New Classes, Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 28.0 for ASP.NET the following new classes, properties, methods and events have been added:


Method Description
Javascript: ApplicationField.getFormat Gets the field's format.
Javascript: ApplicationField.getParameters Gets the field' parameters.
Javascript: ApplicationField.getTypeName Gets the field's type name.
Javascript: ApplicationField.setFormat Sets the field's format.
Javascript: ApplicationField.setParameters Sets the field's parameters.
Javascript: ApplicationField.setTypeName Sets the field's type name.
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.add Inserts a new application field at the current input position.
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.getItem Gets the field at the current input position or null, if there is no such field at the current input position.
Javascript: ApplicationFieldCollection.remove Removes a field of the type ApplicationField from a TX Text Control document.
Javascript: Barcode.getAdditionalText Gets an additional text that is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.getAlignment Gets the alignment of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: Barcode.getAngle Gets the angle of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: Barcode.getBackColor Gets the background color of the barcode control.
Javascript: Barcode.getBarcodeType Gets the type of barcode that is rendered.
Javascript: Barcode.getForeColor Gets the foreground color of the barcode control.
Javascript: Barcode.getShowText Gets a value indicating whether the encrypted barcode text value is displayed below or above the barcode image or not.
Javascript: Barcode.getText Gets the text encrypted by the barcode.
Javascript: Barcode.getTextAlignment Gets a value indicating whether the barcode text and additional text is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.getUpperTextLength Gets the maximum text length.
Javascript: Barcode.saveImage Saves the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.setAdditionalText Sets an additional text that is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.setAlignment Sets the alignment of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: Barcode.setAngle Sets the angle of the barcode image inside the control.
Javascript: Barcode.setBackColor Sets the background color for the barcode control.
Javascript: Barcode.setBarcodeType Sets the type of barcode that is rendered.
Javascript: Barcode.setForeColor Sets the foreground color for the barcode control.
Javascript: Barcode.setShowText Sets a value indicating whether the encrypted barcode text value is displayed below or above the barcode image or not.
Javascript: Barcode.setText Sets the text the barcode should encrypt.
Javascript: Barcode.setTextAlignment Sets a value indicating whether the barcode text and additional text is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Javascript: Barcode.setUpperTextLength Sets the maximum text length.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAnchored Creates and inserts a new barcode which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation Inserts a new barcode which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument Creates and inserts a new barcode which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addInline Creates and inserts a new barcode inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.addWithMouse Inserts a barcode with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.getItem Gets the barcode selected by the user or the barcode with the specified identifier.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.getItemByName Gets the barcode with the specified name.
Javascript: BarcodeCollection.remove Removes a barcode.
Javascript: BarcodeFrame.refresh Refreshes the barcode.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.getHasCheckValue Gets a value indicating whether the currently used barcode type includes a check value.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.getShowCheckValue Gets a value indicating whether the check value of the currently used barcode type is shown with the encrypted barcode text value.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.setHasCheckValue Sets a value indicating whether the currently used barcode type includes a check value.
Javascript: BarcodeTypeSettings.setShowCheckValue Sets or sets a value indicating whether the check value of the currently used barcode type is shown with the encrypted barcode text value.
Javascript: CheckFormField.getChecked Gets a value indicating whether the checkbox is in the checked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.getCheckedCharacter Gets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the checked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.getUncheckedCharacter Gets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.setChecked Sets a value indicating whether the checkbox is in the checked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.setCheckedCharacter Sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the checked state.
Javascript: CheckFormField.setUncheckedCharacter Sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state.
Javascript: Collection.elementAt Returns the element at a specified index in the collection.
Javascript: Collection.forEach Executes a callback function for each element.
Javascript: Collection.getCount Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
Javascript: DateFormField.getDate Gets the DateFormField's date.
Javascript: DateFormField.getDateFormat Gets the date's format.
Javascript: DateFormField.getEmptyWidth Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the date formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: DateFormField.getSupportedDateFormats Gets an array of format picture strings which can be used to format the date.
Javascript: DateFormField.setDate Sets the DateFormField's date.
Javascript: DateFormField.setDateFormat Sets the date's format.
Javascript: DateFormField.setEmptyWidth Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the date formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: DocumentLink.getDocumentTarget Gets an object of the type DocumentTarget specifying to where the link points.
Javascript: DocumentLink.setDocumentTarget Sets an object of the type DocumentTarget specifying to where the link points.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.add Adds a new document link to the collection.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.clear Removes all document links from the collection.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.getItem Gets the document link at the current text input position or the document link with the specified id.
Javascript: DocumentLinkCollection.remove Removes the link from the collection.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getDeleteable Gets whether a document target can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getID Gets an identifier for a document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getName Relates a user-defined name to a document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getNumber Gets the one-based number of the document target in the document.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getStart Gets the first character position (one-based) of a document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.getTargetName Gets the name of the document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of the document target and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setDeleteable Sets whether a document target can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setID Sets an identifier for the document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setName Sets the name of a document target.
Javascript: DocumentTarget.setTargetName Sets the name of the document target.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.add Adds a new document target to the collection.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.clear Removes all document targets from the collection.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new document target can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.getItem Gets the document target at the current text input position or the document target with the specified id.
Javascript: DocumentTargetCollection.remove Removes the target from the collection.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether the editable region is highlighted.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getID Gets an identifier for a editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getLength Gets the number of characters which belong to the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getText Gets the editable region's text.
Javascript: EditableRegion.getUserName Gets the name of the user who can edit the region.
Javascript: Saves this editable region in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: EditableRegion.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of an editable region and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: EditableRegion.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether the editable region is highlighted.
Javascript: EditableRegion.setID Sets an identifier for the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegion.setUserName Sets the name of the user who can edit the region.
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.add Adds a new editable region to the document.
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.getItems Gets all editable regions at the current text input position.
Javascript: EditableRegionCollection.remove Removes an editable region from the collection.
Javascript: FormattedText.find Finds a text string.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.apply Applies all set attributes of the style to the current document.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBaseline Gets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBaseStyle Gets the FormattingStyle which is the base style of this style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getBold Gets the bold attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getFontName Gets the font of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getFontSize Gets the font's size of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getForeColor Gets the style's color used to display the text.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getItalic Gets the italic attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getName Gets the name of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getStrikeout Gets the strikeout attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getTextBackColor Gets the style's text background color.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.getUnderline Gets the underlining styles for the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setBaseline Sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setBold Sets the bold attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setFontName Sets the font of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setFontSize Sets the font's size of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setForeColor Sets the style's color used to display the text.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setItalic Sets the italic attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setName Sets the name of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setStrikeout Sets the strikeout attribute of the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setTextBackColor Sets the style's text background color.
Javascript: FormattingStyle.setUnderline Sets the underlining styles for the style.
Javascript: FormattingStyleCollection.remove Removes a formatting style from the collection.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addCheckFormField Adds a new CheckFormField.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addDateFormField Adds a new DateFormField.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addSelectionFormField Adds a new SelectionFormField.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.addTextFormField Adds a new TextFormField.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.getItem Gets the form field at the current text input position or the form field with the specified id.
Javascript: FormFieldCollection.remove Removes the form field from the Text Control document.
Javascript: FrameBase.changeZOrder Changes the frame's z-order.
Javascript: FrameBase.getAlignment Gets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
Javascript: FrameBase.getBounds Gets the frame's bounding rectangle relative to the upper left corner of the document.
Javascript: FrameBase.getID Gets an identifier for the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.getInsertionMode Gets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.getLocation Gets, in twips, the frame's current location.
Javascript: FrameBase.getMoveable Gets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: FrameBase.getName Gets the name for the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.getSize Gets the frame's size in twips.
Javascript: FrameBase.getSizeable Gets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: FrameBase.getTextDistances Gets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
Javascript: FrameBase.getTextPosition Gets the frame's character position in the document's text (one-based).
Javascript: FrameBase.setAlignment Sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
Javascript: FrameBase.setID Sets an identifier for the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.setInsertionMode Sets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.setLocation Sets, in twips, the frame's current location.
Javascript: FrameBase.setMoveable Sets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: FrameBase.setName Sets a name for the frame.
Javascript: FrameBase.setSize Sets the frame's size in twips.
Javascript: FrameBase.setSizeable Sets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: FrameBase.setTextDistances Sets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
Javascript: FrameBaseCollection.clear Removes all objects from the collection and from the document.
Javascript: FrameCollection.getItem Gets the frame selected by the user or the frame with the specified identifier.
Javascript: FrameCollection.getItemByName Gets the frame with the specified name.
Javascript: FrameCollection.remove Removes a frame from a Text Control document.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.activate Activates the this header or footer.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.deactivate Deactivates the this header or footer.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getConnectedToPrevious Gets a value specifying whether the header or footer is connected with the header or footer of the previous section.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getDistance Gets the distance, in twips, of a header or footer to the top or bottom of the page.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.getType Gets the type of the header or footer.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.setConnectedToPrevious Sets a value specifying whether the header or footer is connected with the header or footer of the previous section.
Javascript: HeaderFooter.setDistance Sets the distance, in twips, of a header or footer to the top or bottom of the page.
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.add Adds a new header or footer to a document or to a certain section of the document.
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.getItem Gets a particular header or footer from the collection.
Javascript: HeaderFooterCollection.remove Removes a header or footer from the document or from a certain section.
Javascript: HypertextLink.getTarget Gets a string that specifies the target to where the hypertext link points.
Javascript: HypertextLink.setTarget Sets a string that specifies the target to where the hypertext link points.
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.add Inserts a new hypertext link at the current input position.
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.getItem Gets the hypertext link with the specified id.
Javascript: HypertextLinkCollection.remove Removes a hypertext link from a Text Control document.
Javascript: Image.getHorizontalScaling Gets an images's horizontal scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: Image.getVerticalScaling Gets an images's vertical scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: Image.setHorizontalScaling Sets an images's horizontal scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: Image.setVerticalScaling Sets an images's vertical scaling factor in percent.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAnchored Creates and inserts a new image which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation Inserts a new image which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPosition Obsolete.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument Creates and inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: ImageCollection.addInline Creates and inserts a new image inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character.
Javascript: ImageCollection.getItem Gets the image selected by the user or the image with the specified identifier.
Javascript: ImageCollection.getItemByName Gets the image with the specified name.
Javascript: ImageCollection.remove Removes an image from a Text Control document.
Javascript: InlineStyle.isInheritedFromParagraph Informs about whether one or more of the style's attributes are inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
Javascript: InlineStyle.resetToParagraph Resets one or more of the style's attributes to its default value which is the same value as defined for the surrounding paragraph.
Javascript: InlineStyleCollection.add Adds a new style to the current document.
Javascript: InlineStyleCollection.getItem Gets a style from the collection by the style's name.
Javascript: InputFormat.addEventListener The addEventListener function registers event listener functions on the InputFormat object.
Javascript: InputFormat.getAllFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBold Gets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBottomAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBottomDistance Gets bottom's paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBoxFrame Gets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBulletCharacter Gets the bullet character at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getBulletedList Gets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getCentered Gets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFontFamily Gets the font family at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFontSize Gets the font's size, in points, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameFillColor Gets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameLineColor Gets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getFrameLineWidth Gets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getHangingIndent Gets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getInnerHorizontalFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getInnerVerticalFrameLines Gets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getItalic Gets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getJustified Gets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftIndent Gets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLeftToRight Gets a value specifying whether the writung direction is left-to-right at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getLinespacing Gets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberedList Gets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberedListFormat Gets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getNumberFormats Gets an array of all supported number formats for numbered and structured lists.
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightIndent Gets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getRightToLeft Gets a value specifying whether the writing direction is right-to-left at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStrikeout Gets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStructuredList Gets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStructuredListFormat Gets the number format for a structured list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStyleName Gets the formatting style name at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getStyleNames Returns an array of the names of all formatting styles, the document contains.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSubscript Gets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSuperscript Gets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedFontFamilies Returns an array of strings specifying all supported fonts.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedFontSizes Gets an array of strings specifying all possible font sizes for the font at the text input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getSupportedUnderlineStyles Gets an array of all supported underline styles.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTextBackColor Gets the color used to display the text's background color at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTextColor Gets the color used to display the text at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopAligned Gets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopDistance Gets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getTopFrameLine Gets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.getUnderline Gets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getUnderlineStyle Gets a value specifying the style at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.getVerticallyCentered Gets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.removeEventListener The removeListener function removes the specified event listener from the InputFormat object.
Javascript: InputFormat.setAllFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBold Sets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBottomAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is bottom aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBottomDistance Sets a bottom paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBoxFrame Sets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBulletCharacter Sets the bullet character at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setBulletedList Sets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setCentered Sets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFontFamily Sets the font family at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFontSize Sets the font's size, in points, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameFillColor Sets the color used to display the frame fill color at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameLineColor Sets the color used to display the color of frame lines at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setFrameLineWidth Sets the line width, in twips, of the paragraph's or table's frame at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setHangingIndent Sets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setInnerHorizontalFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setInnerVerticalFrameLines Sets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setItalic Sets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setJustified Sets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftIndent Sets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLeftToRight Sets a value specifying whether the writung direction is left-to-right at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setLinespacing Sets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setNumberedList Sets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setNumberedListFormat Sets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightIndent Sets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setRightToLeft Sets a value specifying whether the writing direction is right-to-left at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStrikeout Sets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStructuredList Sets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStructuredListFormat Sets the number format for a structured list at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setStyleName Sets the formatting style name at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setSubscript Sets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setSuperscript Sets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTextBackColor Sets the color used to display the text background color at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTextColor Sets the color used to display the text at the current input position as a CSS color string.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopAligned Sets a value specifying whether text is top aligned at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopDistance Sets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setTopFrameLine Sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text.
Javascript: InputFormat.setUnderline Sets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setUnderlineStyle Sets a value specifying the style at the current input position.
Javascript: InputFormat.setVerticallyCentered Sets a value specifying whether text is vertically centered at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getCaretSize Gets the size of the caret, in pixels, at the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getColumn Gets the column number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getInactiveMarker Gets whether the current text input position when the TextControl is inactive and the blinking caret is not visible.
Javascript: InputPosition.getLine Gets the line number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getLocation Gets the geometric location of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getPage Gets the page number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getPageInSection Gets the page number in the section containing the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getSection Gets the section number of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.getTextPosition Gets the text position of the current text input position.
Javascript: InputPosition.scrollTo Scrolls the contents of a Text Control so that the current input position becomes visible.
Javascript: InputPosition.setInactiveMarker Sets whether the current text input position when the TextControl is inactive and the blinking caret is not visible.
Javascript: Line.getBaseline Gets the line's baseline position.
Javascript: Line.getLength Gets the number of characters in the line including the break character.
Javascript: Line.getNumber Gets the line's number.
Javascript: Line.getPage Gets the number of the page to which the line belongs.
Javascript: Line.getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the first character in the line.
Javascript: Line.getText Gets the line's text.
Javascript: Line.getTextBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the text belonging to the line.
Javascript: Saves the line in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: LineCollection.getItem Gets a particular line from the collection.
Javascript: LineCollection.getItemAtLocation Gets the line at a certain geometrical position.
Javascript: ListFormat.getBulletCharacter Gets the symbol character for a bulleted list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getBulletSize Gets the size of the symbol character for a bulleted list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getFirstNumber Gets the starting number for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getFontName Gets the font used for the bullet character.
Javascript: ListFormat.getFormatCharacter Gets the formatting character for a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getHangingIndent Gets the hanging indent of a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getLeftIndent Gets the left indent for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getLevel Gets the level for a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getNumberFormat Gets the number format for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getRestartNumbering Gets a value determining whether a new numbered list begins.
Javascript: ListFormat.getTextAfterNumber Gets the text that is displayed behind the number in a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getTextBeforeNumber Gets the text that is displayed in front of the number in a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.getType Gets the type of the list, bulleted, numbered or none.
Javascript: ListFormat.setBulletCharacter Sets the symbol character for a bulleted list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setBulletSize Sets the size of the symbol character for a bulleted list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setFirstNumber Sets the starting number for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setFontName Sets the font used for the bullet character.
Javascript: ListFormat.setFormatCharacter Sets the formatting character for a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setHangingIndent Sets the hanging indent of a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setLeftIndent Sets the left indent for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setLevel Sets the level for a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setNumberFormat Sets the number format for a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setRestartNumbering Sets the value determining whether a new numbered list begins.
Javascript: ListFormat.setTextAfterNumber Sets the text that is displayed behind the number in a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setTextBeforeNumber Sets the text that is displayed in front of the number in a numbered list.
Javascript: ListFormat.setType Sets the type of the list, bulleted, numbered or none.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getIsDuplicate Gets a value which marks the misspelled word as duplicate.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getIsIgnored Gets a value which marks the misspelled word as ignored.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getLength Gets the length of a misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getNumber Gets the number of this misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getStart Gets the starting position of a misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.getText Gets the text of the misspelled word.
Javascript: Selects the misspelled word in the text.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.setIsDuplicate Sets a value which marks the misspelled word as duplicate.
Javascript: MisspelledWord.setIsIgnored Sets a value which marks the misspelled word as ignored.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getCountOf Gets the number of misspelled words with a special meaning from the collection.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtInputPosition Gets the misspelled word of the specified kind at the current text input position.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtLocation Gets the misspelled word at a certain geometrical location.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.getItemAtTextPosition Gets the misspelled word of the specified kind at the specified text input position.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.ignore Changes the text of the specified misspelled word and marks it as ignored.
Javascript: MisspelledWordCollection.remove Removes the specified misspelled word from a Text Control document.
Javascript: Page.getBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the page, in twips, relative to the top of the document.
Javascript: Page.getFooter Gets the footer of the page.
Javascript: Page.getHeader Gets the header of the page.
Javascript: Page.getImage Gets an image of the page's contents as in the specified format in screen resolution.
Javascript: Page.getLength Gets the number of characters of the page, including the page break character at the end of the page.
Javascript: Page.getNumber Gets the page's number.
Javascript: Page.getNumberInSection Gets the page number relative to the beginning of the section the page belongs to.
Javascript: Page.getSection Gets the number, one-based, of the section the page belongs to.
Javascript: Page.getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the page's first character.
Javascript: Page.getTextBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the page's text, in twips, relative to the top of the document.
Javascript: Selects the text of the page.
Javascript: PageCollection.getItem Gets the Page containing the current text input position from the collection.
Javascript: PageCollection.getItemAtTextPosition Gets the page at a certain text input position.
Javascript: Paragraph.getFormattingStyle Gets the paragraph's formatting style.
Javascript: Paragraph.getLength Gets the number of characters in the paragraph including the paragraph end character.
Javascript: Paragraph.getLines Gets the number of lines the paragraph consists of.
Javascript: Paragraph.getListNumber Gets the paragraph's list number.
Javascript: Paragraph.getListNumberText Gets the paragraph's list number text.
Javascript: Paragraph.getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the paragraph's first character.
Javascript: Paragraph.getStartLine Gets the number (one-based) of the paragraph's first line.
Javascript: Paragraph.getText Gets the paragraph's text.
Javascript: Saves the paragraph in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: Selects the paragraph.
Javascript: Paragraph.setFormattingStyle Sets the paragraph's formatting style.
Javascript: ParagraphCollection.getItem Gets a particular Paragraph from the collection.
Javascript: ParagraphCollection.getItemAtLocation Gets the Paragraph at a certain geometrical position.
Javascript: ParagraphFormat.setFrameLineColor Sets the color used for the frame lines of a paragraph.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.getFollowingStyle Gets the name of the style that the document automatically uses for the following paragraph after the user has pressed the ENTER key.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.getParagraphFormat Gets the style's paragraph attributes.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.setFollowingStyle Sets the name of the style that the document automatically uses for the following paragraph after the user has pressed the ENTER key.
Javascript: ParagraphStyleCollection.add Adds a new style to the current document.
Javascript: ParagraphStyleCollection.getItem Gets a style from the collection by the style's name.
Javascript: Section.getLength Gets the number of characters in the section.
Javascript: Section.getNumber Gets the section's number.
Javascript: Section.getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the first character in the section.
Javascript: Selects the section.
Javascript: SectionCollection.add Adds a new section at the current text input position.
Javascript: SectionCollection.addAtTextPosition Adds a new section at the specified text input position.
Javascript: SectionCollection.getItem Gets the section at the current input position or or the section in the collection with the given number.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getEmptyWidth Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the selection formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getIsDropDownArrowVisible Gets a value indicating whether a dropdown arrow is shown so that the user can select an item.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getItems Gets a list of items for the SelectionFormField.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.getSelectedIndex Gets the index of the selected item of the SelectionFormField.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setEmptyWidth Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the selection formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setIsDropDownArrowVisible Sets a value indicating whether a dropdown arrow is shown so that the user can select an item.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setItems Sets a list of items for the SelectionFormField.
Javascript: SelectionFormField.setSelectedIndex Sets the index of the selected item of the SelectionFormField.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getData Gets additional data of the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating when the subtextpart is highlighted.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getID Gets an identifier for a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getLength Gets the number of characters in a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getName Relates a user-defined name to a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getNestedLevel Gets the subtextpart's nested level.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getNumber Gets the subtextpart's number.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getOuterMostSubTextPart Gets a subtextpart's outermost subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getOuterSubTextPart Gets a subtextpart's outer subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getStart Gets the first character position (one-based) of a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.getText Gets the subtextpart's text.
Javascript: Saves the subtextpart in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: SubTextPart.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a subtextpart and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setData Sets additional data of the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating when the subtextpart is highlighted.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setID Sets an identifier for the subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPart.setName Sets the name of a subtextpart.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.add Adds a new SubTextPart to the collection.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.clear Removes all subtextparts from a Text Control document.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.getItem Gets the subtextpart at the current text input position.
Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.remove Removes a subtextpart from the collection including all its nested subtextparts.
Javascript: Table.getCanMergeCells Checks whether table cells can be merged.
Javascript: Table.getCanSplit Checks whether this table can be split.
Javascript: Table.getCanSplitCells Checks whether previously merged table cells in this table can be split.
Javascript: Table.getID Gets the table's identifier.
Javascript: Table.getNestedLevel Gets the nested level for the specified table.
Javascript: Table.getOuterMostTable Gets a table's outermost table.
Javascript: Table.getOuterTable Gets table's outer table.
Javascript: Table.mergeCells Merges all selected table cells in this table.
Javascript: Selects the complete table.
Javascript: Table.selectCells Selects the part of the table defined through two table cells.
Javascript: Table.setID Sets the table's id.
Javascript: Table.split Splits a table below or above the current input position.
Javascript: Table.splitCells Splits all selected table cells in this table.
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.getItem Gets the first table in the collection with the given id.
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.removeAtInputPosition Removes the table at the current input position.
Javascript: TableBaseCollection.removeById Removes the first table with the passed id.
Javascript: TableCell.getCellFormat Gets the formatting attributes of a table cell.
Javascript: TableCell.getColumn Gets the table cell's column number.
Javascript: TableCell.getFormula Gets the table cell's formula.
Javascript: TableCell.getLength Gets the number of characters in the table cell.
Javascript: TableCell.getName Gets the cell's name.
Javascript: TableCell.getPosition Gets, in twips, the horizontal position of the cell.
Javascript: TableCell.getRow Gets the table cell's row number.
Javascript: TableCell.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character in the table cell.
Javascript: TableCell.getText Gets the cell's text.
Javascript: TableCell.getWidth Gets, in twips, the width of the cell.
Javascript: Selects the table cell.
Javascript: TableCell.setFormula Sets the table cell's formula.
Javascript: TableCell.setName Sets the cell's name.
Javascript: TableCell.setPosition Sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the cell.
Javascript: TableCell.setText Sets the cell's text.
Javascript: TableCell.setWidth Sets, in twips, the width of the cell.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getColor Gets the cell's border color.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getTextDistance Gets the distance between the table cell's border and its text in twips.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.getWidth Gets the cell's width in twips.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setColor Sets the cell's border color.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setTextDistance Sets the distance between the table cell's border and its text in twips.
Javascript: TableCellBorder.setWidth Sets the cell's width in twips.
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getCanRemove Gets a value indicating whether table cells can be removed.
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getItem Gets the cell with the specified row and column number.
Javascript: TableCellCollection.getItemAtInputPosition Gets table's cell at the current input position.
Javascript: TableCellCollection.remove Removes the table cell at the current text input position or all selected table cells when a text selection exists.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getBackColor Gets the table cell's background color.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getNumberFormat Gets a number format for the table cell.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getTextType Gets the text type of the table cell which determines whether the cell's text is interpreted as a number or as text When the type is Text, the cell's text is interpreted as text and it is displayed as it is.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.getVerticalAlignment Gets the vertical alignment of the text in the table cell.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setBackColor Sets the table cell's background color.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setNumberFormat Sets the table cell's number format.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setTextType Sets the table cell's text type.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.setVerticalAlignment Sets the vertical alignment of the text in the table cell.
Javascript: TableCollection.add Adds a table at the current input position.
Javascript: TableCollection.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new table can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: TableCollection.getGridLines Gets a value indicating whether table's gridlines are shown or not.
Javascript: TableCollection.getItem Gets the table at the current input position or the first table in the collection with the given id.
Javascript: TableCollection.setGridLines Sets a value indicating wether table grid lines are shown or not.
Javascript: TableColumn.getCellFormat Gets the formatting attributes of a table column.
Javascript: TableColumn.getColumn Gets the number of the table column represented through this table column object.
Javascript: TableColumn.getPosition Gets, in twips, the horizontal position of the column.
Javascript: TableColumn.getWidth Gets, in twips, the width of the column.
Javascript: Selects the table column.
Javascript: TableColumn.setPosition Sets, in twips, the horizontal position of the column.
Javascript: TableColumn.setWidth Sets, in twips, the width of the column.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.add Adds a new table column at the current text input position.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new column can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getCanRemove Gets a value indicating whether the selected columns can be removed.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.getItem Gets the table column with the specified index or the column at the current input position.
Javascript: TableColumnCollection.remove Removes the table column at the current text input position or all selected columns when a text selection exists.
Javascript: TableRow.getAllowPageBreak Gets a value specifying how the table row is formatted at page breaks.
Javascript: TableRow.getCellFormat Gets the formatting attributes of a table row.
Javascript: TableRow.getIsHeader Gets a value specifying whether the table row is part of the table's header.
Javascript: TableRow.getMinimumHeight Gets the minimum height, in twips, of the table row.
Javascript: TableRow.getRow Gets the number of the table row represented through this table row object.
Javascript: Selects the table row.
Javascript: TableRow.setAllowPageBreak Sets a value specifying how the table row is formatted at page breaks.
Javascript: TableRow.setIsHeader Sets a value specifying whether the table row is part of the table's header.
Javascript: TableRow.setMinimumHeight Sets the minimum height, in twips, of the table row.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.add Adds a count of rows before or after the first or last selected row.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new row can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getCanRemove Gets a value indicating whether the selected rows can be removed.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.getItem Gets the table row at the current input position or the table row with the specified number.
Javascript: TableRowCollection.remove Removes the table row at the current text input position or all selected rows when a text selection exists.
Javascript: TextChar.getBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the character.
Javascript: TextChar.getChar Gets the value of the character.
Javascript: TextChar.getNumber Gets the character's number.
Javascript: TextCharCollection.add Inserts a character at the specified position using the specified font.
Javascript: TextCharCollection.addControlChar Inserts a control character at the specified text input position.
Javascript: TextCharCollection.getItem Gets a particular character from the collection specified through a certain geometrical position.
Javascript: TextCharCollection.remove Removes the character by number.
Javascript: TextField.getBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getContainsInputPosition Returns true, if the Textfield contains the current text input position.
Javascript: TextField.getDeleteable Gets whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextField.getDoubledInputPosition Sets whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
Javascript: TextField.getEditable Gets whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextField.getFormattingBounds Gets the formatting rectangle of a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the text field.
Javascript: TextField.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating when the text field is highlighted.
Javascript: TextField.getID Gets an identifier for a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getIsSpellCheckingEnabled Gets whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
Javascript: TextField.getLength Gets the number of characters in a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getName Relates a user-defined name to a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getStart Gets the first character position (one-based) of a text field.
Javascript: TextField.getText Gets the text which is contained within a text field.
Javascript: TextField.scrollTo Sets the current input position to the beginning of a text field and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.
Javascript: TextField.setDeleteable Sets whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextField.setDoubledInputPosition Gets whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
Javascript: TextField.setEditable Sets whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
Javascript: TextField.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the text field.
Javascript: TextField.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating when the text field is highlighted.
Javascript: TextField.setID Sets an identifier for the text field.
Javascript: TextField.setIsSpellCheckingEnabled Gets whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
Javascript: TextField.setName Sets the name of a text field.
Javascript: TextField.setText Sets the text which is contained within a text field.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.add Adds a new TextField to the collection.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.clear Removes all text fields from a Text Control document.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.getItem Gets the text field at the current text input position or the text field with the specified id.
Javascript: TextFieldCollection.remove Removes the text field from the Text Control document.
Javascript: TextFieldCollectionBase.getCanAdd Gets a value indicating whether a new text field can be inserted at the current input position.
Javascript: TextFormField.getEmptyWidth Gets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the text formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: TextFormField.setEmptyWidth Sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the text formfield, when it is empty.
Javascript: TextFrame.activate Activates the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.changeZOrder Changes the frame's z-order.
Javascript: TextFrame.getAlignment Gets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBackColor Gets the background color of the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBorderWidth Gets the width, in twips, of a text frame's border line.
Javascript: TextFrame.getBounds Gets the frame's bounding rectangle relative to the upper left corner of the document.
Javascript: TextFrame.getID Gets an identifier for the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getInsertionMode Gets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getInternalMargins Sets the distances, in twips, between the text frame's border line and the text.
Javascript: TextFrame.getLocation Gets, in twips, the frame's current location.
Javascript: TextFrame.getMoveable Gets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrame.getName Gets the name for the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.getSize Gets the frame's size in twips.
Javascript: TextFrame.getSizeable Gets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrame.getTextDistances Gets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
Javascript: TextFrame.getTextPosition Gets the frame's character position in the document's text (one-based).
Javascript: TextFrame.getTransparency Gets the text frame's transparency.
Javascript: TextFrame.setAlignment Sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
Javascript: TextFrame.setBackColor Sets the background color for the text frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setBorderWidth Sets the width, in twips, of a text frame's border line.
Javascript: TextFrame.setID Sets an identifier for the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setInsertionMode Sets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setInternalMargins Sets the distances, in twips, between the text frame's border line and the text.
Javascript: TextFrame.setLocation Sets, in twips, the frame's current location.
Javascript: TextFrame.setMoveable Sets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrame.setName Sets a name for the frame.
Javascript: TextFrame.setSize Sets the frame's size in twips.
Javascript: TextFrame.setSizeable Sets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrame.setTextDistances Sets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
Javascript: TextFrame.setTransparency Sets the text frame's transparency.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAnchored Creates and inserts a new text frame which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAnchoredAtLocation Inserts a new text frame which is anchored to the specified text position.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAtFixedPositionInDocument Creates and inserts a new text frame which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addAtFixedPositionOnPage Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addInline Inserts a text frame inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.addWithMouse Inserts a text frame with the built-in mouse interface.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.getItem Gets the text frame selected by the user or the text frame with the specified identifier.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.getItemByName Gets the text frame with the specified name.
Javascript: TextFrameCollection.remove Removes a text frame from a Text Control document.
Javascript: TextPartCollection.activate Sets the input focus to the specified text part.
Javascript: TextPartCollection.getItem Gets the text part with the input focus.
Javascript: TextPartCollection.getMainText Gets the main text part of the document.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getActiveFormFieldColor Gets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getDarkShadowColor Gets the display color for the shadow at the right and the bottom edge of the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getDesktopColor Gets the display color for the area around the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getFormFieldColor Gets the default highlight color of form fields.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getHeaderFooterLabelColor Gets the display color for the label showing which header or footer is activated.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getHeaderFooterLineColor Gets the display color for the dividing line between headers and footers and the main text.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.getLightShadowColor Gets the display color for the shadow at the left and the top edge of the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetDarkShadowColor Resets the text control's DarkShadowColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetDesktopColor Resets the text control's DesktopColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetHeaderFooterLabelColor Resets the text control's HeaderFooterLabelColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetHeaderFooterLineColor Resets the text control's HeaderFooterLineColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.resetLightShadowColor Resets the text control's LightShadowColor to its system dependent default value.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setActiveFormFieldColor Sets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setDarkShadowColor Sets the display color for the shadow at the right and the bottom edge of the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setDesktopColor Sets the display color for the area around the pages.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setFormFieldColor Sets the default highlight color of a form field.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setHeaderFooterLabelColor Sets the display color for the label showing which header or footer is activated.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setHeaderFooterLineColor Sets the display color for the dividing line between headers and footers and the main text.
Javascript: TextViewGeneratorColors.setLightShadowColor Sets the display color for the shadow at the left and the top edge of the pages.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getActive Gets a value specifying whether the TrackedChange is currently active or not.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getChangeKind Gets the kind of change.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getChangeTime Gets the date and time when the change has been made.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getHighlightColor Gets the highlight color for the tracked change.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getHighlightMode Gets a value indicating whether the tracked change is highlighted.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getLength Gets the number of changed characters.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getNumber Gets the change's number.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first changed character.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getText Gets the changed text.
Javascript: TrackedChange.getUserName Gets the name of the user who has done the change.
Javascript: Saves the tracked change in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: TrackedChange.setActive Sets a value specifying whether the TrackedChange is currently active or not.
Javascript: TrackedChange.setHighlightColor Sets the highlight color for the tracked change.
Javascript: TrackedChange.setHighlightMode Sets a value indicating whether the tracked change is highlighted.
Javascript: TrackedChangeCollection.getItem Gets the change at the current text input position or the next or the previous change in the textflow.
Javascript: TrackedChangeCollection.remove Removes a tracked change from the collection.
Javascript: TXTextControl.addEventListener The addEventListener function registers event listener functions on the TXTextControl object.
Javascript: TXTextControl.clear Clears the selected text or the character right from the current input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.clearUndo Clears the undo buffer.
Javascript: TXTextControl.focus Sets the text input focus to the web editor.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getActivationState Gets a value indicating the current activation state.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getAllowUndo Gets a value indicating whether the undo buffer is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getBackColor Gets the Text Control's background color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getBaseline Gets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the Text Control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanCharacterFormat Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with character formatting attributes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanCopy Informs whether a part of a Text Control document has been selected and can be copied to the clipboard.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanDocumentFormat Informs whether the document can be formatted with page and section formatting attributes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanPaste Informs whether the document's text and/or formatting attributes can be changed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanPrint Informs whether the document can be printed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanRedo Informs whether an operation can be re-done using the Redo method.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanStyleFormat Informs whether the document can be formatted with formatting styles.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanTableFormat Informs whether the currently selected text can be formatted with table formatting attributes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getCanUndo Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous operation in a Text Control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getControlChars Gets whether the control characters are visible or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getDocumentTargetMarkers Gets a value indicating that markers for hypertext targets are shown or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getDrawingMarkerLines Gets whether a marker frame is shown around a drawing to indicate its position and size.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getEditMode Gets a value indicating whether the document's text is protected, or can be freely edited and formatted.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFontUnderlineStyle Gets underlining style for the text displayed by the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getForeColor Gets the foreground color of the control which is the color of the document's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getFormulaReferenceStyle Gets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsFormulaCalculationEnabled Gets a value indicating whether formulas in tables are automatically calculated when the text of an input cell is changed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsHyphenationEnabled Gets a value indicating whether hyphenation is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsLanguageDetectionEnabled Gets a value indicating whether language detection is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsSpellCheckingEnabled Gets a value indicating whether spell checking is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getIsTrackChangesEnabled Gets a value indicating whether track changes is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getLandscape Gets a value indicating whether the page orientation is landscape.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPageCount Gets the number of pages contained in the current document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPageUnit Gets the measure used for page sizes and page margins.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getPermanentControlChars Gets a value indicating which control characters are shown permanently on the screen.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getRedoActionName Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the redo method is made.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSelectObjects Gets a value controlling the selection of objects which are inserted behind the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSupportedFonts Gets an array of strings specifying the names of all currently supported fonts.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getSupportedPaperSizes Gets an array of PaperSize structures specifying the names and the size of all currently supported paper sizes.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getText Gets the control's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextBackColor Gets the background color for the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getTextFrameMarkerLines Gets whether text frames that have no border line are shown with marker lines.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getUndoActionName Gets a string that represents the name of the action that will be performed when a call to the undo method is made.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getUserNames Gets a list of names specifying users who have access to editable regions.
Javascript: TXTextControl.getViewMode Gets the mode how Text Control displays a document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.load Loads text in a certain format.
Javascript: TXTextControl.redo Redoes the last Text Control operation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.removeEventListener The removeListener function removes the specified event listener from the TXTextControl object.
Javascript: TXTextControl.resetContents Deletes the entire contents of the control.
Javascript: Saves the current document in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
Javascript: Selects text within the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.selectAll Selects all text in the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.selectWord Selects the word at the current text input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setActivationState Sets a value indicating the current activation state.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setAllowUndo Sets a value indicating whether the undo buffer is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setBackColor Sets the Text Control's background color.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setBaseline Sets the baseline alignment, in twips, of the Text Control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setControlChars Sets whether the control characters are visible or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setDocumentTargetMarkers Sets a value indicating that markers for hypertext targets are shown or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setDrawingMarkerLines Sets whether a marker frame is shown around a drawing to indicate its position and size.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setEditMode Sets a value indicating whether the document's text is protected, or can be freely edited and formatted.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFontUnderlineStyle Sets underlining style for the text displayed by the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setForeColor Sets the foreground color of the control which is the color of the document's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setFormulaReferenceStyle Sets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsFormulaCalculationEnabled Sets a value indicating whether formulas in tables are automatically calculated when the text of an input cell is changed.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsHyphenationEnabled Sets a value indicating whether hyphenation is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsLanguageDetectionEnabled Sets a value indicating whether language detection is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsSpellCheckingEnabled Sets a value indicating whether spell checking is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setIsTrackChangesEnabled Sets a value indicating whether track changes is active or not.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setLandscape Sets a value indicating whether the page orientation is landscape.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setPageUnit Sets the measure used for page sizes and page margins.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setPermanentControlChars Sets a value indicating which control characters are shown permanently on the screen.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setSelectObjects Sets a value controlling the selection of objects which are inserted behind the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setText Sets the control's text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setTextBackColor Sets the background color for the text.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setTextFrameMarkerLines Sets whether text frames that have no border line are shown with marker lines.
Javascript: TXTextControl.setViewMode Sets the mode how Text Control displays a document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showHorizontalRuler Shows or hides the web editor's horizontal ruler bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showRibbonBar Shows or hides the ribbon bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showStatusBar Shows or hides the web editor's status bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.showVerticalRuler Shows or hides the web editor's vertical ruler bar.
Javascript: TXTextControl.undo Undoes the last Text Control operation.
Javascript: TXTextControl.zoom Zooms the contents of the TextControl.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Copy Returns a copy of this ConditionalInstruction object.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Add Inserts an instance of the class ConditionalInstruction to the collection and the document.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Clear Removes all conditional instructions from the collection and the document.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetItem Gets that ConditionalInstruction element from the collection, where the Name property value equals the specified name.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.GetItems Gets those ConditionalInstruction elements from the collection, where at least one Condition or Instruction element references the specified FormField.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.IsValueValid Returns a value indicating whether the value of a specific form field is marked as valid.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Remove Removes that ConditionalInstruction element from the collection and the document, where the Name property value equals the specified name.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.GetItems Gets all document targets at the current text input position.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Add Inserts the specified form field at the current input position.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Clear Removes all form fields from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.CopyTo Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.GetItem Gets a particular form field from the collection.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Remove Removes the specified form field from a Text Control document.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentTargetCreated Raises the DocumentTargetCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnDocumentTargetDeleted Raises the DocumentTargetDeleted event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTextFieldCreated Raises the TextFieldCreated event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.OnTextFieldDeleted Raises the TextFieldDeleted event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.Colors.ResetActiveFormFieldColor Resets the text control's ActiveFormFieldColor to its default value.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.Colors.ResetFormFieldColor Resets the text control's FormFieldColor to its default value.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnDrawCombobox Raises the DrawCombobox event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnDrawDateControl Raises the DrawDateControl event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFormFieldCheckChanged Raises the FormFieldCheckChanged event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFormFieldDateChanged Raises the FormFieldDateChanged event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFormFieldSelectionChanged Raises the FormFieldSelectionChanged event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnFormFieldTextChanged Raises the FormFieldTextChanged event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnRemoveCombobox Raises the RemoveCombobox event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.OnRemoveDateControl Raises the RemoveDateControl event.


Property Description
Javascript: BarcodeEventArgs.barcodeFrame Information about the barcode's frame.
Javascript: BarcodeFrame.barcode The barcode control associated with the barcode frame.
Javascript: ChartEventArgs.chartFrame Information about the chart's frame.
Javascript: Distances.bottom The bottom distance in twips.
Javascript: Distances.left The left distance in twips.
Javascript: Distances.right The right distance in twips.
Javascript: The top distance in twips.
Javascript: Information about the document target the link points to.
Javascript: DocumentTargetInfo.targetName The name of the document target.
Javascript: DrawingEventArgs.drawingFrame Information about the drawing frame.
Javascript: The editable region's identifier.
Javascript: EditableRegionEventArgs.length The number of characters which belong to the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegionEventArgs.start The index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the editable region.
Javascript: EditableRegionEventArgs.userName the name of the user who can edit the region.
Javascript: FormattedText.applicationFields Gets a collection of all Microsoft Word fields that have been created or imported from a Microsoft Word or RTF document.
Javascript: FormattedText.documentLinks Gets a collection of all links which point to targets in the same document.
Javascript: FormattedText.documentTargets Gets a collection of all document targets.
Javascript: FormattedText.editableRegions Gets a collection of all editable regions.
Javascript: FormattedText.frames Gets a collection of all frames in the document.
Javascript: FormattedText.hypertextLinks Gets a collection of all hypertext links.
Javascript: FormattedText.lines Gets a collection of all text lines.
Javascript: FormattedText.misspelledWords Gets a collection of all misspelled words.
Javascript: FormattedText.paragraphs Gets a collection of all paragraphs.
Javascript: FormattedText.selection Gets the current selection.
Javascript: FormattedText.subTextParts Gets the current subtextparts.
Javascript: FormattedText.tables Gets a collection of all tables.
Javascript: FormattedText.textChars Gets a collection of all text characters.
Javascript: FormattedText.textFields Gets a collection of all standard text fields.
Javascript: FormattedText.textPartType Gets the Text part type.
Javascript: FormattedText.trackedChanges Gets a collection of all tracked changes.
Javascript: FrameEventArgs.frame Information about the frame.
Javascript: The frame's identifier.
Javascript: FrameInfo.location The frame's location in twips.
Javascript: The frame's name.
Javascript: FrameInfo.textPosition The frame's character position in the document's text (one-based).
Javascript: HeaderFooterEventArgs.connectedToPrevious Specifies whether the header or footer is connected to previous section.
Javascript: HeaderFooterEventArgs.distance The distance, in twips, of a header or footer to the top or bottom of the page.
Javascript: HeaderFooterEventArgs.type The type of the header or footer.
Javascript: The link target.
Javascript: HypertextLinkEventArgs.hypertextLink Information about the hypertext link.
Javascript: HyphenateWordEventArgs.dividePos The position at which the word should be divided.
Javascript: HyphenateWordEventArgs.maxDividePos The maximum dividing position.
Javascript: HyphenateWordEventArgs.word The word to hyphenate.
Javascript: ImageEventArgs.image The image's information.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.isDuplicate A value which marks the misspelled word as duplicate.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.isIgnored A value which marks the misspelled word as ignored.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.length The length of the misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.number The number of the misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.start The starting position of the misspelled word.
Javascript: MisspelledWordInfo.text The text of the misspelled word.
Javascript: Paragraph.format The paragraph's formatting attributes.
Javascript: Paragraph.listFormat The paragraph's bulleted or numbered list and/or its formatting attributes.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.listFormat The paragraph style's bulleted or numbered list and/or its formatting attributes.
Javascript: ParagraphStyle.paragraphFormat The paragraph style's paragraph attributes.
Javascript: PropertyChangedEventArgs.newValue The new value of the changed property.
Javascript: Section.format The section's formatting attributes.
Javascript: Section.headersAndFooters The section's headers and footers.
Javascript: SpellCheckTextEventArgs.misspelledWords An array of misspelled words.
Javascript: SpellCheckTextEventArgs.text The text to check.
Javascript: Table.cells The collection of all table cells the table consists of.
Javascript: Table.columns Gets a collection of all columns the table consists of.
Javascript: Table.nestedTables Gets a collection of all tables nested in this table.
Javascript: Table.rows Gets a collection of all rows the table consists of.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.bottomBorder The cell's bottom border.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.leftBorder The cell's left border.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.rightBorder The cell's right border.
Javascript: TableCellFormat.topBorder The cell's top border.
Javascript: TableEventArgs.table The table's information.
Javascript: The table's id.
Javascript: TableInfo.nestedLevel The table's nesting level.
Javascript: TextFrameEventArgs.textFrame The text frame's information.
Javascript: TrackedChangeEventArgs.trackedChange The tracked change's information.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.changeKind The tracked change's kind.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.changeTime The tracked change's time.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.highlightColor The tracked change's highlighting color.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.highlightMode The tracked change's highlighting mode.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.length The tracked change's length.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.number The tracked change's number.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.start The tracked change's starting position.
Javascript: TrackedChangeInfo.userName The tracked change's user name.
Javascript: TXTextControl.barcodes Gets a collection of all barcode frames contained in the text part with the input focus.
Javascript: TXTextControl.barcodeTypeSettings The type specific settings for the currently used barcode.
Javascript: TXTextControl.displayColors The displayed colors of the text control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.headersAndFooters Gets a collection of all headers and footers in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.inlineStyles Gets a collection of all inline styles the current document contains.
Javascript: TXTextControl.inputFormat All formatting attributes at the current text input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.inputPosition The current text input position.
Javascript: TXTextControl.listFormat The type and the formatting attributes of a bulleted or numbered list.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.addParagraph Specifies whether or not a new paragraph is created before text is loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.applicationFieldFormat Specifies the format of text fields which are imported.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.applicationFieldTypeNames Specifies an array of strings containing the type names of fields which are to be imported.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.documentAccessPermissions Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.documentBasePath Sets a file path that is used to search for resources like images or hypertext links.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.documentPartName SpreadsheetML only.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.imageSearchPath Sets a file path that is used to search for resources like images or hypertext links.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.loadDocumentBackColor Specifies whether or not the document background color is loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.loadHypertextLinks Specifies whether or not hypertext links are loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.loadImages Specifies whether or not images are loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.loadSubTextParts DOCX Format only: Specifies whether or not bookmarks which extend over several characters are converted to SubTextParts.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.masterPassword Specifies the password when the document is restricted with access permissions.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.PDFImportSettings Specifies how the document structure is generated when a PDF document is imported.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.reportingMergeBlockFormat Specifies how reporting merge blocks are handled when a document is loaded.
Javascript: TXTextControl.LoadSettings.userPassword Specifies the password for the user to open a password protected document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.pageMargins The margins for the pages of the current document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.pages Gets a collection of all pages in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.pageSize The width and height of the pages for the current document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.paragraphFormat The paragraph formatting attributes of the text displayed by the control.
Javascript: TXTextControl.paragraphStyles All paragraph formatting styles in the current document.
Javascript: The document's author which will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.creationDate The document's creation date which will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.creatorApplication The application, which has created the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.cssSaveMode HTML only.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentAccessPermissions Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been opened.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentKeywords Sets the document's keywords which will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentLevelJavaScriptActions Specifies an array of strings containing Javascript.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentSubject Sets the document's subject string which will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.documentTitle Sets the document's title that will be saved in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.imageCompressionQuality Sets a value between 1 and 100, which is the quality of a lossy image compression used when a document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.imageExportFilterIndex Sets the format used for saving all images contained in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.imageMaxResolution Sets the maximum resolution for all images in the document in dots per inch when the document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.lastModificationDate Sets the date the document is last modified.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.masterPassword Specifies a password for the document's access permissions.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.omittedContent Specifies data to be omitted when the document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.reportingMergeBlockFormat Specifies how reporting merge blocks are handled when a document is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.saveDocumentBackColor Specifies whether or not the document background color is saved.
Javascript: TXTextControl.SaveSettings.userPassword Specifies the password for the user when the document is reopened.
Javascript: TXTextControl.sections Gets a collection of all sections in the document.
Javascript: TXTextControl.textParts Gets a collection of all main text parts the current document contains.
TXTextControl.ApplicationFieldCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.Checked Gets or set a value indicating whether the checkbox is in the checked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.CheckedCharacter Gets or sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the checked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.SupportedCheckedCharacters Gets possible characters which can be used to display the checkbox in the checked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.SupportedUncheckedCharacters Gets possible characters which can be used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormField.UncheckedCharacter Gets or sets the character which is used to display the checkbox in the unchecked state.
TXTextControl.CheckFormFieldEventArgs.CheckFormField Gets an object representing the CheckFormField that causes the event.
TXTextControl.Condition.ComparisonOperator Gets the operator that is used to compare the condition's form field value with the specified comparison value.
TXTextControl.Condition.ComparisonValue Gets the value that is compared with the condition's form field value.
TXTextControl.Condition.ComparisonValueType Gets a value of type ComparisonValueTypes that determines how the condition's comparison value is interpreted.
TXTextControl.Condition.FormField Gets the FormField whose property value is to be compared with the condition's comparison value.
TXTextControl.Condition.LogicalConnective Gets or sets a value of type Condition.LogicalConnectives that describes how the condition is related to the previous condition inside the corresponding ConditionalInstruction.Conditions array.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Conditions Gets or sets an array of conditions, that represent the requirements that has to be fulfilled to execute the specified instructions.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Instructions Gets or sets an array of instructions that are executed when the specified conditions are fulfilled.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction.Name Gets or sets a name of the conditional instruction.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.ConditionalInstructionNames Gets the names of all ConditionalInstruction elements that are listed inside the collection.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection.Count Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.Date Gets or sets the DateFormField's date.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.DateFormat Gets or sets the date's format.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.EmptyWidth Gets or sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the DateFormField, when a date is not set.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.IsDateControlVisible Gets or sets a value indicating wheather a date control is shown below the DateFormField so that the user can select a date.
TXTextControl.DateFormField.SupportedDateFormats Gets an array of format picture strings which can be used to format the date.
TXTextControl.DateFormFieldEventArgs.DateFormField Gets an object representing the DateFormField that causes the event.
TXTextControl.DocumentLinkCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentPermissions.AllowEditingFormFields Specifies whether form fields can be edited.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetEventArgs.DocumentTarget Gets an object that represents the document target which causes the event.
TXTextControl.FormField.Enabled Gets or set a value indicating whether the form field is enabled.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.ConditionalInstructions Gets a collection of all conditional instructions that references to the form fields of the collection.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection.Item Gets the form field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields contained in a header or footer.
TXTextControl.HypertextLinkCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields in the text part.
TXTextControl.Instruction.ElseInstructionValue Gets the value that is set by the specified action when the defined requirements of the ConditionalInstruction.Conditions array are not fulfilled and the Instruction.IsElseInstructionEnabled property is set to true.
TXTextControl.Instruction.FormField Gets the FormField to which the specified action is executed.
TXTextControl.Instruction.InstructionType Gets the type of action to execute.
TXTextControl.Instruction.InstructionValue Gets the value that is set by the specified action when the defined requirements of the ConditionalInstruction.Conditions array are fulfilled.
TXTextControl.Instruction.IsElseInstructionEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Instruction allows to execute else instructions.
TXTextControl.Instruction.IsFormFieldChangeInstruction Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Instruction listens to value changes of the related conditions' form fields.
TXTextControl.Instruction.IsInitialInstruction Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Instruction is handled when the document is initialized as a form.
TXTextControl.PageNumberFieldCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField.EmptyWidth Gets or sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the SelectionFormField, when there is no selected item.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField.IsDropDownArrowVisible Gets or sets a value indicating wheather a dropdown arrow is shown so that the user can select an item.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField.Items Gets or sets a list of items for the SelectionFormField.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField.SelectedIndex Gets or sets the index of the selected item of the SelectionFormField.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormFieldEventArgs.SelectionFormField Gets an object representing the SelectionFormField that causes the event.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields contained in the document.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawComboboxEventArgs.Bold Returns true, when the font of the combobox should be bold.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawComboboxEventArgs.FontName Returns the name of the font that should be used to display the items of the combobox.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawComboboxEventArgs.FontSize Returns the pointsize (EM size), in pixels, of the combobox's font.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawComboboxEventArgs.Italic Returns true, when the font of the combobox should be italic.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawComboboxEventArgs.Location Gets the location of the combobox's text, in pixels.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawComboboxEventArgs.SelectionFormField Gets the SelectionFormField for which the combobox is displayed.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawComboboxEventArgs.Size Gets the size of the combobox's text, in pixels.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawDateControlEventArgs.DateFormField Gets the DateFormField for which the date control is displayed.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawDateControlEventArgs.Location Gets the location where to place the date control, in pixels.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.CanEditFormFields Informs whether form fields can be edited.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.Colors.ActiveFormFieldColor Gets or sets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.Colors.FormFieldColor Gets or sets the highlight color of a form field.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.DialogUnit Gets or sets a value indicating the measuring unit used for sizes and distances in dialogboxes.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.IsFormFieldValidationEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether Conditional Instructions are applied to form fields when the EditMode property is set to EditMode.ReadAndSelect and TextViewGenerator.DocumentPermissions.ReadOnly to true.
TXTextControl.TextFieldCollection.Item Gets the field with the specified number from the collection.
TXTextControl.TextFormField.EmptyWidth Gets or sets the horizontal extension, in twips, of the form field, when it is empty.
TXTextControl.TextFormFieldEventArgs.TextFormField Gets an object representing the TextFormField that causes the event.
TXTextControl.TextFrame.FormFields Gets a collection of all form fields contained in a text frame.


Class Description
TXTextControl.CheckFormField The CheckFormField class represents a checkbox in a document.
TXTextControl.CheckFormFieldEventArgs The CheckFormFieldEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.FormFieldCheckChanged event.
TXTextControl.Condition An object of the Condition class is an element of the ConditionalInstruction class and represents the state of a FormField that has to be fulfilled to execute the instructions of the related ConditionalInstruction object.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstruction An object of the ConditionalInstruction class represents a list of form field related instructions that are executed when specific requirements, represented by an array of conditions, are fulfilled.
TXTextControl.ConditionalInstructionCollection An instance of the ConditionalInstructionCollection class contains all conditional instructions in a Text Control document or part of the document represented through objects of type ConditionalInstruction.
TXTextControl.DateFormField An object of the DateFormField class represents a date field on a form.
TXTextControl.DateFormFieldEventArgs The DateFormFieldEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.FormFieldDateChanged event.
TXTextControl.DocumentTargetEventArgs The DocumentTargetEventArgs class provides data for the DocumentTargetCreated and DocumentTargetDeleted events.
TXTextControl.FormField The FormField class is the base class of all form fields.
TXTextControl.FormFieldCollection An instance of the FormFieldCollection class contains all form fields in a Text Control document represented through objects of the types TextFormField, CheckFormField and SelectionFormField.
TXTextControl.Instruction An object of the Instruction class is an element of the ConditionalInstruction class and represents actions that are execute´d when the corresponding conditions are fulfilled.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormField An object of the SelectionFormField class represents a combobox or a drop-down list on a form.
TXTextControl.SelectionFormFieldEventArgs The SelectionFormFieldEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.FormFieldSelectionChanged event.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawComboboxEventArgs The DrawComboboxEventArgs class contains information necessary to draw a combobox so that an end-user can select an item for a SelectionFormField.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.DrawDateControlEventArgs The DrawDateControlEventArgs class contains information necessary to draw a date control so that an end-user can select a date for a DateFormField.
TXTextControl.TextFormField An object of the TextFormField class represents a text input field on a form.
TXTextControl.TextFormFieldEventArgs The TextFormFieldEventArgs class provides data for the TextControl.FormFieldTextChanged event.


Event Description
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentTargetCreated Occurs when a document target has been created.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.DocumentTargetDeleted Occurs when a document target has been deleted.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TextFieldCreated Occurs when a text field has been created.
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TextFieldDeleted Occurs when a text field has been deleted.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.DrawCombobox Occurs when a combobox for a SelectionFormField must be drawn.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.DrawDateControl Occurs when a date control for a DateFormField must be drawn.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.FormFieldCheckChanged Occurs when the checkmark of a CheckFormField has been changed from checked to unchecked or vice versa.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.FormFieldDateChanged Occurs when the date of a DateFormField has been changed.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.FormFieldSelectionChanged Occurs when the selected item of a SelectionFormField has been changed.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.FormFieldTextChanged Occurs when the text of a TextFormField has been changed.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.RemoveCombobox Occurs when a combobox for a SelectionFormField must be removed.
TXTextControl.ServerVisualization.TextViewGenerator.RemoveDateControl Occurs when the date control of a DateFormField must be removed.