New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 26.0 for ASP.NET the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Method Description
Javascript: PageBorder.getBottomDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of the bottom border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.getBottomLineColor Gets the color of the bottom border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getBottomLineWidth Gets the width of the bottom border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getFirstPageOnly Gets whether the page border is drawn only on the first page of the section.
Javascript: PageBorder.getLeftDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of the left border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.getLeftLineColor Gets the color of the left border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getLeftLineWidth Gets the width of the left border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getMeasureFromText Gets whether the page border's distances are measured from the text.
Javascript: PageBorder.getOmitFirstPage Gets whether the page border is not drawn on the first page of the section.
Javascript: PageBorder.getRightDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of the right border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.getRightLineColor Gets the color of the right border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getRightLineWidth Gets the width of the right border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getSurroundFooter Gets whether the page border surrounds the section's footer.
Javascript: PageBorder.getSurroundHeader Gets whether the page border surrounds the section's header.
Javascript: PageBorder.getTopDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of the top border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the {@link MeasureFromText}.
Javascript: PageBorder.getTopLineColor Gets the color of the top border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.getTopLineWidth Gets the width of the top border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setBottomDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of the bottom border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.setBottomLineColor Sets the color of the bottom border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setBottomLineWidth Sets the width of the bottom border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setFirstPageOnly Sets whether the page border is drawn only on the first page of the section.
Javascript: PageBorder.setLeftDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of the left border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.setLeftLineColor Sets the color of the left border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setLeftLineWidth Sets the width of the left border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setMeasureFromText Sets whether the page border's distances are measured from the text.
Javascript: PageBorder.setOmitFirstPage Sets whether the page border is not drawn on the first page of the section.
Javascript: PageBorder.setRightDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of the right border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.setRightLineColor Sets the color of the right border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setRightLineWidth Sets the width of the right border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setSurroundFooter Sets the whether the page border surrounds the section's footer.
Javascript: PageBorder.setSurroundHeader Sets the whether the page border surrounds the section's header.
Javascript: PageBorder.setTopDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of the top border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText.
Javascript: PageBorder.setTopLineColor Sets the color of the top border line.
Javascript: PageBorder.setTopLineWidth Sets the width of the top border line.
Javascript: PageMargins.getBottom Gets the bottom margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.getLeft Gets the left margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.getRight Gets the right margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.getTop Gets the top margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.setBottom Sets the bottom margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.setLeft Sets the left margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.setRight Sets the right margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageMargins.setTop Sets the top margin of a TX Text Control document or document section.
Javascript: PageSize.getHeight Gets the page height of a document or document section.
Javascript: PageSize.getWidth Gets the page width of a document or document section.
Javascript: PageSize.setHeight Sets the page height of a document or document section.
Javascript: PageSize.setWidth Sets the page width of a document or document section.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getAbsoluteLineSpacing Gets the line spacing of a paragraph in twips.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getAlignment Gets the horizontal text alignment.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getBackColor Gets the background color of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getBottomDistance Gets the bottom distance, in twips, between this and the next paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getDirection Gets the writing direction.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrame Gets the framesetting of the paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrameDistance Gets the distance, in twips, between the text and the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrameLineColor Gets the color used for the frame lines of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrameLineWidth Gets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getFrameStyle Gets the style of the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getHangingIndent Gets the distance, in twips, for the hanging indent.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getJustification Gets the kind of justification in documents containing Arabic or Hebrew characters.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getKeepLinesTogether Gets a value indicating whether a page break is allowed within the paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getKeepWithNext Gets whether the paragraph is displayed on the same page as its following paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getLeftIndent Gets the distance, in twips, between the left edge of the Text Control and the left edge of the text.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getLineSpacing Gets the line spacing of a paragraph as a percentage of the font size.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getPageBreakBefore Gets whether the paragraph is always displayed on top of a page.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getRightIndent Gets the distance, in twips, between the right edge of a Text Control document and the right edge of the text.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getTabPositions Gets the absolute tab stop positions, in twips, in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getTabTypes Gets the tab types in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getTopDistance Gets the distance, in twips, between this and the previous paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.getWidowOrphanLines Gets the number of lines for widow/orphan control.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setAbsoluteLineSpacing Sets the line spacing of a paragraph in twips.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setAlignment Sets the horizontal text alignment.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setBackColor Sets the background color of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setBottomDistance Sets the bottom distance, in twips, between this and the next paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setDirection Sets the writing direction.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrame Sets the framesetting of the paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameDistance Sets the distance, in twips, between the text and the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameLineWidth Sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameStyle Sets the style of the paragraph's frame.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setHangingIndent Sets the distance, in twips, for the hanging indent.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setJustification Sets the kind of justification in documents containing Arabic or Hebrew characters.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setKeepLinesTosether Sets a value indicating whether a page break is allowed within the paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setKeepWithNext Sets whether paragraph is displayed on the same page as its following paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setLeftIndent Sets the distance, in twips, between the left edge of the Text Control and the left edge of the text.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setLineSpacing Sets the line spacing of a paragraph as a percentage of the font size.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setPageBreakBefore Sets whether the paragraph is always displayed on top of a page.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setRightIndent Sets the distance, in twips, between the right edge of a Text Control document and the right edge of the text.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setTabPositions Sets an array containing the absolute tab stop positions, in twips, in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setTabTypes Sets an array containing the tab types in a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setTopDistance Sets distance, in twips, between this and the previous paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setWidowOrphanLines Sets the number of lines for widow/orphan control.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getBreakKind Gets the kind of the section break the section starts with.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumnDistances Gets the distances, in twips, between the columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumnLineColor Gets the color of a dividing line between two columns.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumnLineWidth Gets the width of a dividing line between two columns.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumns Gets the number of columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getColumnWidths Gets the widths, in twips, of the columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getEqualColumnWidth Gets a value indicating whether the columns on a page have all the same width and the same distance between them.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getLandscape Gets a value indicating whether the section's page size is in landscape orientation.
Javascript: SectionFormat.getRestartPageNumbering Gets a value indicating whether page numbering is restarted at the section's beginning.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setBreakKind Sets the kind of the section break the section starts with.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setColumnLineColor Sets the color of a dividing line between two columns.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setColumnLineWidth Sets the width of a dividing line between two columns.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setColumns Sets the number of columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setColumnWidths Sets the widths, in twips, of the columns on a page.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setEqualColumnWidth Sets a value indicating whether the columns on a page have all the same width and the same distance between them.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setLandscape Sets a value indicating whether the section's page size is in landscape orientation.
Javascript: SectionFormat.setRestartPageNumbering Sets a value indicating whether page numbering is restarted at the section's beginning.
Javascript: Selection.getBaseline Gets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getBold Gets the bold attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getCulture Gets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value.
Javascript: Selection.getFontName Gets the font name of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getFontSize Gets the font's size, in points, of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getForeColor Gets the color used to display the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getFormattingStyle Gets the formatting style of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getItalic Gets the italic attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getStrikeout Gets the strikeout attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getText Gets the currently selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getTextBackColor Gets the background color of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.getUnderline Gets the underlining styles of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setBaseline Sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setBold Sets the bold attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setCulture Sets the culture as a languagecode2-country / regioncode2 string value.
Javascript: Selection.setFontName Sets the font's name of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setForeColor Sets the selection's foreground color.
Javascript: Selection.setFormattingStyle Sets the formatting style of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setItalic Sets the italic attribute of the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setText Sets the currently selected text.
Javascript: Selection.setTextBackColor Sets the selection's background color.
Javascript: Selection.setUnderline Sets the underlining styles for the selected text.
Javascript: TextPart.addSubTextPart Obsolete.
Javascript: TextPart.removeSubTextPart Obsolete.
Javascript: TXTextControl.loadJsonData Loads JSON data which is used to create table and field name menu items in the mailings ribbon tab.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showSideBar Shows or hides a specified side bar.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.GetDocumentPartNames SpreadsheetML only.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTrackedChangeCreated Raises the TrackedChangeCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTrackedChangeDeleted Raises the TrackedChangeDeleted event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnCannotTrackChange Raises the CannotTrackChange event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnMainTextActivated Raises the MainTextActivated event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnTextFrameActivated Raises the TextFrameActivated event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnTextFrameDeactivated Raises the TextFrameDeactivated event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnTrackedChangeChanged Raises the TrackedChangeChanged event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnTrackedChangeStateChanged Raises the TrackedChangeStateChanged event.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.Add Adds a new table at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.GetItem Gets the table at the current input position.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.Remove Removes the table at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.Save Saves the changed text with the specified format.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.ScrollTo Sets the current input position to the first position of the changed text and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.Select Selects the changed part of the document.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection.GetItem Gets a particular item from the collection.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection.Remove Removes a tracked change from the collection.


Property Description
Javascript: SectionFormat.pageBorder Gets the attributes of a section's page border.
Javascript: SectionFormat.pageMargins Gets the section's page margins.
Javascript: SectionFormat.pageSize Gets the section's page size.
Javascript: Selection.listFormat Gets a bulleted or numbered list and / or its formatting attributes for the selected text.
Javascript: Selection.paragraphFormat Gets the formatting attributes of the selected paragraphs.
Javascript: Selection.sectionFormat Gets page settings such as margins, size and orientation for the selected text.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo.highlightMode Optional.
Javascript: Optional.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo.length Optional.
Javascript: The name of the SubTextPart.
Javascript: SubTextPartInfo.start Optional.
Javascript: TXTextControl.isTrackChangesEnabled Obsolete.
TXTextControl.CannotTrackChangeEventArgs.Cancel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the change of the document should be performed.
TXTextControl.CannotTrackChangeEventArgs.DefaultMessage Gets the default message for the user.
TXTextControl.CannotTrackChangeEventArgs.Handled A subscriber can set this property to true to indicate that he has handled the event.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.FilterInstruction.ColumnName Gets or sets the name of the table column whose content this merge condition is compared to.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.FilterInstruction.CompareTo Gets or sets the value the table column content is compared to using the specified comparison operator.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.FilterInstruction.ComparisonOperator Gets or sets the relational operator used as the comparison operator.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.FilterInstruction.LogicalOperator Gets or sets the logical operator by which to logically connect a filter instruction to the previous one if a filter consists of a collection of multiple filter instructions.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.SortingInstruction.OrderBy Gets or sets the table column name to order the data by.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.SortingInstruction.SortOrder Gets or sets the sort order (ascending / descending).
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.BlockMergingCondition Gets or sets a condition the parent data row of this merge block has to satisfy so that this merge block is merged at all.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.Filters Gets or sets a list of filter instructions which are used to filter the data rows before merging.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockInfo.SortingInstructions Gets or sets a list of sorting instructions which are used to sort the data rows before merging.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.CreatedTable Returns the table created by DataSourceManager.InsertMergeBlock if property BlockTemplateType was set to BlockTemplateType.TableRow.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataSources.MergeBlockSettings.TableID Gets or sets the ID of the table created by DataSourceManager.InsertMergeBlock.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.RemoveEmptyLines Specifies whether text lines which are empty after merging should be removed from the template or not.
TXTextControl.FormulaException.CharacterIndex Gets the one-based character index of the first invalid character in the formula string.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.TrackedChanges Gets a collection of all changes made in the header or footer.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.TrackedChanges Gets a collection of all tracked changes made in the text part.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.NumberFormat Gets or sets a number format which can be used to automatically format numbers in table cells.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.NumberTextType Gets or sets a value specifying whether text at the current input position is interpreted as a number which means that the period character (.) is defined as decimal separator and the comma character (,) is defined as thousands separator.
TXTextControl.InputFormat.StandardTextType Gets or sets a value specifying whether the text at the current input position is interpreted as standard text which means that it is displayed as it is.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.AddParagraph Specifies whether or not a new paragraph is created before text is loaded.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.BytesRead Gets the number of bytes read during the load operation.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.CssFileName Gets the path and filename of the CSS file belonging to a HTML or XML document.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.DocumentPartName SpreadsheetML only.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.DocumentTitle Gets the document's title.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.ImageSearchPath Sets a file path that is used to search for resources like images or hypertext links.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.LoadedFile Gets the name and path of the file that has been loaded.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.LoadedStreamType Gets the StreamType of the file that has been loaded.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.LoadHypertextLinks Specifies whether or not hypertext links are loaded.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.LoadImages Specifies whether or not images are loaded.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.PageMargins Gets the margins of the loaded document's pages.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings.PageSize Gets the width and height of the loaded document's pages.
TXTextControl.NumberFormatException.CharacterIndex Gets the one-based character index of the first invalid character in the numberformat string.
TXTextControl.SaveSettings.OmittedContent Specifies data to be omitted when the document is saved.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.FormulaReferenceStyle Gets or sets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.IsFormulaCalculationEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether formulas in tables are automatically calculated when the text of an input cell is changed.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TrackedChanges Gets a collection of all changes made in the active part of the document.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.RulerBarViewGenerator.FormulaMode Gets or sets a value specifying whether the ruler bar shows cell references when the current input position is in a table cell.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.IsTrackChangesEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether track changes is active or not.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.ViewMode Gets or sets the mode how a document is displayed.
TXTextControl.SubTextPart.Data Gets or sets additional data of the subtextpart.
TXTextControl.TableCell.CellFormat Gets or sets the formatting attributes of a table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Column Gets the table cell's column number.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Formula Gets or sets the table cell's formula.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Length Gets the number of characters in the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Position Gets or sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the cell.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Row Gets the table cell's row number.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Start Gets the index (one-based) of the first character in the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Text Gets or sets the cell's text.
TXTextControl.TableCell.Width Gets or sets, in twips, the width of the cell.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.NumberFormat Gets or sets a number format for the table cell.
TXTextControl.TableCellFormat.TextType Gets or sets the text type of the table cell which determines whether the cell's text is interpreted as a number or as text When the type is Standard, the cell's text is interpreted as text and it is displayed as it is.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.CanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new table can be inserted at the current input position.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.GridLines Gets or sets a value indicating wether table grid lines are shown or not.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.SupportedFormulaFunctions Gets a list of all formula functions currently supported.
TXTextControl.TableCollection.SupportedNumberFormats Gets a list of often used number formats for formula results.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.TrackedChanges Gets a collection of all changes made in a text frame.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.Active Gets or sets a value specifying whether the TrackedChange is currently active or not.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.ChangeKind Gets the kind of change.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.ChangeTime Gets the date and time when the change has been made.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.DefaultHighlightColor Gets the default highlight color of a tracked change.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.HighlightColor Gets or sets the highlight color for the tracked change.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.HighlightMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tracked change is highlighted.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.Length Gets the number of changed characters.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.Number Gets the change's number.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.Start Gets the index (one-based) of the first changed character.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.Text Gets the changed text.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange.UserName Gets the name of the user who has changed the document.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection.IsSynchronized Returns true if the collection is designed to be thread safe, otherwise, it returns false.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection.Item Gets the change with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection.SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeEventArgs.TrackedChange Gets an object that represents the tracked change which causes the event.
TXTextControl.Web.MVC.TextControlSettings.UserNames Gets or sets a list of names specifying users who have access to editable regions.


Class Description
TXTextControl.CannotTrackChangeEventArgs The CannotTrackChangeEventArgs class provides data for the CannotTrackChange event.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.FilterInstruction The FilterInstruction class is used to filter merge block data by certain conditions before merging.
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.DataShaping.SortingInstruction The SortingInstruction class contains merge block data sorting information such as the sort order and the column name to sort the data rows after.
TXTextControl.FormulaException The FormulaException class informs about an invalid syntax or missing parameters of formulas used in tables.
TXTextControl.LoadSettings The LoadSettings class provides properties for advanced settings and information during load operations.
TXTextControl.NumberFormatException The NumberFormatException class informs about an invalid syntax of a numberformat used to display a formula result.
TXTextControl.TableCell An instance of the TableCell class represents a single cell of a table in a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.TableCollection An instance of the TableCollection class contains all tables of a Text Control document or part of the document represented through objects of the type Table.
TXTextControl.TrackedChange A TrackedChange object represents a change made to the document after anyone has revised the document.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeCollection Contains all tracked changes in the main text or another part of a document.
TXTextControl.TrackedChangeEventArgs The TrackedChangeEventArgs class provides data for the TrackedChangeChanged, TrackedChangeCreated, TrackedChangeStateChanged, and TrackedChangeDeleted events.


Event Description
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TrackedChangeCreated Occurs when a tracked change has been created.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TrackedChangeDeleted Occurs when a tracked change has been deleted.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CannotTrackChange Determines how to handle a change of the document that cannot be added to the list of tracked changes.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.MainTextActivated Occurs when the main text of the document gets the current text input position from another part of the document, such as a header, a footer or a textframe.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.TextFrameActivated Occurs when a text frame gets the current text input position from another part of the document such as a header, a footer or the main text.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.TextFrameDeactivated Occurs when a text frame loses the current text input position and another part of the document such as a header, a footer or the main text gets it.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.TrackedChangeChanged Occurs when the text of a tracked change has been altered.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.TrackedChangeStateChanged Occurs when the state of a tracked change alters from active to inactive or vice versa.