New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 15.1 the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Class Description
TXTextControl.ButtonBar The ButtonBar class represents a Windows Forms tool bar which can be used to show or to set font and paragraph attributes of a Windows Forms TextControl.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors The ButtonBar.Colors class gets, sets or resets the display colors of a Windows Forms ButtonBar control.
TXTextControl.FrameBase The FrameBase class is the base class of the Image, TextFrame, ChartFrame, BarcodeFrame and DrawingFrame classes.
TXTextControl.ImageCollection An instance of the ImageCollection class contains all images in a Text Control document or part of the document represented through objects of the type Image.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors The RulerBar.Colors class gets, sets or resets the display colors of a Windows Forms RulerBar control.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors The StatusBar.Colors class gets, sets or resets the display colors of a Windows Forms StatusBar control.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors The TextControl.Colors class gets, sets or resets the display colors of a Windows Forms TextControl control.


Property Description
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.BorderStyle Gets or sets the border style of the button bar.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.ButtonOffsets Gets or sets an array of additional offsets, in pixels, between the buttons.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.ButtonPositions Gets or sets an array of buttons the button bar consists of.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.ButtonSeparators Gets or sets an array of boolean values specifying whether or not a separator is drawn between two buttons.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.ButtonStyle Gets or sets the painting style of the buttons.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.BackColor Gets or sets the background color at the left edge of the button bar.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonBackColorBottom Gets or sets the background color at the bottom of a button.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonBackColorMiddle Gets or sets the background color in the middle of a button.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonBackColorTop Gets or sets the background color at the top of a button.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonFrameColor Gets or sets the frame color of a selected or pressed button.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonHotTrackBottom Gets or sets the background color at the bottom of a button, if the mouse cursor is over the button.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonHotTrackTop Gets or sets the background color at the top of a button, if the mouse cursor is over the button.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonPressedBottom Gets or sets the background color at the bottom of a button used when the button is pressed down.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonPressedTop Gets or sets the background color at the top of a button used when the button is pressed down.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonSelectedBottom Gets or sets the background color at the bottom of a button used when the button is selected.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ButtonSelectedTop Gets or sets the background color at the top of a button used when the button is selected.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ComboBoxBackColor Gets or sets the background color of the combo boxes.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ForeColor Gets or sets the color used for text and the button images.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.GradientBackColor Gets or sets the background color at the right edge of the button bar.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.SeparatorColorDark Gets or sets the color of the dark part of a separator.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.SeparatorColorLight Gets or sets the color of the light part of a separator.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.DisplayColors Gets or sets the colors of the button bar.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.Alignment Gets or sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.ID Gets or sets an identifier for the frame.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.InsertionMode Gets or sets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.Location Gets or sets, in twips, the frame's current location.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.Moveable Determines whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.Name Gets or sets a name for the frame.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.Size Gets or sets the frame's size in twips.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.Sizeable Determines whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.TextDistances Gets or sets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
TXTextControl.FrameBase.TextPosition Read only.
TXTextControl.ImageCollection.ExportFilters Gets all available filters for exporting images.
TXTextControl.ImageCollection.ImportFilters Gets all available filters for importing images.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.BackColor Gets or sets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.ForeColor Gets or sets the color used for the numbers of the ruler.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.GradientBackColor Gets or sets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.RulerColor Gets or sets the color of the ruler.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.SeparatorColorDark Gets or sets the color of dark separators.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.SeparatorColorLight Gets or sets the color of light separators.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.DisplayColors Gets or sets the colors of the ruler bar.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.ImageExportFilterIndex Sets the format used for saving all images contained in the document.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.ImageSaveMode Determines whether the document's images are stored through its data or through its file reference.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors.BackColor Gets or sets the background color at the left edge of the status bar.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors.ForeColor Gets or sets the color used for text and numbers.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors.FrameColor Gets or sets the color of the status bar's frames.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors.GradientBackColor Gets or sets the background color at the right edge of the status bar.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.DisplayColors Gets or sets the colors of the status bar.
TXTextControl.TextControl.AllowDrag Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can be a source of a Drag&Drop operation.
TXTextControl.TextControl.AllowDrop Overridden.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.DarkShadowColor Gets or sets the display color for the shadow at the right and the bottom edge of the pages.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.DesktopColor Gets or sets the display color for the area around the pages.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.LightShadowColor Gets or sets the display color for the shadow at the left and the top edge of the pages.
TXTextControl.TextControl.DisplayColors Gets or sets the colors of the text control.
TXTextControl.TextControl.DropFormats Gets or sets the formats of data the control can accept when the user drags it onto the control.


Method Description
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetBackColor Resets the button bar's BackColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonBackColorBottom Resets the button bar's ButtonBackColorBottom to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonBackColorMiddle Resets the button bar's ButtonBackColorMiddle to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonBackColorTop Resets the button bar's ButtonBackColorTop to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonFrameColor Resets the button bar's ButtonFrameColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonHotTrackBottom Resets the button bar's ButtonHotTrackBottom to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonHotTrackTop Resets the button bar's ButtonHotTrackTop to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonPressedBottom Resets the button bar's ButtonPressedBottom to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonPressedTop Resets the button bar's ButtonPressedTop to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonSelectedBottom Resets the button bar's ButtonSelectedBottom to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetButtonSelectedTop Resets the button bar's ButtonSelectedTop to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetComboBoxBackColor Resets the button bar's ComboBoxBackColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetForeColor Resets the button bar's ForeColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetGradientBackColor Resets the button bar's GradientBackColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetSeparatorColorDark Resets the button bar's SeparatorColorDark to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.Colors.ResetSeparatorColorLight Resets the button bar's SeparatorColorLight to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.ResetButtonOffsets Resets the offset array to its default state.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.ResetButtonPositions Resets the button array to its default state.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.ResetButtonSeparators Resets the separator array to its default state.
TXTextControl.ButtonBar.ResetDisplayColors Resets all display colors of a button bar to their system dependent default values.
TXTextControl.ImageCollection.Add Inserts a new image in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.ImageCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.ImageCollection.GetItem Gets a particular image from the collection.
TXTextControl.ImageCollection.Remove Removes an image from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.ResetBackColor Resets the ruler bar's BackColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.ResetForeColor Resets the ruler bar's ForeColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.ResetGradientBackColor Resets the ruler bar's GradientBackColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.ResetRulerColor Resets the ruler bar's RulerColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.ResetSeparatorColorDark Resets the ruler bar's SeparatorColorDark to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.Colors.ResetSeparatorColorLight Resets the ruler bar's SeparatorColorLight to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.RulerBar.ResetDisplayColors Resets all display colors of a ruler bar to their system dependent default values.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.GetSupportedFonts Gets an array of strings specifying the names of all currently supported fonts.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors.ResetBackColor Resets the status bar's BackColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors.ResetForeColor Resets the status bar's ForeColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors.ResetFrameColor Resets the status bar's FrameColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.Colors.ResetGradientBackColor Resets the status bar's GradientBackColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.StatusBar.ResetDisplayColors Resets all display colors of a status bar to their system dependent default values.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.ResetDarkShadowColor Resets the text control's DarkShadowColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.ResetDesktopColor Resets the text control's DesktopColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.TextControl.Colors.ResetLightShadowColor Resets the text control's LightShadowColor to its system dependent default value.
TXTextControl.TextControl.GetSupportedFonts Gets an array of strings specifying the names of all currently supported fonts.
TXTextControl.TextControl.ResetDisplayColors Resets all display colors of a text control to their system dependent default values.
TXTextControl.TextFrameCollection.GetItem Gets a particular text frame from the collection.