArgs.commentedText Information about the comment.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.active Comment activation state.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.comment The comment text.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.creationTime Creation time as a Unix time stamp in milliseconds.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.highlightColor Highlight color as a CSS color string.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.highlightMode The comment's highlight mode.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.id The comment's identifier.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.length The comment's length in characters.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.number The number of the comment in the document's text flow.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.start The comment's 1-based start position in the document.
Javascript: CommentedTextInfo.userName The name of the user who made the comment.
Javascript: ComponentSettings.containerID The ID of the editor container DIV element.
Javascript: ComponentSettings.domContentLoaded Optional.
Javascript: ComponentSettings.editorSettings Optional.
Javascript: ComponentSettings.replaceContainer Optional.
Javascript: ComponentSettings.webSocketURL The WebSocket URL.
Javascript: ContextMenuEventArgs.cancel Set this to true to suppress the context menu.
Javascript: ContextMenuEventArgs.items Context menu items (see ContextMenuItem).
Javascript: ContextMenuEventArgs.location A binary combination of ContextMenuLocation values.
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.clickHandler Optional.
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.dropDownIsScrollable Optional.
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.imageUrl Optional.
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.isChecked Optional.
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.isEnabled Optional.
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.items Optional.
Javascript: ContextMenuItem.text The menu item text.
Javascript: ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs.cancel Set this to true to prevent the click from being sent to the backend.
Javascript: ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs.item The clicked context menu item.
Javascript: CultureSettings.culture The control's culture.
Javascript: CultureSettings.uiCulture The control's user interface culture.
Javascript: DateFormFieldEventArgs.formField The date form field.
Javascript: DateFormFieldInfo.date The date as a Unix time stamp in milliseconds.
Javascript: DateFormFieldInfo.dateFormat The date format.
Javascript: DateFormFieldInfo.emptyWidth The horizontal width of the empty field in twips.
Javascript: DictionaryInfo.fileName The dictionary file name.
Javascript: DictionaryInfo.isLoaded Indicates whether the dictionary is currently loaded.
Javascript: Distances.bottom The bottom distance in twips.
Javascript: Distances.left The left distance in twips.
Javascript: Distances.right The right distance in twips.
Javascript: Distances.top The top distance in twips.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.connectionID Optional.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.contextMenusEnabled Optional.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.culture Optional.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.customQueryParams Optional.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.editMode Optional.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.formattingPrinter Optional.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.reconnectTimeout Optional.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.uiCulture Optional.
Javascript: DocumentEditorSettings.userNames Optional.
Javascript: DocumentLinkEventArgs.target Information about the document target the link points to.
Javascript: DocumentLoadedEventArgs.fileName The file name of the loaded document.
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowCopy Specifies whether document content can be copied to the clipboard.
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowEditingFormFields Gets or sets a value specifying whether form fields can be filled in.
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowFormatting Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document can be formatted.
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowFormattingStyles Gets or sets a value specifying whether formatting styles can be used to format the document.
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.allowPrinting Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document can be printed.
Javascript: DocumentPermissions.readOnly Gets or sets a value specifying whether the document is read only.
Javascript: DocumentSettings.embeddedFiles Gets a collection of all files embedded in the document.
Javascript: DocumentTargetInfo.targetName The name of the document target.
Javascript: DrawingEventArgs.drawingFrame Information about the drawing frame.
Javascript: EditableRegionCallbackData.editableRegion Added editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegionEventArgs.id The editable region's identifier.
Javascript: EditableRegionEventArgs.length The number of characters which belong to the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegionEventArgs.start The index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegionEventArgs.userName the name of the user who can edit the region.
Javascript: ErrorArgument.handled Specifies whether the error has been handled.
Javascript: ErrorArgument.msg The error message.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs.cancel Set this property to true to cancel the event.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs.fileName The file name of the dropped file.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs.fileSize The size of the file in bytes.
Javascript: FileDroppedEventArgs.fileType The MIME type of the file.
Javascript: FootnoteCallbackData.added Indicates whether the footnote was added successfully.
Javascript: FootnoteCallbackData.footnote The added footnote.
Javascript: FootnoteEventArgs.highlightColor The footnote's highlight color.
Javascript: FootnoteEventArgs.highlightMode The footnote's highlight mode (see TXTextControl.HighlightMode).
Javascript: FootnoteEventArgs.id The footnote's identifier.
Javascript: FootnoteEventArgs.name The footnote's name.
Javascript: FootnoteEventArgs.number The footnote's 1-based number in the text flow.
Javascript: FootnoteEventArgs.referenceMarkLength The footnote's reference mark length in characters.
Javascript: FootnoteEventArgs.referenceMarkStart The footnote's 1-based reference mark start position.
Javascript: FormattedText.applicationFields Gets a collection of all Microsoft Word fields that have been created or imported from a Microsoft Word or RTF document.
Javascript: FormattedText.comments Gets a collection of all comments in this text part.
Javascript: FormattedText.documentLinks Gets a collection of all links which point to targets in the same document.
Javascript: FormattedText.documentTargets Gets a collection of all document targets.
Javascript: FormattedText.editableRegions Gets a collection of all editable regions.
Javascript: FormattedText.formFields Gets a collection of all form fields in the text part.
Javascript: FormattedText.frames Gets a collection of all frames in the document.
Javascript: FormattedText.hypertextLinks Gets a collection of all hypertext links.
Javascript: FormattedText.lines Gets a collection of all text lines.
Javascript: FormattedText.misspelledWords Gets a collection of all misspelled words.
Javascript: FormattedText.paragraphs Gets a collection of all paragraphs.
Javascript: FormattedText.selection Gets the current selection.
Javascript: FormattedText.subTextParts Gets the current subtextparts.
Javascript: FormattedText.tables Gets a collection of all tables.
Javascript: FormattedText.tablesOfContents Gets the current tables of contents.
Javascript: FormattedText.textChars Gets a collection of all text characters.
Javascript: FormattedText.textFields Gets a collection of all standard text fields.
Javascript: FormattedText.textPartType Gets the Text part type.
Javascript: FormattedText.trackedChanges Gets a collection of all tracked changes.
Javascript: FrameEventArgs.frame Information about the frame.
Javascript: FrameInfo.id The frame's identifier.
Javascript: FrameInfo.location The frame's location in twips.
Javascript: FrameInfo.name The frame's name.
Javascript: FrameInfo.textPosition The frame's character position in the document's text (one-based).
Javascript: HeaderFooter.pageNumberFields A collection of page number fields in the header or footer.
Javascript: HeaderFooterEventArgs.connectedToPrevious Specifies whether the header or footer is connected to previous section.
Javascript: HeaderFooterEventArgs.distance The distance, in twips, of a header or footer to the top or bottom of the page.
Javascript: HeaderFooterEventArgs.type The type of the header or footer.
Javascript: HyperLinkInfo.target The link target.
Javascript: HyperlinkClickedEventArgs.target The link target.
Javascript: HypertextLinkEventArgs.hypertextLink Information about the hypertext link.
Javascript: HyphenateWordEventArgs.dividePos The position at which the word should be divided.
Javascript: HyphenateWordEventArgs.maxDividePos The maximum dividing position.
Javascript: HyphenateWordEventArgs.word The word to hyphenate.
Javascript: ImageEventArgs.image The image's information.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.column The column number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.line The line number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.page The page number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.section The section number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPositionChangedEventArgs.textPosition The 0-based text position of the current text input position.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.author The document's author
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.bytesRead The number of bytes read during the load operation.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.creationDate The document's creation date.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.creatorApplication The application, which has created the document.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.cssFileName The path and filename of the CSS file belonging to an HTML or XML document.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.documentKeywords The document's keywords.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.documentPartName SpreadsheetML only.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.documentSubject The document's subject string.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.lastModificationDate The date the document is last modified.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.loadedFile The name and path of the file that has been loaded.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.loadedStreamType The StreamType of the file that has been loaded.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.pageMargins The margins of the loaded document's pages.
Javascript: LoadDocumentCallbackData.pageSize The width and height of the loaded document's pages.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.isDuplicate A value which marks the misspelled word as duplicate.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.isIgnored A value which marks the misspelled word as ignored.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.length The length of the misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.number The number of the misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.start The starting position of the misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.text The text of the misspelled word.
Javascript: Paragraph.format The paragraph's formatting attributes.
Javascript: Paragraph.listFormat The paragraph's bulleted or numbered list and/or its formatting attributes.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.listFormat The paragraph style's bulleted or numbered list and/or its formatting attributes.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.paragraphFormat The paragraph style's paragraph attributes.
Javascript: Point.x The x-coordinate of the point.
Javascript: Point.y The y-coordinate of the point.
Javascript: PropertyChangedEventArgs.newValue The new value of the changed property.
Javascript: Rectangle.location The location of the rectangle.
Javascript: Rectangle.size The size of the rectangle.
Javascript: Ribbon.selectedTab Gets or sets the currently selected ribbon tab name.
Javascript: RibbonPermissionsTab.allowAdditionalUserNames Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can add user names by the RibbonPermissionsTab's Add Users dialog that are not represented by the registeredUserNames property.
Javascript: RibbonPermissionsTab.registeredUserNames Gets or sets an array of strings that represents those registered user names that can be added by the "Permissions" ribbon tab's Add Users dialog.
Javascript: RibbonTabIndexChangedEventArgs.name The name of the ribbon tab which is now active.
Javascript: RibbonTabLoadedEventArgs.elemTab The HTML element of the ribbon tab.
Javascript: RibbonTabLoadedEventArgs.tabName The name of the ribbon tab.
Javascript: RulerBarViewGenerator.displayColors The displayed colors of the ruler bar.
Javascript: SaveDocumentResult.bytesWritten Specifies the number of bytes written during a save operation.
Javascript: SaveDocumentResult.data The Document data.
Javascript: SaveDocumentResult.streamType Specifies one of the StreamType values.
Javascript: Section.format The section's formatting attributes.
Javascript: Section.headersAndFooters The section's headers and footers.
Javascript: SectionFormat.pageBorder Gets the attributes of a section's page border.
Javascript: SectionFormat.pageMargins Gets the section's page margins.
Javascript: SectionFormat.pageSize Gets the section's page size.
Javascript: Selection.listFormat Gets a bulleted or numbered list and / or its formatting attributes for the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.paragraphFormat Gets the formatting attributes of the selected paragraphs.
Javascript: Selection.sectionFormat Gets page settings such as margins, size and orientation for the selected text.
Javascript: SelectionBounds.length The length of the selection in characters.
Javascript: SelectionBounds.start The 0-based start character position of the selection.
Javascript: SelectionFormFieldEventArgs.formField The selection form field.
Javascript: SignatureField.image The signature field's image.
Javascript: SignatureFieldEventArgs.signatureField Information about the signature field.
Javascript: SignatureFieldInfo.image Information about the signature image.
Javascript: SignatureFieldInfo.signerData The signer data.
Javascript: SignatureImageInfo.exportCompressionQuality Export compression quality.
Javascript: SignatureImageInfo.exportMaxResolution Maximum export resolution.
Javascript: SignerData.address The address of a suggested signer.
Javascript: SignerData.contactInfo The contact information of a suggested signer, such as a phone number.
Javascript: SignerData.name The name of a suggested signer.
Javascript: SignerData.reason A reason why the document is signed.
Javascript: SignerData.title The title of a suggested signer.
Javascript: Size.height The height.
Javascript: Size.width The width.
Javascript: SpellCheckTextEventArgs.misspelledWords An array of misspelled words.
Javascript: SpellCheckTextEventArgs.text The text to check.
Javascript: StatusBarViewGenerator.displayColors The displayed colors of the status bar.
Javascript: SubTextPartCallbackData.subTextPart The added subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.id The subtextpart's identifier.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.length The length of the SubTextPart in characters.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.name The name of the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.nestedLevel The subtextpart's nested level.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.number The subtextpart's number.
Javascript: SubTextPartEventArgs.start The 1-based position of the first character which belongs to the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo.highlightMode Optional.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo.id Optional.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo.length Optional.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo.name The name of the SubTextPart.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo.start Optional.
Javascript: TXTextControl.barcodes Gets a collection of all barcode frames contained in the text part with the input focus.
Javascript: TXTextControl.barcodeTypeSettings The type specific settings for the currently used barcode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.clipboardMode Gets or sets the clipboard mode (client or server).
Javascript: TXTextControl.contextMenusEnabled Gets or sets if a right click into the text area opens a context menu or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.controlChars Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.displayColors The displayed colors of the text control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.documentPermissions The document permission settings.
Javascript: TXTextControl.documentSettings The DocumentSettings class provides properties which inform about general document settings, such as author and title, contained in the document the user is currently working on.
Javascript: TXTextControl.documentTargetMarkers Gets or sets whether document target markers are visible.
Javascript: TXTextControl.editMode Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.footnotes All footnotes contained in the main text of the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.headersAndFooters Gets a collection of all headers and footers in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.images Gets a collection of all images contained in the text part with the input focus.
Javascript: TXTextControl.inlineStyles Gets a collection of all inline styles the current document contains.
Javascript: TXTextControl.inputFormat All formatting attributes at the current text input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.inputPosition The current text input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isHyphenationEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isLanguageDetectionEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isLoadingDialogEnabled Gets or sets whether a wait dialog is shown while a document is being loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isSpellCheckingEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isTrackChangesEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.listFormat The type and the formatting attributes of a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: TXTextControl.pageMargins The margins for the pages of the current document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.pages Gets a collection of all pages in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.pageSize The width and height of the pages for the current document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.paragraphFormat The paragraph formatting attributes of the text displayed by the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.paragraphStyles All paragraph formatting styles in the current document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ribbon Gets the control's ribbon bar object.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ribbonPermissionsTab Returns the "Permissions" ribbon tab object.
Javascript: TXTextControl.rulerBar The horizontal ruler bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.saveDocumentQuestionDialogEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.sections Gets a collection of all sections in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.selection Returns the current selection or sets the selection's position and length.
Javascript: TXTextControl.sideBarToggleButton The sidebar toggle button shown at the top right of the ribbon.
Javascript: TXTextControl.signatureFields Gets a collection of all signature fields in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.statusBar The status bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.tableGridLines Gets or sets if table grid lines are visible.
Javascript: TXTextControl.textFieldsEditable Gets or sets if text fields are editable or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.textFrameMarkerLines Gets or sets if text frame marker lines are visible.
Javascript: TXTextControl.textFrames Gets a collection of all text frames in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.textParts Gets a collection of all main text parts the current document contains.
Javascript: TXTextControl.verticalRulerBar The vertical ruler bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.zoomFactor Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ApplicationField.parameters The ApplicationField's parameters.
Javascript: TXTextControl.ApplicationField.typeName The merge field type ("MERGEFIELD", "DATE", "IF" etc.).
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color.a The alpha component of the color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color.b The blue component of the color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color.g The green component of the color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.Color.r The red component of the color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.DateField.format Specifies the format of the field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.DateField.preserveFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.expression1 Specifies the first expression text that should be compared.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.expression2 Specifies the second expression text that should be compared to Expression1.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.falseText Specifies the text that should be displayed when the comparison is false.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.operator Specifies the comparison operator.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.preserveFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IfField.trueText Specifies the text that should be displayed when the comparison is true.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField.bookmark Specifies the bookmark switch of the field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField.fileName Specifies the file name of the document that should be inserted.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField.preserveFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.IncludeTextField.textFormat Specifies the text format of the field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.addParagraph Specifies whether or not a new paragraph is created before text is loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.applicationFieldFormat Specifies the format of text fields which are imported.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.applicationFieldTypeNames Specifies an array of strings containing the type names of fields which are to be imported.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.documentAccessPermissions Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.documentBasePath Sets a file path that is used to search for resources like images or hypertext links.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.documentPartName SpreadsheetML only.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.imageSearchPath Sets a file path that is used to search for resources like images or hypertext links.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.loadDocumentBackColor Specifies whether or not the document background color is loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.loadHypertextLinks Specifies whether or not hypertext links are loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.loadImages Specifies whether or not images are loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.loadSubTextParts DOCX Format only: Specifies whether or not bookmarks which extend over several characters are converted to SubTextParts.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.masterPassword Specifies the password when the document is restricted with access permissions.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.PDFImportSettings Specifies how the document structure is generated when a PDF document is imported.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.reportingMergeBlockFormat Specifies how reporting merge blocks are handled when a document is loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.userPassword Specifies the password for the user to open a password protected document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.dateTimeFormat Specifies a string format which is applied to date / time values.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.name Specifies the name of the field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.numericFormat Specifies a string format which is applied to numeric values.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.preserveFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.text Specifies the text of the field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.textAfter Specifies the text of the field that is displayed after the field's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.textBefore Specifies the text of the field that is displayed before the field's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.MergeField.textFormat Specifies the text format of the field.
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextField.preserveFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField.expression1 Specifies the first expression text that should be compared.
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField.expression2 Specifies the second expression text that should be compared to Expression1.
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField.operator Specifies the comparison operator.
Javascript: TXTextControl.NextIfField.preserveFormatting Specifies whether the field's formatting should be preserved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.author The document's author which will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.creationDate The document's creation date which will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.creatorApplication The application, which has created the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.cssSaveMode HTML only.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentAccessPermissions Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been opened.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentKeywords Sets the document's keywords which will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentLevelJavaScriptActions Specifies an array of strings containing Javascript.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentSubject Sets the document's subject string which will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentTitle Sets the document's title that will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.imageCompressionQuality Sets a value between 1 and 100, which is the quality of a lossy image compression used when a document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.imageExportFilterIndex Sets the format used for saving all images contained in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.imageMaxResolution Sets the maximum resolution for all images in the document in dots per inch when the document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.lastModificationDate Sets the date the document is last modified.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.masterPassword Specifies a password for the document's access permissions.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.omittedContent Specifies data to be omitted when the document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.reportingMergeBlockFormat Specifies how reporting merge blocks are handled when a document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.saveDocumentBackColor Specifies whether or not the document background color is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.userPassword Specifies the password for the user when the document is reopened.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.bounds Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.containsInputPosition Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.deleteable Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.doubledInputPosition Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.editable Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.id Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.isSpellCheckingEnabled Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.length Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.name Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.showActivated Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.start Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.text Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.TextField.type Obsolete.
Javascript: Table.cells The collection of all table cells the table consists of.
Javascript: Table.columns Gets a collection of all columns the table consists of.
Javascript: Table.nestedTables Gets a collection of all tables nested in this table.
Javascript: Table.rows Gets a collection of all rows the table consists of.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.bottomBorder The cell's bottom border.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.leftBorder The cell's left border.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.rightBorder The cell's right border.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.topBorder The cell's top border.
Javascript: TableEventArgs.table The table's information.
Javascript: TableInfo.id The table's id.
Javascript: TableInfo.nestedLevel The table's nesting level.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollectionAddParams.hasLinks Optional.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollectionAddParams.hasPageNumbers Optional.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollectionAddParams.hasRightAlignedPageNumbers Optional.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollectionAddParams.maximumStructureLevel Optional.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollectionAddParams.minimumStructureLevel Optional.
Javascript: TableOfContentsCollectionAddParams.title Optional.
Javascript: TableOfContentsEventArgs.tableOfContents The table of contents' information.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.hasLinks Specifies whether each entry in the table of contents is a DocumentLink with a corresponding DocumentTarget.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.hasPageNumbers Specifies whether the table of contents contains page numbers.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.hasRightAlignedPageNumbers Specifies whether the page numbers in the table of contents are right-aligned.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.highlightColor The highlight color for the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.highlightMode Indicates how the text of the table of contents is highlighted.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.id The table of contents' identifier.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.length The number of characters which belong to the table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.maximumStructureLevel The maximum structure level for this table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.minimumStructureLevel The minimum structure level for this table of contents.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.name The table of contents' name.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.number The table of contents' one-based number in the document.
Javascript: TableOfContentsInfo.start The one-based index of the first character which belongs to the table of contents.
Javascript: TextDroppedEventArgs.cancel Set this property to true to cancel the event.
Javascript: TextDroppedEventArgs.text The dropped text.
Javascript: TextDroppedEventArgs.textType The MIME type of the dropped text.
Javascript: TextFieldEventArgs.textField The text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.bounds The bounding rectangle of a text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.containsInputPosition Returns true if the Textfield contains the current text input position.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.deleteable Specifies whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.doubledInputPosition Specifies whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.editable Specifies whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.formattingBounds The formatting rectangle of a text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.id The identifier of the text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.isSpellCheckingEnabled Specifies whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.length The number of characters in the text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.name The text field's name.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.showActivated Specifies whether a text field toggles its background to gray, if the current input position is in the field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.start The 1-based first character position of the text field.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.text The text field's text content.
Javascript: TextFieldInfo.type The field type ("APPLICATIONFIELD" or "TEXTFIELD").
Javascript: TextFormFieldEventArgs.formField The text form field.
Javascript: TextFrameEventArgs.textFrame The text frame's information.
Javascript: TextPart.index Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.selection Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.type Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPastedEventArgs.cancel Set this property to true to cancel the event.
Javascript: TextPastedEventArgs.text The pasted text.
Javascript: TextPastedEventArgs.textType The MIME type of the text.
Javascript: TextViewLocationChangedEventArgs.location The new text view location in twips.
Javascript: TrackedChangeEventArgs.trackedChange The tracked change's information.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.changeKind The tracked change's kind.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.changeTime The tracked change's time.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.highlightColor The tracked change's highlighting color.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.highlightMode The tracked change's highlighting mode.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.length The tracked change's length.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.number The tracked change's number.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.start The tracked change's starting position.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.userName The tracked change's user name.
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.isEditable Indicates whether the user dictionary is editable or not.
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.isGetSuggestionsEnabled Indicates whether suggestions are created using this dictionary or not.
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.isSelectAsDefault Indicates whether the dictionary is selected as the default dictionary by the Language property.
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.isSpellCheckingEnabled Indicates whether spell checking of this dictionary is enabled or not.
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.language The user dictionary's language in the format languagecode2-country/regioncode2.
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.length The number of words the user dictionary contains.
Javascript: UserDictionaryInfo.name The user dictionary's name.
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.code The close code sent by the server.
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.reason The reason the server closed the connection.
Javascript: WebSocketClosedEventArgs.wasClean Indicates whether or not the connection was cleanly closed.
Javascript: ZoomFactorChangedEventArgs.zoomFactor The new zoom factor in percent.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.AppendBody.Documents The documents that should appended in the Append process.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.AppendDocument.Document The documents to be appended.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.AppendDocument.DocumentDivider The document divider.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DigitalSignature.Certificate An X.509 certificate.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DigitalSignature.Password The password for the certificate.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DigitalSignature.TimeServerURL The time server url.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.UserDocumentProperties Contains all user defined document properties.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.MergeBlocks Contains all merge blocks in the document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.MergeFields Contains all merge fields in the document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.DocumentKeywords The document's keywords.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.Author The document's author.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.CreationDate The document's creation date.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.CreatorApplication The application that created the document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.DocumentSubject The document's subject string.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.DocumentTitle The document's title string.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentInfo.LastModificationDate The date the document has last been modified on.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentProcessing.OAuthInfo Returns information about the OAuth authentication currently in use.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings.Author Gets or sets the document's author.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings.CreationDate Gets or sets the document's creation date.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings.CreatorApplication Gets or sets the document's creator application.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings.DocumentSubject Gets or sets the document's subject string.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings.DocumentTitle Gets or sets the document's title string.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings.LastModificationDate Gets or sets the document's last modification date.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.DocumentSettings.UserPassword Gets or sets the document's user password.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.CreationDate The creation date of the embedded file.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.Data The embedded file data.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.DataType The embedded file data type.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.Description The embedded file description.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.FileName The embedded file name.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.LastModificationDate The last modification date of the embedded file.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.MIMEType The MIME type of the embedded file.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.Relationship The file relationship.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.EmbeddedFile.Metadata The metadata for the embedded file.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.FindAndReplaceBody.FindAndReplaceData Gets or sets the find and replace data.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.FindAndReplaceBody.Template Gets or sets the template document data.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.FindAndReplaceBody.MergeSettings Gets or sets the merge settings.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBlock.Name The name of the MergeBlock.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBlock.MergeBlocks Contains all merge blocks in the merge block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBlock.MergeFields Contains all merge fields in the merge block.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBody.MergeData Gets or sets the merge data.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBody.Template Gets or sets the template document data.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeBody.MergeSettings Gets or sets the merge settings to specify merge properties and document properties such as title and author.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField.DateTimeFormat Specifies a string format which is applied to date / time values.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField.Name Gets and sets the name of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField.NumericFormat Specifies a string format which is applied to numeric values.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField.PreserveFormatting Specifies whether the formatting is preserved.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField.Text Gets and sets the text of the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField.TextAfter Gets and sets the text after the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeField.TextBefore Gets and sets the text before the field.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.RemoveEmptyFields Gets or sets whether empty fields should be removed from the template or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.RemoveEmptyBlocks Gets or sets whether the content of empty merge blocks should be removed from the template or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.RemoveEmptyImages Gets or sets whether images which don't have merge data should be removed from the template or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.RemoveTrailingWhitespace Gets or sets whether trailing whitespace should be removed before saving a document.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.RemoveEmptyLines Gets or sets whether empty lines should be removed from the template or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.MergeHtml Gets or sets whether field data can contain formatted Html content or not.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.Culture Specifies the culture for the merge process for date and currency values.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.FormFieldMergeType Specifies in which manner form fields are treated during the merge process.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.DataSourceCulture Provides a way to specify the culture which is used when parsing date and currency values from the data source in case of formatting problems (e.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.MergeSettings.MergeCulture Provides a way to specify the target culture which is used when formatting date and currency values during the merge process in case of formatting problems (e.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings.DigitalSignature An X.509 certificate to sign the PDF document with.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings.DocumentKeywords Document keywords.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings.DocumentLevelJavaScriptActions Specifies JavaScript actions that are embedded in the PDF.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings.EmbeddedFiles Specifies files to be embedded in the PDF.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings.ImageCompressionQuality Image compression quality.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings.MasterPassword The password for the document's access permissions.
TXTextControl.DocumentServices.DocumentProcessing.PDFSettings.DocumentAccessPermissions Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been opened.