Javascript: ApplicationField.getFormat |
Gets the field's format. |
Javascript: ApplicationField.getParameters |
Gets the field' parameters. |
Javascript: ApplicationField.getTypeName |
Gets the field's type name. |
Javascript: ApplicationField.setFormat |
Sets the field's format. |
Javascript: ApplicationField.setParameters |
Sets the field's parameters. |
Javascript: ApplicationField.setTypeName |
Sets the field's type name. |
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.add |
Inserts a new application field at the current input position. |
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.getItem |
Gets the field at the current input position or null, if there is no such field at the current input position. |
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.remove |
Removes a field of the type ApplicationField from a TX Text Control document. |
Javascript: Barcode.getAdditionalText |
Gets an additional text that is displayed below or above the barcode image. |
Javascript: Barcode.getAlignment |
Gets the alignment of the barcode image inside the control. |
Javascript: Barcode.getAngle |
Gets the angle of the barcode image inside the control. |
Javascript: Barcode.getBackColor |
Gets the background color of the barcode control. |
Javascript: Barcode.getBarcodeType |
Gets the type of barcode that is rendered. |
Javascript: Barcode.getForeColor |
Gets the foreground color of the barcode control. |
Javascript: Barcode.getShowText |
Gets a value indicating whether the encrypted barcode text value is displayed below or above the barcode image or not. |
Javascript: Barcode.getText |
Gets the text encrypted by the barcode. |
Javascript: Barcode.getTextAlignment |
Gets a value indicating whether the barcode text and additional text is displayed below or above the barcode image. |
Javascript: Barcode.getUpperTextLength |
Gets the maximum text length. |
Javascript: Barcode.saveImage |
Saves the barcode image. |
Javascript: Barcode.setAdditionalText |
Sets an additional text that is displayed below or above the barcode image. |
Javascript: Barcode.setAlignment |
Sets the alignment of the barcode image inside the control. |
Javascript: Barcode.setAngle |
Sets the angle of the barcode image inside the control. |
Javascript: Barcode.setBackColor |
Sets the background color for the barcode control. |
Javascript: Barcode.setBarcodeType |
Sets the type of barcode that is rendered. |
Javascript: Barcode.setForeColor |
Sets the foreground color for the barcode control. |
Javascript: Barcode.setShowText |
Sets a value indicating whether the encrypted barcode text value is displayed below or above the barcode image or not. |
Javascript: Barcode.setText |
Sets the text the barcode should encrypt. |
Javascript: Barcode.setTextAlignment |
Sets a value indicating whether the barcode text and additional text is displayed below or above the barcode image. |
Javascript: Barcode.setUpperTextLength |
Sets the maximum text length. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAnchored |
Creates and inserts a new barcode which is anchored to the specified text position. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation |
Inserts a new barcode which is anchored to the specified text position. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument |
Creates and inserts a new barcode which has a fixed geometrical position in the document. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage |
Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addInline |
Creates and inserts a new barcode inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addWithMouse |
Inserts a barcode with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.getItem |
Gets the barcode selected by the user or the barcode with the specified identifier. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.getItemByName |
Gets the barcode with the specified name. |
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.remove |
Removes a barcode. |
Javascript: BarcodeFrame.refresh |
Refreshes the barcode. |
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.getHasCheckValue |
Gets a value indicating whether the currently used barcode type includes a check value. |
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.getShowCheckValue |
Gets a value indicating whether the check value of the currently used barcode type is shown with the encrypted barcode text value. |
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.setHasCheckValue |
Sets a value indicating whether the currently used barcode type includes a check value. |
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.setShowCheckValue |
Sets or sets a value indicating whether the check value of the currently used barcode type is shown with the encrypted barcode text value. |
Javascript: CheckFormField.getChecked |
Gets a value indicating whether the checkbox is in the checked state. |
Javascript: CheckFormField.getCheckedCharacter |
Gets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the checked state. |
Javascript: CheckFormField.getUncheckedCharacter |
Gets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state. |
Javascript: CheckFormField.setChecked |
Sets a value indicating whether the checkbox is in the checked state. |
Javascript: CheckFormField.setCheckedCharacter |
Sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the checked state. |
Javascript: CheckFormField.setUncheckedCharacter |
Sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state. |
Javascript: Collection.elementAt |
Returns the element at a specified index in the collection. |
Javascript: Collection.forEach |
Executes a callback function for each element. |
Javascript: Collection.getCount |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |
Javascript: DateFormField.getDate |
Gets the DateFormField's date. |
Javascript: DateFormField.getDateFormat |
Gets the date's format. |
Javascript: DateFormField.getEmptyWidth |
Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the date formfield, when it is empty. |
Javascript: DateFormField.getSupportedDateFormats |
Gets an array of format picture strings which can be used to format the date. |
Javascript: DateFormField.setDate |
Sets the DateFormField's date. |
Javascript: DateFormField.setDateFormat |
Sets the date's format. |
Javascript: DateFormField.setEmptyWidth |
Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the date formfield, when it is empty. |
Javascript: DocumentLink.getDocumentTarget |
Gets an object of the type DocumentTarget specifying to where the link points. |
Javascript: DocumentLink.setDocumentTarget |
Sets an object of the type DocumentTarget specifying to where the link points. |
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.add |
Adds a new document link to the collection. |
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.clear |
Removes all document links from the collection. |
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.getItem |
Gets the document link at the current text input position or the document link with the specified id. |
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.remove |
Removes the link from the collection. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getDeleteable |
Gets whether a document target can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getID |
Gets an identifier for a document target. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getName |
Relates a user-defined name to a document target. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getNumber |
Gets the one-based number of the document target in the document. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getStart |
Gets the first character position (one-based) of a document target. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getTargetName |
Gets the name of the document target. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.scrollTo |
Sets the current input position to the beginning of the document target and scrolls it into the visible part of the document. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setDeleteable |
Sets whether a document target can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setID |
Sets an identifier for the document target. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setName |
Sets the name of a document target. |
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setTargetName |
Sets the name of the document target. |
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.add |
Adds a new document target to the collection. |
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.clear |
Removes all document targets from the collection. |
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.getCanAdd |
Gets a value indicating whether a new document target can be inserted at the current input position. |
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.getItem |
Gets the document target at the current text input position or the document target with the specified id. |
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.remove |
Removes the target from the collection. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.getHighlightColor |
Gets the highlight color for the editable region. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.getHighlightMode |
Gets a value indicating whether the editable region is highlighted. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.getID |
Gets an identifier for a editable region. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.getLength |
Gets the number of characters which belong to the editable region. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.getStart |
Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the editable region. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.getText |
Gets the editable region's text. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.getUserName |
Gets the name of the user who can edit the region. |
Javascript: |
Saves this editable region in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.scrollTo |
Sets the current input position to the beginning of an editable region and scrolls it into the visible part of the document. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.setHighlightColor |
Sets the highlight color for the editable region. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.setHighlightMode |
Sets a value indicating whether the editable region is highlighted. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.setID |
Sets an identifier for the editable region. |
Javascript: EditableRegion.setUserName |
Sets the name of the user who can edit the region. |
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.add |
Adds a new editable region to the document. |
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.getItems |
Gets all editable regions at the current text input position. |
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.remove |
Removes an editable region from the collection. |
Javascript: FormattedText.find |
Finds a text string. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.apply |
Applies all set attributes of the style to the current document. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBaseline |
Gets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBaseStyle |
Gets the FormattingStyle which is the base style of this style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBold |
Gets the bold attribute of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getFontName |
Gets the font of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getFontSize |
Gets the font's size of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getForeColor |
Gets the style's color used to display the text. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getItalic |
Gets the italic attribute of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getName |
Gets the name of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getStrikeout |
Gets the strikeout attribute of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getTextBackColor |
Gets the style's text background color. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getUnderline |
Gets the underlining styles for the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setBaseline |
Sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setBold |
Sets the bold attribute of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setFontName |
Sets the font of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setFontSize |
Sets the font's size of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setForeColor |
Sets the style's color used to display the text. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setItalic |
Sets the italic attribute of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setName |
Sets the name of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setStrikeout |
Sets the strikeout attribute of the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setTextBackColor |
Sets the style's text background color. |
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setUnderline |
Sets the underlining styles for the style. |
Javascript: FormattingStyleCollection.remove |
Removes a formatting style from the collection. |
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addCheckFormField |
Adds a new CheckFormField. |
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addDateFormField |
Adds a new DateFormField. |
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addSelectionFormField |
Adds a new SelectionFormField. |
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addTextFormField |
Adds a new TextFormField. |
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.getItem |
Gets the form field at the current text input position or the form field with the specified id. |
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.remove |
Removes the form field from the Text Control document. |
Javascript: FrameBase.changeZOrder |
Changes the frame's z-order. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getAlignment |
Gets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getBounds |
Gets the frame's bounding rectangle relative to the upper left corner of the document. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getID |
Gets an identifier for the frame. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getInsertionMode |
Gets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getLocation |
Gets, in twips, the frame's current location. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getMoveable |
Gets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getName |
Gets the name for the frame. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getSize |
Gets the frame's size in twips. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getSizeable |
Gets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getTextDistances |
Gets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text. |
Javascript: FrameBase.getTextPosition |
Gets the frame's character position in the document's text (one-based). |
Javascript: FrameBase.setAlignment |
Sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph. |
Javascript: FrameBase.setID |
Sets an identifier for the frame. |
Javascript: FrameBase.setInsertionMode |
Sets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame. |
Javascript: FrameBase.setLocation |
Sets, in twips, the frame's current location. |
Javascript: FrameBase.setMoveable |
Sets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: FrameBase.setName |
Sets a name for the frame. |
Javascript: FrameBase.setSize |
Sets the frame's size in twips. |
Javascript: FrameBase.setSizeable |
Sets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: FrameBase.setTextDistances |
Sets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text. |
Javascript: FrameBaseCollection.clear |
Removes all objects from the collection and from the document. |
Javascript: FrameCollection.getItem |
Gets the frame selected by the user or the frame with the specified identifier. |
Javascript: FrameCollection.getItemByName |
Gets the frame with the specified name. |
Javascript: FrameCollection.remove |
Removes a frame from a Text Control document. |
Javascript: HeaderFooter.activate |
Activates the this header or footer. |
Javascript: HeaderFooter.deactivate |
Deactivates the this header or footer. |
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getConnectedToPrevious |
Gets a value specifying whether the header or footer is connected with the header or footer of the previous section. |
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getDistance |
Gets the distance, in twips, of a header or footer to the top or bottom of the page. |
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getType |
Gets the type of the header or footer. |
Javascript: HeaderFooter.setConnectedToPrevious |
Sets a value specifying whether the header or footer is connected with the header or footer of the previous section. |
Javascript: HeaderFooter.setDistance |
Sets the distance, in twips, of a header or footer to the top or bottom of the page. |
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.add |
Adds a new header or footer to a document or to a certain section of the document. |
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.getItem |
Gets a particular header or footer from the collection. |
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.remove |
Removes a header or footer from the document or from a certain section. |
Javascript: HypertextLink.getTarget |
Gets a string that specifies the target to where the hypertext link points. |
Javascript: HypertextLink.setTarget |
Sets a string that specifies the target to where the hypertext link points. |
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.add |
Inserts a new hypertext link at the current input position. |
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.getItem |
Gets the hypertext link with the specified id. |
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.remove |
Removes a hypertext link from a Text Control document. |
Javascript: Image.getHorizontalScaling |
Gets an images's horizontal scaling factor in percent. |
Javascript: Image.getVerticalScaling |
Gets an images's vertical scaling factor in percent. |
Javascript: Image.setHorizontalScaling |
Sets an images's horizontal scaling factor in percent. |
Javascript: Image.setVerticalScaling |
Sets an images's vertical scaling factor in percent. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAnchored |
Creates and inserts a new image which is anchored to the specified text position. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation |
Inserts a new image which is anchored to the specified text position. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPosition |
Obsolete. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument |
Creates and inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage |
Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.addInline |
Creates and inserts a new image inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.getItem |
Gets the image selected by the user or the image with the specified identifier. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.getItemByName |
Gets the image with the specified name. |
Javascript: ImageCollection.remove |
Removes an image from a Text Control document. |
Javascript: InlineStyle.isInheritedFromParagraph |
Informs about whether one or more of the style's attributes are inherited from the surrounding paragraph. |
Javascript: InlineStyle.resetToParagraph |
Resets one or more of the style's attributes to its default value which is the same value as defined for the surrounding paragraph. |
Javascript: InlineStyleCollection.add |
Adds a new style to the current document. |
Javascript: InlineStyleCollection.getItem |
Gets a style from the collection by the style's name. |
Javascript: InputFormat.addEventListener |
The addEventListener function registers event listener functions on the InputFormat object. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getAllFrameLines |
Gets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getBold |
Gets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getBottomAligned |
Gets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getBottomDistance |
Gets bottom's paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getBoxFrame |
Gets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getBulletCharacter |
Gets the bullet character at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getBulletedList |
Gets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getCentered |
Gets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getFontFamily |
Gets the font family at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getFontSize |
Gets the font's size, in points, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameFillColor |
Gets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameLineColor |
Gets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameLineWidth |
Gets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getHangingIndent |
Gets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getInnerHorizontalFrameLines |
Gets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getInnerVerticalFrameLines |
Gets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getItalic |
Gets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getJustified |
Gets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftAligned |
Gets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftFrameLine |
Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftIndent |
Gets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftToRight |
Gets a value specifying whether the writung direction is left-to-right at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getLinespacing |
Gets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberedList |
Gets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberedListFormat |
Gets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberFormats |
Gets an array of all supported number formats for numbered and structured lists. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightAligned |
Gets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightFrameLine |
Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightIndent |
Gets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightToLeft |
Gets a value specifying whether the writing direction is right-to-left at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getStrikeout |
Gets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getStructuredList |
Gets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getStructuredListFormat |
Gets the number format for a structured list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getStyleName |
Gets the formatting style name at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getStyleNames |
Returns an array of the names of all formatting styles, the document contains. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getSubscript |
Gets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getSuperscript |
Gets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedFontFamilies |
Returns an array of strings specifying all supported fonts. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedFontSizes |
Gets an array of strings specifying all possible font sizes for the font at the text input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedUnderlineStyles |
Gets an array of all supported underline styles. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getTextBackColor |
Gets the color used to display the text's background color at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getTextColor |
Gets the color used to display the text at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopAligned |
Gets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopDistance |
Gets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopFrameLine |
Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getUnderline |
Gets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getUnderlineStyle |
Gets a value specifying the style at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.getVerticallyCentered |
Gets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.removeEventListener |
The removeListener function removes the specified event listener from the InputFormat object. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setAllFrameLines |
Sets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setBold |
Sets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setBottomAligned |
Sets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setBottomDistance |
Sets a bottom paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setBoxFrame |
Sets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setBulletCharacter |
Sets the bullet character at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setBulletedList |
Sets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setCentered |
Sets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setFontFamily |
Sets the font family at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setFontSize |
Sets the font's size, in points, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameFillColor |
Sets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameLineColor |
Sets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameLineWidth |
Sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setHangingIndent |
Sets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setInnerHorizontalFrameLines |
Sets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setInnerVerticalFrameLines |
Sets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setItalic |
Sets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setJustified |
Sets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftAligned |
Sets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftFrameLine |
Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftIndent |
Sets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftToRight |
Sets a value specifying whether the writung direction is left-to-right at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setLinespacing |
Sets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setNumberedList |
Sets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setNumberedListFormat |
Sets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightAligned |
Sets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightFrameLine |
Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightIndent |
Sets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightToLeft |
Sets a value specifying whether the writing direction is right-to-left at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setStrikeout |
Sets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setStructuredList |
Sets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setStructuredListFormat |
Sets the number format for a structured list at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setStyleName |
Sets the formatting style name at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setSubscript |
Sets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setSuperscript |
Sets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setTextBackColor |
Sets the color used to display the text background color at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setTextColor |
Sets the color used to display the text at the current input position as a CSS color string. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopAligned |
Sets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopDistance |
Sets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopFrameLine |
Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setUnderline |
Sets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setUnderlineStyle |
Sets a value specifying the style at the current input position. |
Javascript: InputFormat.setVerticallyCentered |
Sets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getCaretSize |
Gets the size of the caret, in pixels, at the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getColumn |
Gets the column number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getInactiveMarker |
Gets whether the current text input position when the TextControl is inactive and the blinking caret is not visible. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getLine |
Gets the line number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getLocation |
Gets the geometric location of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getPage |
Gets the page number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getPageInSection |
Gets the page number in the section containing the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getSection |
Gets the section number of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.getTextPosition |
Gets the text position of the current text input position. |
Javascript: InputPosition.scrollTo |
Scrolls the contents of a Text Control so that the current input position becomes visible. |
Javascript: InputPosition.setInactiveMarker |
Sets whether the current text input position when the TextControl is inactive and the blinking caret is not visible. |
Javascript: Line.getBaseline |
Gets the line's baseline position. |
Javascript: Line.getLength |
Gets the number of characters in the line including the break character. |
Javascript: Line.getNumber |
Gets the line's number. |
Javascript: Line.getPage |
Gets the number of the page to which the line belongs. |
Javascript: Line.getStart |
Gets the number (one-based) of the first character in the line. |
Javascript: Line.getText |
Gets the line's text. |
Javascript: Line.getTextBounds |
Gets the bounding rectangle of the text belonging to the line. |
Javascript: |
Saves the line in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function. |
Javascript: LineCollection.getItem |
Gets a particular line from the collection. |
Javascript: LineCollection.getItemAtLocation |
Gets the line at a certain geometrical position. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getBulletCharacter |
Gets the symbol character for a bulleted list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getBulletSize |
Gets the size of the symbol character for a bulleted list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getFirstNumber |
Gets the starting number for a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getFontName |
Gets the font used for the bullet character. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getFormatCharacter |
Gets the formatting character for a bulleted or numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getHangingIndent |
Gets the hanging indent of a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getLeftIndent |
Gets the left indent for a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getLevel |
Gets the level for a bulleted or numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getNumberFormat |
Gets the number format for a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getRestartNumbering |
Gets a value determining whether a new numbered list begins. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getTextAfterNumber |
Gets the text that is displayed behind the number in a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getTextBeforeNumber |
Gets the text that is displayed in front of the number in a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.getType |
Gets the type of the list, bulleted, numbered or none. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setBulletCharacter |
Sets the symbol character for a bulleted list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setBulletSize |
Sets the size of the symbol character for a bulleted list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setFirstNumber |
Sets the starting number for a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setFontName |
Sets the font used for the bullet character. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setFormatCharacter |
Sets the formatting character for a bulleted or numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setHangingIndent |
Sets the hanging indent of a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setLeftIndent |
Sets the left indent for a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setLevel |
Sets the level for a bulleted or numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setNumberFormat |
Sets the number format for a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setRestartNumbering |
Sets the value determining whether a new numbered list begins. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setTextAfterNumber |
Sets the text that is displayed behind the number in a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setTextBeforeNumber |
Sets the text that is displayed in front of the number in a numbered list. |
Javascript: ListFormat.setType |
Sets the type of the list, bulleted, numbered or none. |
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getIsDuplicate |
Gets a value which marks the misspelled word as duplicate. |
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getIsIgnored |
Gets a value which marks the misspelled word as ignored. |
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getLength |
Gets the length of a misspelled word. |
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getNumber |
Gets the number of this misspelled word. |
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getStart |
Gets the starting position of a misspelled word. |
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getText |
Gets the text of the misspelled word. |
Javascript: |
Selects the misspelled word in the text. |
Javascript: MisspelledWord.setIsDuplicate |
Sets a value which marks the misspelled word as duplicate. |
Javascript: MisspelledWord.setIsIgnored |
Sets a value which marks the misspelled word as ignored. |
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getCountOf |
Gets the number of misspelled words with a special meaning from the collection. |
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtInputPosition |
Gets the misspelled word of the specified kind at the current text input position. |
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtLocation |
Gets the misspelled word at a certain geometrical location. |
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtTextPosition |
Gets the misspelled word of the specified kind at the specified text input position. |
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.ignore |
Changes the text of the specified misspelled word and marks it as ignored. |
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.remove |
Removes the specified misspelled word from a Text Control document. |
Javascript: Page.getBounds |
Gets the bounding rectangle of the page, in twips, relative to the top of the document. |
Javascript: Page.getFooter |
Gets the footer of the page. |
Javascript: Page.getHeader |
Gets the header of the page. |
Javascript: Page.getImage |
Gets an image of the page's contents as in the specified format in screen resolution. |
Javascript: Page.getLength |
Gets the number of characters of the page, including the page break character at the end of the page. |
Javascript: Page.getNumber |
Gets the page's number. |
Javascript: Page.getNumberInSection |
Gets the page number relative to the beginning of the section the page belongs to. |
Javascript: Page.getSection |
Gets the number, one-based, of the section the page belongs to. |
Javascript: Page.getStart |
Gets the number (one-based) of the page's first character. |
Javascript: Page.getTextBounds |
Gets the bounding rectangle of the page's text, in twips, relative to the top of the document. |
Javascript: |
Selects the text of the page. |
Javascript: PageCollection.getItem |
Gets the Page containing the current text input position from the collection. |
Javascript: PageCollection.getItemAtTextPosition |
Gets the page at a certain text input position. |
Javascript: Paragraph.getFormattingStyle |
Gets the paragraph's formatting style. |
Javascript: Paragraph.getLength |
Gets the number of characters in the paragraph including the paragraph end character. |
Javascript: Paragraph.getLines |
Gets the number of lines the paragraph consists of. |
Javascript: Paragraph.getListNumber |
Gets the paragraph's list number. |
Javascript: Paragraph.getListNumberText |
Gets the paragraph's list number text. |
Javascript: Paragraph.getStart |
Gets the number (one-based) of the paragraph's first character. |
Javascript: Paragraph.getStartLine |
Gets the number (one-based) of the paragraph's first line. |
Javascript: Paragraph.getText |
Gets the paragraph's text. |
Javascript: |
Saves the paragraph in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function. |
Javascript: |
Selects the paragraph. |
Javascript: Paragraph.setFormattingStyle |
Sets the paragraph's formatting style. |
Javascript: ParagraphCollection.getItem |
Gets a particular Paragraph from the collection. |
Javascript: ParagraphCollection.getItemAtLocation |
Gets the Paragraph at a certain geometrical position. |
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameLineColor |
Sets the color used for the frame lines of a paragraph. |
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.getFollowingStyle |
Gets the name of the style that the document automatically uses for the following paragraph after the user has pressed the ENTER key. |
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.getParagraphFormat |
Gets the style's paragraph attributes. |
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.setFollowingStyle |
Sets the name of the style that the document automatically uses for the following paragraph after the user has pressed the ENTER key. |
Javascript: ParagraphStyleCollection.add |
Adds a new style to the current document. |
Javascript: ParagraphStyleCollection.getItem |
Gets a style from the collection by the style's name. |
Javascript: Section.getLength |
Gets the number of characters in the section. |
Javascript: Section.getNumber |
Gets the section's number. |
Javascript: Section.getStart |
Gets the number (one-based) of the first character in the section. |
Javascript: |
Selects the section. |
Javascript: SectionCollection.add |
Adds a new section at the current text input position. |
Javascript: SectionCollection.addAtTextPosition |
Adds a new section at the specified text input position. |
Javascript: SectionCollection.getItem |
Gets the section at the current input position or or the section in the collection with the given number. |
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getEmptyWidth |
Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the selection formfield, when it is empty. |
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getIsDropDownArrowVisible |
Gets a value indicating whether a dropdown arrow is shown so that the user can select an item. |
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getItems |
Gets a list of items for the SelectionFormField. |
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getSelectedIndex |
Gets the index of the selected item of the SelectionFormField. |
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setEmptyWidth |
Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the selection formfield, when it is empty. |
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setIsDropDownArrowVisible |
Sets a value indicating whether a dropdown arrow is shown so that the user can select an item. |
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setItems |
Sets a list of items for the SelectionFormField. |
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setSelectedIndex |
Sets the index of the selected item of the SelectionFormField. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getData |
Gets additional data of the subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getHighlightColor |
Gets the highlight color for the subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getHighlightMode |
Gets a value indicating when the subtextpart is highlighted. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getID |
Gets an identifier for a subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getLength |
Gets the number of characters in a subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getName |
Relates a user-defined name to a subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getNestedLevel |
Gets the subtextpart's nested level. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getNumber |
Gets the subtextpart's number. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getOuterMostSubTextPart |
Gets a subtextpart's outermost subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getOuterSubTextPart |
Gets a subtextpart's outer subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getStart |
Gets the first character position (one-based) of a subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.getText |
Gets the subtextpart's text. |
Javascript: |
Saves the subtextpart in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.scrollTo |
Sets the current input position to the beginning of a subtextpart and scrolls it into the visible part of the document. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.setData |
Sets additional data of the subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.setHighlightColor |
Sets the highlight color for the subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.setHighlightMode |
Sets a value indicating when the subtextpart is highlighted. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.setID |
Sets an identifier for the subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPart.setName |
Sets the name of a subtextpart. |
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.add |
Adds a new SubTextPart to the collection. |
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.clear |
Removes all subtextparts from a Text Control document. |
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.getItem |
Gets the subtextpart at the current text input position. |
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.remove |
Removes a subtextpart from the collection including all its nested subtextparts. |
Javascript: Table.getCanMergeCells |
Checks whether table cells can be merged. |
Javascript: Table.getCanSplit |
Checks whether this table can be split. |
Javascript: Table.getCanSplitCells |
Checks whether previously merged table cells in this table can be split. |
Javascript: Table.getID |
Gets the table's identifier. |
Javascript: Table.getNestedLevel |
Gets the nested level for the specified table. |
Javascript: Table.getOuterMostTable |
Gets a table's outermost table. |
Javascript: Table.getOuterTable |
Gets table's outer table. |
Javascript: Table.mergeCells |
Merges all selected table cells in this table. |
Javascript: |
Selects the complete table. |
Javascript: Table.selectCells |
Selects the part of the table defined through two table cells. |
Javascript: Table.setID |
Sets the table's id. |
Javascript: Table.split |
Splits a table below or above the current input position. |
Javascript: Table.splitCells |
Splits all selected table cells in this table. |
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.getItem |
Gets the first table in the collection with the given id. |
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.removeAtInputPosition |
Removes the table at the current input position. |
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.removeById |
Removes the first table with the passed id. |
Javascript: TableCell.getCellFormat |
Gets the formatting attributes of a table cell. |
Javascript: TableCell.getColumn |
Gets the table cell's column number. |
Javascript: TableCell.getFormula |
Gets the table cell's formula. |
Javascript: TableCell.getLength |
Gets the number of characters in the table cell. |
Javascript: TableCell.getName |
Gets the cell's name. |
Javascript: TableCell.getPosition |
Gets, in twips, the horizontal position of the cell. |
Javascript: TableCell.getRow |
Gets the table cell's row number. |
Javascript: TableCell.getStart |
Gets the index (one-based) of the first character in the table cell. |
Javascript: TableCell.getText |
Gets the cell's text. |
Javascript: TableCell.getWidth |
Gets, in twips, the width of the cell. |
Javascript: |
Selects the table cell. |
Javascript: TableCell.setFormula |
Sets the table cell's formula. |
Javascript: TableCell.setName |
Sets the cell's name. |
Javascript: TableCell.setPosition |
Sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the cell. |
Javascript: TableCell.setText |
Sets the cell's text. |
Javascript: TableCell.setWidth |
Sets, in twips, the width of the cell. |
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getColor |
Gets the cell's border color. |
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getTextDistance |
Gets the distance between the table cell's border and its text in twips. |
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getWidth |
Gets the cell's width in twips. |
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setColor |
Sets the cell's border color. |
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setTextDistance |
Sets the distance between the table cell's border and its text in twips. |
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setWidth |
Sets the cell's width in twips. |
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getCanRemove |
Gets a value indicating whether table cells can be removed. |
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getItem |
Gets the cell with the specified row and column number. |
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getItemAtInputPosition |
Gets table's cell at the current input position. |
Javascript: TableCellCollection.remove |
Removes the table cell at the current text input position or all selected table cells when a text selection exists. |
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getBackColor |
Gets the table cell's background color. |
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getNumberFormat |
Gets a number format for the table cell. |
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getTextType |
Gets the text type of the table cell which determines whether the cell's text is interpreted as a number or as text When the type is Text, the cell's text is interpreted as text and it is displayed as it is. |
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getVerticalAlignment |
Gets the vertical alignment of the text in the table cell. |
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setBackColor |
Sets the table cell's background color. |
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setNumberFormat |
Sets the table cell's number format. |
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setTextType |
Sets the table cell's text type. |
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setVerticalAlignment |
Sets the vertical alignment of the text in the table cell. |
Javascript: TableCollection.add |
Adds a table at the current input position. |
Javascript: TableCollection.getCanAdd |
Gets a value indicating whether a new table can be inserted at the current input position. |
Javascript: TableCollection.getGridLines |
Gets a value indicating whether table's gridlines are shown or not. |
Javascript: TableCollection.getItem |
Gets the table at the current input position or the first table in the collection with the given id. |
Javascript: TableCollection.setGridLines |
Sets a value indicating wether table grid lines are shown or not. |
Javascript: TableColumn.getCellFormat |
Gets the formatting attributes of a table column. |
Javascript: TableColumn.getColumn |
Gets the number of the table column represented through this table column object. |
Javascript: TableColumn.getPosition |
Gets, in twips, the horizontal position of the column. |
Javascript: TableColumn.getWidth |
Gets, in twips, the width of the column. |
Javascript: |
Selects the table column. |
Javascript: TableColumn.setPosition |
Sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the column. |
Javascript: TableColumn.setWidth |
Sets, in twips, the width of the column. |
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.add |
Adds a new table column at the current text input position. |
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getCanAdd |
Gets a value indicating whether a new column can be inserted at the current input position. |
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getCanRemove |
Gets a value indicating whether the selected columns can be removed. |
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getItem |
Gets the table column with the specified index or the column at the current input position. |
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.remove |
Removes the table column at the current text input position or all selected columns when a text selection exists. |
Javascript: TableRow.getAllowPageBreak |
Gets a value specifying how the table row is formatted at page breaks. |
Javascript: TableRow.getCellFormat |
Gets the formatting attributes of a table row. |
Javascript: TableRow.getIsHeader |
Gets a value specifying whether the table row is part of the table's header. |
Javascript: TableRow.getMinimumHeight |
Gets the minimum height, in twips, of the table row. |
Javascript: TableRow.getRow |
Gets the number of the table row represented through this table row object. |
Javascript: |
Selects the table row. |
Javascript: TableRow.setAllowPageBreak |
Sets a value specifying how the table row is formatted at page breaks. |
Javascript: TableRow.setIsHeader |
Sets a value specifying whether the table row is part of the table's header. |
Javascript: TableRow.setMinimumHeight |
Sets the minimum height, in twips, of the table row. |
Javascript: TableRowCollection.add |
Adds a count of rows before or after the first or last selected row. |
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getCanAdd |
Gets a value indicating whether a new row can be inserted at the current input position. |
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getCanRemove |
Gets a value indicating whether the selected rows can be removed. |
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getItem |
Gets the table row at the current input position or the table row with the specified number. |
Javascript: TableRowCollection.remove |
Removes the table row at the current text input position or all selected rows when a text selection exists. |
Javascript: TextChar.getBounds |
Gets the bounding rectangle of the character. |
Javascript: TextChar.getChar |
Gets the value of the character. |
Javascript: TextChar.getNumber |
Gets the character's number. |
Javascript: TextCharCollection.add |
Inserts a character at the specified position using the specified font. |
Javascript: TextCharCollection.addControlChar |
Inserts a control character at the specified text input position. |
Javascript: TextCharCollection.getItem |
Gets a particular character from the collection specified through a certain geometrical position. |
Javascript: TextCharCollection.remove |
Removes the character by number. |
Javascript: TextField.getBounds |
Gets the bounding rectangle of a text field. |
Javascript: TextField.getContainsInputPosition |
Returns true, if the Textfield contains the current text input position. |
Javascript: TextField.getDeleteable |
Gets whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited. |
Javascript: TextField.getDoubledInputPosition |
Sets whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character. |
Javascript: TextField.getEditable |
Gets whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited. |
Javascript: TextField.getFormattingBounds |
Gets the formatting rectangle of a text field. |
Javascript: TextField.getHighlightColor |
Gets the highlight color for the text field. |
Javascript: TextField.getHighlightMode |
Gets a value indicating when the text field is highlighted. |
Javascript: TextField.getID |
Gets an identifier for a text field. |
Javascript: TextField.getIsSpellCheckingEnabled |
Gets whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words. |
Javascript: TextField.getLength |
Gets the number of characters in a text field. |
Javascript: TextField.getName |
Relates a user-defined name to a text field. |
Javascript: TextField.getStart |
Gets the first character position (one-based) of a text field. |
Javascript: TextField.getText |
Gets the text which is contained within a text field. |
Javascript: TextField.scrollTo |
Sets the current input position to the beginning of a text field and scrolls it into the visible part of the document. |
Javascript: TextField.setDeleteable |
Sets whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited. |
Javascript: TextField.setDoubledInputPosition |
Gets whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character. |
Javascript: TextField.setEditable |
Sets whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited. |
Javascript: TextField.setHighlightColor |
Sets the highlight color for the text field. |
Javascript: TextField.setHighlightMode |
Sets a value indicating when the text field is highlighted. |
Javascript: TextField.setID |
Sets an identifier for the text field. |
Javascript: TextField.setIsSpellCheckingEnabled |
Gets whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words. |
Javascript: TextField.setName |
Sets the name of a text field. |
Javascript: TextField.setText |
Sets the text which is contained within a text field. |
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.add |
Adds a new TextField to the collection. |
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.clear |
Removes all text fields from a Text Control document. |
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.getItem |
Gets the text field at the current text input position or the text field with the specified id. |
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.remove |
Removes the text field from the Text Control document. |
Javascript: TextFieldCollectionBase.getCanAdd |
Gets a value indicating whether a new text field can be inserted at the current input position. |
Javascript: TextFormField.getEmptyWidth |
Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the text formfield, when it is empty. |
Javascript: TextFormField.setEmptyWidth |
Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the text formfield, when it is empty. |
Javascript: TextFrame.activate |
Activates the text frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.changeZOrder |
Changes the frame's z-order. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getAlignment |
Gets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getBackColor |
Gets the background color of the text frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderWidth |
Gets the width, in twips, of a text frame's border line. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getBounds |
Gets the frame's bounding rectangle relative to the upper left corner of the document. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getID |
Gets an identifier for the frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getInsertionMode |
Gets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getInternalMargins |
Sets the distances, in twips, between the text frame's border line and the text. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getLocation |
Gets, in twips, the frame's current location. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getMoveable |
Gets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getName |
Gets the name for the frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getSize |
Gets the frame's size in twips. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getSizeable |
Gets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getTextDistances |
Gets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text. |
Javascript: TextFrame.getTextPosition |
Gets the frame's character position in the document's text (one-based). |
Javascript: TextFrame.getTransparency |
Gets the text frame's transparency. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setAlignment |
Sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setBackColor |
Sets the background color for the text frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderWidth |
Sets the width, in twips, of a text frame's border line. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setID |
Sets an identifier for the frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setInsertionMode |
Sets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setInternalMargins |
Sets the distances, in twips, between the text frame's border line and the text. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setLocation |
Sets, in twips, the frame's current location. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setMoveable |
Sets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setName |
Sets a name for the frame. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setSize |
Sets the frame's size in twips. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setSizeable |
Sets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setTextDistances |
Sets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text. |
Javascript: TextFrame.setTransparency |
Sets the text frame's transparency. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAnchored |
Creates and inserts a new text frame which is anchored to the specified text position. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation |
Inserts a new text frame which is anchored to the specified text position. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument |
Creates and inserts a new text frame which has a fixed geometrical position in the document. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage |
Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addInline |
Inserts a text frame inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addWithMouse |
Inserts a text frame with the built-in mouse interface. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.getItem |
Gets the text frame selected by the user or the text frame with the specified identifier. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.getItemByName |
Gets the text frame with the specified name. |
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.remove |
Removes a text frame from a Text Control document. |
Javascript: TextPartCollection.activate |
Sets the input focus to the specified text part. |
Javascript: TextPartCollection.getItem |
Gets the text part with the input focus. |
Javascript: TextPartCollection.getMainText |
Gets the main text part of the document. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getActiveFormFieldColor |
Gets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getDarkShadowColor |
Gets the display color for the shadow at the right and the bottom edge of the pages. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getDesktopColor |
Gets the display color for the area around the pages. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getFormFieldColor |
Gets the default highlight color of form fields. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getHeaderFooterLabelColor |
Gets the display color for the label showing which header or footer is activated. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getHeaderFooterLineColor |
Gets the display color for the dividing line between headers and footers and the main text. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getLightShadowColor |
Gets the display color for the shadow at the left and the top edge of the pages. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetDarkShadowColor |
Resets the text control's DarkShadowColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetDesktopColor |
Resets the text control's DesktopColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetHeaderFooterLabelColor |
Resets the text control's HeaderFooterLabelColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetHeaderFooterLineColor |
Resets the text control's HeaderFooterLineColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetLightShadowColor |
Resets the text control's LightShadowColor to its system dependent default value. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setActiveFormFieldColor |
Sets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setDarkShadowColor |
Sets the display color for the shadow at the right and the bottom edge of the pages. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setDesktopColor |
Sets the display color for the area around the pages. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setFormFieldColor |
Sets the default highlight color of a form field. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setHeaderFooterLabelColor |
Sets the display color for the label showing which header or footer is activated. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setHeaderFooterLineColor |
Sets the display color for the dividing line between headers and footers and the main text. |
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setLightShadowColor |
Sets the display color for the shadow at the left and the top edge of the pages. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getActive |
Gets a value specifying whether the TrackedChange is currently active or not. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getChangeKind |
Gets the kind of change. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getChangeTime |
Gets the date and time when the change has been made. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getHighlightColor |
Gets the highlight color for the tracked change. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getHighlightMode |
Gets a value indicating whether the tracked change is highlighted. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getLength |
Gets the number of changed characters. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getNumber |
Gets the change's number. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getStart |
Gets the index (one-based) of the first changed character. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getText |
Gets the changed text. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.getUserName |
Gets the name of the user who has done the change. |
Javascript: |
Saves the tracked change in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.setActive |
Sets a value specifying whether the TrackedChange is currently active or not. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.setHighlightColor |
Sets the highlight color for the tracked change. |
Javascript: TrackedChange.setHighlightMode |
Sets a value indicating whether the tracked change is highlighted. |
Javascript: TrackedChangeCollection.getItem |
Gets the change at the current text input position or the next or the previous change in the textflow. |
Javascript: TrackedChangeCollection.remove |
Removes a tracked change from the collection. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.addEventListener |
The addEventListener function registers event listener functions on the TXTextControl object. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.clear |
Clears the selected text or the character right from the current input position. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.clearUndo |
Clears the undo buffer. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.focus |
Sets the text input focus to the web editor. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getActivationState |
Gets a value indicating the current activation state. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getAllowUndo |
Gets a value indicating whether the undo buffer is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getBackColor |
Gets the Text Control's background color. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getBaseline |
Gets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the Text Control. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanCharacterFormat |
Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with character formatting attributes. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanCopy |
Informs whether a part of a Text Control document has been selected and can be copied to the clipboard. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanDocumentFormat |
Informs whether the document can be formatted with page and section formatting attributes. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanPaste |
Informs whether the document's text and/or formatting attributes can be changed. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanPrint |
Informs whether the document can be printed. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanRedo |
Informs whether an operation can be re-done using the Redo method. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanStyleFormat |
Informs whether the document can be formatted with formatting styles. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanTableFormat |
Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with table formatting attributes. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanUndo |
Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous operation in a Text Control. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getControlChars |
Gets whether the control characters are visible or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getDocumentTargetMarkers |
Gets a value indicating that markers for hypertext targets are shown or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getDrawingMarkerLines |
Gets whether a marker frame is shown around a drawing to indicate its position and size. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getEditMode |
Gets a value indicating whether the document's text is protected, or can be freely edited and formatted. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFontUnderlineStyle |
Gets underlining style for the text displayed by the control. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getForeColor |
Gets the foreground color of the control which is the color of the document's text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFormulaReferenceStyle |
Gets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsFormulaCalculationEnabled |
Gets a value indicating whether formulas in tables are automatically calculated when the text of an input cell is changed. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsHyphenationEnabled |
Gets a value indicating whether hyphenation is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsLanguageDetectionEnabled |
Gets a value indicating whether language detection is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsSpellCheckingEnabled |
Gets a value indicating whether spell checking is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsTrackChangesEnabled |
Gets a value indicating whether track changes is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getLandscape |
Gets a value indicating whether the page orientation is landscape. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPageCount |
Gets the number of pages contained in the current document. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPageUnit |
Gets the measure used for page sizes and page margins. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPermanentControlChars |
Gets a value indicating which control characters are shown permanently on the screen. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getRedoActionName |
Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the redo method is made. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSelectObjects |
Gets a value controlling the selection of objects which are inserted behind the text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSupportedFonts |
Gets an array of strings specifying the names of all currently supported fonts. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSupportedPaperSizes |
Gets an array of PaperSize structures specifying the names and the size of all currently supported paper sizes. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getText |
Gets the control's text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextBackColor |
Gets the background color for the text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextFrameMarkerLines |
Gets whether text frames that have no border line are shown with marker lines. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getUndoActionName |
Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the undo method is made. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getUserNames |
Gets a list of names specifying users who have access to editable regions. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.getViewMode |
Gets the mode how Text Control displays a document. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.load |
Loads text in a certain format. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.redo |
Redoes the last Text Control operation. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.removeEventListener |
The removeListener function removes the specified event listener from the TXTextControl object. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.resetContents |
Deletes the entire contents of the control. |
Javascript: |
Saves the current document in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function. |
Javascript: |
Selects text within the control. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.selectAll |
Selects all text in the control. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.selectWord |
Selects the word at the current text input position. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setActivationState |
Sets a value indicating the current activation state. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setAllowUndo |
Sets a value indicating whether the undo buffer is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setBackColor |
Sets the Text Control's background color. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setBaseline |
Sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the Text Control. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setControlChars |
Sets whether the control characters are visible or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setDocumentTargetMarkers |
Sets a value indicating that markers for hypertext targets are shown or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setDrawingMarkerLines |
Sets whether a marker frame is shown around a drawing to indicate its position and size. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setEditMode |
Sets a value indicating whether the document's text is protected, or can be freely edited and formatted. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFontUnderlineStyle |
Sets underlining style for the text displayed by the control. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setForeColor |
Sets the foreground color of the control which is the color of the document's text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFormulaReferenceStyle |
Sets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsFormulaCalculationEnabled |
Sets a value indicating whether formulas in tables are automatically calculated when the text of an input cell is changed. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsHyphenationEnabled |
Sets a value indicating whether hyphenation is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsLanguageDetectionEnabled |
Sets a value indicating whether language detection is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsSpellCheckingEnabled |
Sets a value indicating whether spell checking is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsTrackChangesEnabled |
Sets a value indicating whether track changes is active or not. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setLandscape |
Sets a value indicating whether the page orientation is landscape. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setPageUnit |
Sets the measure used for page sizes and page margins. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setPermanentControlChars |
Sets a value indicating which control characters are shown permanently on the screen. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setSelectObjects |
Sets a value controlling the selection of objects which are inserted behind the text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setText |
Sets the control's text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setTextBackColor |
Sets the background color for the text. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setTextFrameMarkerLines |
Sets whether text frames that have no border line are shown with marker lines. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.setViewMode |
Sets the mode how Text Control displays a document. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.showHorizontalRuler |
Shows or hides the web editor's horizontal ruler bar. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.showRibbonBar |
Shows or hides the ribbon bar. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.showStatusBar |
Shows or hides the web editor's status bar. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.showVerticalRuler |
Shows or hides the web editor's vertical ruler bar. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.undo |
Undoes the last Text Control operation. |
Javascript: TXTextControl.zoom |
Zooms the contents of the TextControl. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Copy |
Returns a copy of this ConditionalInstruction object. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Add |
Inserts an instance of the class ConditionalInstruction to the collection and the document. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Clear |
Removes all conditional instructions from the collection and the document. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.CopyTo |
Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetEnumerator |
Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetItem |
Gets that ConditionalInstruction element from the collection, where the Name property value equals the specified name. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetItems |
Gets those ConditionalInstruction elements from the collection, where at least one Condition or Instruction element references the specified FormField. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.IsValueValid |
Returns a value indicating whether the value of a specific form field is marked as valid. |
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Remove |
Removes that ConditionalInstruction element from the collection and the document, where the Name property value equals the specified name. |
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.GetItems |
Gets all document targets at the current text input position. |
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Add |
Inserts the specified form field at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Clear |
Removes all form fields from a Text Control document. |
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.CopyTo |
Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index. |
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.GetItem |
Gets a particular form field from the collection. |
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Remove |
Removes the specified form field from a Text Control document. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentTargetCreated |
Raises the DocumentTargetCreated event. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentTargetDeleted |
Raises the DocumentTargetDeleted event. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTextFieldCreated |
Raises the TextFieldCreated event. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTextFieldDeleted |
Raises the TextFieldDeleted event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.Colors.ResetActiveFormFieldColor |
Resets the text control's ActiveFormFieldColor to its default value. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.Colors.ResetFormFieldColor |
Resets the text control's FormFieldColor to its default value. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnDrawCombobox |
Raises the DrawCombobox event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnDrawDateControl |
Raises the DrawDateControl event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFormFieldCheckChanged |
Raises the FormFieldCheckChanged event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFormFieldDateChanged |
Raises the FormFieldDateChanged event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFormFieldSelectionChanged |
Raises the FormFieldSelectionChanged event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFormFieldTextChanged |
Raises the FormFieldTextChanged event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnRemoveCombobox |
Raises the RemoveCombobox event. |
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnRemoveDateControl |
Raises the RemoveDateControl event. |